I Can Finally Change My Signature Pic: 2-Year Growth Update

Wow! You have my dream hair! thanks for sharing your update--the good and the bad--very informative and inspirational!
Congrats!! Your hair has grown a lot! Keep up the good job! I too rejected a lot of lhcf techniques which I now regret. Lesson learned.
Your hair has made a complete turnaround virtuenow , Congratulations!! It looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing your complete story and all the pics. That is what makes LHCF such a gold mine. What are your main tips for finger detangling? I've been going back and forth on it....mainly returning to my Tek or Denman brush due to lack of patience. Apologies if you've already posted and I missed it. TIA!
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This is a wonderful testimonial! Your hair is crush worthy! Very impressive.

Go on an get it Chica! ;)
Wow!! Congratulations and well done for sticking to a routine long enough to see good progress. I have a question, did you trim or cut off the damaged ends? Sorry if you answered that question already on the Komaza thread, I was following the thread at the beginning, but it has grown so long, that I couldn't keep up. Your hair looks gorgeous.

ETA: is there another thread different to the one you linked in your OP? I could have sworn there was one with a lot more posts.
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Thats some BIG beautiful hair you got there! :)

I just started finger detangling with coconut oil before washing and I have wondered if I am doing the right thing. After I DC, I don't have time to comb out all the tangles. I have quite a bit of texture. So I just m&s and twist my damp hair up in 2 flat twists. I've been wearing wigs for about 3-4 months straight now. My hair seems to be thickening up nicely. I will keep it up after reading your story.

P.S. Yes to the finger detangling challenge!

I LOVE this HHJ!!

Can we get a step-by-step of your routine? You mentioned some of it, but it would be awesome to know exactly how long your use your products, if you sit under a dryer, steamer, etc.


spacetygrss Thank you, in addition to what I mentioned, I also wash in twists. I dilute my shampoo (Shea Moisture Retention shampoo) in a long nozzle color applicator bottle. I focus on scalp washing. The rest of my hair gets washed from the DC & shampoo run off. After rinsing, I immediately do a castor oil rinse. I apply it (just a couple of very small drops) and rinse it right off, no wait time. It seals in the moisture from the DC and adds another level of moisture. I never use a steamer or dryer, not even for my flexi-rod sets. I used the dryer to DC for years w/no progress. But when I started using Ao gpb, it penetrated so deeply, I don't even need heat.

After washing, I put globs of my leave in shea lotion. Then I seal w/my hair butter/oil. Right now while its still wet, I loosley retwist my whole head, in sections (no parting, no comb), and put a flexi rod on (3-4 twists per rod). These are medium sized twists. Then I sleep w/the rods on, and take out in morning & untwist.

If I'm not doing a flexi set-- I always twist my hair after washing. Usually after a couple hours on damp hair- so I can get a good stretch. My wet twists shrink too much!

Daily: I moisturize and seal by doing the LCO method. I spritz w/Komaza Moisture Spray (in my hand, just a little bit, then apply to hair), apply a little Komaza Shea Lotion, then seal it all in w/a tiny bit of the Jojoba Hemp oil. If its in a flexi set, I pineapple at night.

Wow, your hair is so thick and beautiful virtuenow! How often do you co-wash or deep condition? How often do you trim?

BrownSkin2 Hi there & thanks. For the longest I was doing once a week. Now that its gotten longer, I do every two weeks. I DC everytime I wash. Its kind of a "deep-cowash"- lo-poo hybrid wash...very unique & tailored to me. I trim as needed. I guess about 4x per year-- very, very lightly-- like 1/8inch at a time, lol.

Wow!! Congratulations and well done for sticking to a routine long enough to see good progress. I have a question, did you trim or cut off the damaged ends? Sorry if you answered that question already on the Komaza thread, I was following the thread at the beginning, but it has grown so long, that I couldn't keep up. Your hair looks gorgeous.

ETA: is there another thread different to the one you linked in your OP? I could have sworn there was one with a lot more posts.

ajoke thank ya' kindly :), there's that thread and you may be thinking of the regular Komaza Analysis thread. I posted there also. But in the linked thread, I talk about the big trim I did. Thats why my hair is so short in those first pics. I cut off all of the damage. I cut 6-10 inches (I think) of thin wispy hair. Its in my first or second post.
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Thanks for my first piece of hair porn for 2015. Absolutely Gorgeous!!!

trclemons woah, thank you, never thought I'd be hair porn :spinning: Just trying to do it like my big sis'!

Oh wow! I remember your original Komaza post! U turned many of us on to Komaza. I'm so glad your hair has flourished. You put in the work, Congrats!

I remember how sad you were about your Komaza report. So happy you fully rebounded. Your hair looks amazing and congrats on MBL! virtuenow

MissMusic Froreal3 Komaza really was a blessing for those of us that were lost in this hair game, right??! Thought I was MBL, thank you for the kind words sis :yep:

virtuenow, don't you want to start a finger detangling challenge:look:
After reading your update, i cleared my bathroom of all combs and brushes and it is 01:29 a.m over here in Uk:nono:

g.lo Hmmm, I never thought of that. Girl, there would be so many dropouts! Lol. I'm being cynnical-- but those that stick to it will really be the winners :yep:


I LOVE IT! You're one of my hair crushes and by golly you definitely didn't disappoint. I sure hope I can achieve this one day.

EnExitStageLeft I'm touched, thank you sis *tears*. Congrats on your big chop, I know you will see great lengths!

Your hair has made a complete turnaround virtuenow , Congratulations!! It looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing your complete story and all the pics. That is what makes LHCF such a gold mine. What are your main tips for finger detangling? I've been going back and forth on it....mainly returning to my Tek or Denman brush due to lack of patience. Apologies if you've already posted and I missed it. TIA!

caliscurls thank you, just trying to do it like my big lhcf sisters before me! I really have to do a separate thread on finger detangling. I don't want to bury it in the thread since its alot of requests. But I still also plan on doing a detangling video. It's gonna be hard to explain w/o demonstrating. I don't do it quite like anyone I've seen yet-- but rather a combination of techniques.

Thats some BIG beautiful hair you got there! :)

I just started finger detangling with coconut oil before washing and I have wondered if I am doing the right thing. After I DC, I don't have time to comb out all the tangles. I have quite a bit of texture. So I just m&s and twist my damp hair up in 2 flat twists. I've been wearing wigs for about 3-4 months straight now. My hair seems to be thickening up nicely. I will keep it up after reading your story.

P.S. Yes to the finger detangling challenge!

I LOVE this HHJ!!

mshoneyfly aw, thank you! That sounds about right. I don't do anything twice. I don't condition after I rinse out the deep conditioner, I don't shampoo twice, and I don't detangle twice. I finally learned that my hair doesn't respond well to that much manipulation. It's unnecessary and then becomes overmanipulation. I love this HHJ too, HHG, sis!
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Hello Ladies, my two-year growth update is overdue (4b/c) :spank:. I have consistently been on the Komaza plan regimen for 2-years! See this thread for my background & previous updates: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=675865

So when you read that thread, know my routine has not changed. AO Gpb and castor oil rinses are my babies :lick:. After much contemplation, I incorporated finger detangling last September. It was the final thing that helped me to break through my growth plateau (always stuck at SL-APL but thin/broken). I have not seen a comb since then. I know I said I would do a finger detangle thread, but first I had to see if it would work! Now I can safely say yes, it works, and its doable. Three years ago (2010-2011) my hair was oddly thin and broken down to about an inch in the crown. Regular heat usage, combs, and lack of protein were the culprits. So happy to finally replace my signature.

The signature pic is from 2009. My hair got there by accident (after a long stint w/microbraids), and broke off right after the pic b/c I didn't know how to take care of it. I rejected alot of advice and techniques on Lhcf (like co-wash, lo-poo, protective styling), which was a mistake, but I have definitely learned from it.

Quick regimen: Now I DC on dry hair/water spritzed hair w/ AO gpb, finger detangle while its soaked in DC, lo-poo my roots w/diluted shampoo in an applicator bottle, and finish everything off w/an oil rinse w/castor oil. I slather on my leave in (Komaza Shea Butter Lotion), seal w/Komaza Jojoba Hemp butter then style. I also DC w/Komaza Protein Strengthener once per month or so.

I am now retiring the side-ways signature pic, whew, its been a long time coming. Please excuse the bum pic, I'll try and crop or something when I figure out how. But I wanted to show you all my FIRST OFFICIAL LENGTH CHECK. I have never been able to reach my hair to pull it down b/c of the shrinkage! Now its long enough.

You are so inspiring. You and your hair are breathtaking. :spinning: :drunk: :love:
virtuenow, Congratulations on your progress, but more so on not giving up in sheer frustration. The funny thing is I was reading a post of yours in another thread and wondering how much progress you made. Then I saw this thread tonight and had my question answered. Thanks for sharing your story--it has helped and will continue to help a lot of people who are struggling and thinking about quitting this HHJ.
congrats virtuenow! Now that's what I'm talking about. Simply beautiful progress and you've shown what we can do when we just stick with it!

I saw this post last month and was inspired! I'd heard of the Komaza Hair Analysis for years (here on LHCF), but I always thought it was too expensive for me and I was going back and forth between being relaxed to transitioning to relaxed...etc. :ohwell: After seeing your update, I went back and read through all of the other posts on the analysis from others like coyacoy and faithVA.

My last relaxer was 09/2012, so, I am about 2.5 years natural now. My hair is "decent" (I think) but it isn't showing the length progression I was hoping for. I'm also consistently seeing damaged shed hairs.

I splurged and purchased the analysis yesterday and I plan to send in my samples tomorrow. If it's ok, I'll post my progress/updates here to share.

Thanks for being an inspiration (and for your discount code!). :yep:

that is great news! :yep: do keep us posted! hope you find the analysis as helpful as I did :drunk:


I saw this post last month and was inspired! I'd heard of the Komaza Hair Analysis for years (here on LHCF), but I always thought it was too expensive for me and I was going back and forth between being relaxed to transitioning to relaxed...etc. :ohwell: After seeing your update, I went back and read through all of the other posts on the analysis from others like coyacoy and faithVA.

My last relaxer was 09/2012, so, I am about 2.5 years natural now. My hair is "decent" (I think) but it isn't showing the length progression I was hoping for. I'm also consistently seeing damaged shed hairs.

I splurged and purchased the analysis yesterday and I plan to send in my samples tomorrow. If it's ok, I'll post my progress/updates here to share.

Thanks for being an inspiration (and for your discount code!). :yep:
virtuenow I saw this post last month and was inspired! I'd heard of the Komaza Hair Analysis for years (here on LHCF), but I always thought it was too expensive for me and I was going back and forth between being relaxed to transitioning to relaxed...etc. :ohwell: After seeing your update, I went back and read through all of the other posts on the analysis from others like coyacoy and faithVA. My last relaxer was 09/2012, so, I am about 2.5 years natural now. My hair is "decent" (I think) but it isn't showing the length progression I was hoping for. I'm also consistently seeing damaged shed hairs. I splurged and purchased the analysis yesterday and I plan to send in my samples tomorrow. If it's ok, I'll post my progress/updates here to share. Thanks for being an inspiration (and for your discount code!). :yep:

missbugg21 Im glad my post inspired you! I think it'll be worth it (analysis). I look forward to seeing your updates and analysis results. Post away!
I just received the e-mail that my sample was received. How the 2 week waiting game begins. :ohwell:

I'm no good at waiting for things like this, so hopefully they get to it sooner rather than later! :yep:

I'll be sure to keep you posted!
virtuenow can you post you discount code again? I'm so discouraged about my hair...but you've given me hope! I have followed your story and your hair looks amazing! I was really apprehensive about spending $85 for hair analysis, but you've changed my mind. Great progress, I know you'll do even more in the years to come. I know my analysis won't be good, but I need some help. I've been stuck at APL forever! TIA
virtuenow can you post you discount code again? I'm so discouraged about my hair...but you've given me hope! I have followed your story and your hair looks amazing! I was really apprehensive about spending $85 for hair analysis, but you've changed my mind. Great progress, I know you'll do even more in the years to come. I know my analysis won't be good, but I need some help. I've been stuck at APL forever! TIA
afrofaithful gee, thanks :-), and I'm glad I can help. I think it's a good choice when you've hit a road block! My referral code: 8whcPv
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