Just Found An Inexpensive Silk Bonnet on Amazon


New Member
I just found a silk bonnet on Amazon that is only $9.99 plus free shipping.

It comes in several colors: lavender, burgundy, pink, and white.

I like the burgundy the most because I think that it would be the most functional.

Pure Silk Sleep Bonnet

I hope this was helpful. If you do buy it, please let us know what your experience is like, and please rate the item & the seller.
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I've yet to use this bonnet. I also think that there's a return policy in case you're displeased.

Please let us know how it goes. I will probably get one for myself as well.
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I don't know if you live near a Walmart, but I would suggest purchasing one from there without time the elastic band. My hair stylist told me a long time ago the elastic band can cause damage to your hair. Walmart sells one that has a fabric band and it stays on your head all night.