I did a write up on Crisco

Yall can I flat iron with Crisco if the only flat iron I have is a Chi?? My Chi doesn't have a temperature control setting on it and I don't wanna risk it reaching the "smoking" point and getting heat damage? Do yall think its safe to flat iron with a Chi if I use Crisco?

I had to abandon my CHI precisely bc it did not have a temp control and I could tell it was getting much too hot. Even with heat protectant I had damage so I would venture to guess that the CHI + Crisco would probably cause heat damage. Perhaps err on the side of caution?
I can honestly say I have put Crisco on my feet consistantly and they have NEVER in my entire life have looked so good. And I can skip a week getting my hair done because the Crisco just keeps it looking oh so fresh! Can you tell.. (I'm in luv with Crisco!)