Just Checked into the HeartBreak Hotel...


Well-Known Member
My heart is crushed ladies...

And the worst part is.. it's by a guy who I would NEVER have given a chance in the first place. He wormed his way into my heart - and I was kicking and screaming all the way. And just as I gave in...


We spent all last weekend together, and he spent the night thru Wednesday. Wednesday night, we watched a great movie and then went to bed. In the morning, he kissed me as he always did - lingering a bit longer than usual. Then he left.

And I hadn't heard from him since. I went out of town for the weekend, so I brushed my nagging suspicions off.

So, on a whim, I decided to go downstairs last night (he lives in the same apartment complex) to check on him. I heard a woman's giggle at the door. I knocked.

He came to the door, so sheepishly, I already knew the deal.
He - who had told me he loved me first, who had initiated the gf/bf conversations, who held me each night for the past three months -

thanked me for "our time together" and shut the door behind him.

Help me sisters. I don't know how to go on today.
I really don't.
he is an a$$ and didn't deserve to be with you... he did you a favor and although it hurts now, you'll be able to do so much better the next time around...


eta: please don't waste time trying to analyze it... his actions are his own and he doesn't deserve you giving him any more of your precious time...
Sorry to hear that. Definately don't feel like anything is wrong with you. He has issues and some of them can't be explained. A-holes are just A-holes. It could be worse, and don't let one bad apple discourage you from finding someone else. It was pretty short-lived so just go ahead and find someone alot hotter and flaunt him around your apt. complex.
Just wanted to add that the three months were just when I started allowing him to sleep over.

We'd actually been together since last November.

I wish it was only three months though. Then I wouldn't have cried myself to sleep last night. And trying to stay professional at work right now is a joke. I don't even know if my clothes are clean right now.

i feel like such a damn fool.
:bighug::bighug::bighug::blowkiss: HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER!!!!

Oh i think we have all been there. Don't be ashamed to cry when you get home turn some music up and (not sad music) and cry. But girl don't let this affect your job hold it together till you get in the car. And he's a jerk:nono: your heart will heal and he'll still be a jerk.

And make sure you don't look sad when your in the building since your probably gonna bump into him, hold your head up.
P.S. don't ask him why he did what he did. Just take this as a learning experience the next time your mind says no you'll listen.

It's his loss. I know the fact that he wasn't what you initially wanted makes it that much harder. That's happened to me before too. At least now you can get the man that you truly are in love with instead of someone you have to *learn* to love.

You will get through this in time. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to come back once you have started to move on. He seems to be one of those guys that likes the chase. Now that he's shown his true colors, don't ever let him back in your heart again.
Just wanted to add that the three months were just when I started allowing him to sleep over.

We'd actually been together since last November.

I wish it was only three months though. Then I wouldn't have cried myself to sleep last night. And trying to stay professional at work right now is a joke. I don't even know if my clothes are clean right now.

i feel like such a damn fool.

Don't feel like a fool. Keep your head up. You did everything right without being celibate. I waited 3 months before doing anything with my now DH. I know the heartache you must feel seeing him with another woman. This could be the one bad relationship before the good comes along. You did right but he was a dog. The only thing we can do is put up the road blocks and rules to protect ourselves and then listen to our instincts because the nastiest dogs will wait it out. I am very sorry.

When is your lease up? I will keep praying for you. Please don't give up. Just keep moving one step at a time one day at a time. Then before long those feeling and the ache will go away.
What a bastid!

(((((((((((((Hugs to you)))))))))))))))))

I've had that happen to me too and it is unpleasant (to say the least) all you can do for now is have a good cry and a scream in your apartment and take this as a lesson learned in who to let into your heart and who not to.
In hindsight you will probably see a few red flags that you should have taken heed to.

Thank your lucky stars that you weren't together longer and that he has revealed to you what he is.
Don't give him a second chance

((((more hugs)))))

Take care
I'm so sorry to hear this; he clearly didn't deserve you. I've been there and I have no advice except keep taking care of yourself. Take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute if you have to, but keep going and I promise you one day you'll wake up and not think about him. Take as much time as you need to to heal, but remember that YOU haven't lost anything.


My heart is crushed ladies...

And the worst part is.. it's by a guy who I would NEVER have given a chance in the first place. He wormed his way into my heart - and I was kicking and screaming all the way. And just as I gave in...


We spent all last weekend together, and he spent the night thru Wednesday. Wednesday night, we watched a great movie and then went to bed. In the morning, he kissed me as he always did - lingering a bit longer than usual. Then he left.

And I hadn't heard from him since. I went out of town for the weekend, so I brushed my nagging suspicions off.

So, on a whim, I decided to go downstairs last night (he lives in the same apartment complex) to check on him. I heard a woman's giggle at the door. I knocked.

He came to the door, so sheepishly, I already knew the deal.
He - who had told me he loved me first, who had initiated the gf/bf conversations, who held me each night for the past three months -

thanked me for "our time together" and shut the door behind him.

Help me sisters. I don't know how to go on today.
I really don't.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...............i'm sorry this happened.

you can spend all day long trying to analyze his behavior and because you don't have his twisted mind, you'll never get it.

you'll be fine :yep: and we'll be here until you get cheered up!
When is your lease up? I will keep praying for you. Please don't give up. Just keep moving one step at a time one day at a time. Then before long those feeling and the ache will go away.

Ha! I just re signed on Monday. He did last week. :wallbash:

I really want to thank you all for your comments. It is so hard not to go over just last week. Where things were fine. At least I thought they were.
So he thanked you for your time together and that was it...no word since then????

the nerve.:nono::nuts:

{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}to you ladyche. You're stronger than you realise. You will get through this.
Oh no!!! I'm giving you some of this....:grouphug:and a BIG one of these...:bighug:
And that a-hole a couple of these:kick2:

He's an idiot, and you're far better then that. Keep your head up, and eventually the hurt will end. You're just bruised not broken. :grouphug:(here's another snuggle)
My heart is crushed ladies...

And the worst part is.. it's by a guy who I would NEVER have given a chance in the first place. He wormed his way into my heart - and I was kicking and screaming all the way. And just as I gave in...


We spent all last weekend together, and he spent the night thru Wednesday. Wednesday night, we watched a great movie and then went to bed. In the morning, he kissed me as he always did - lingering a bit longer than usual. Then he left.

And I hadn't heard from him since. I went out of town for the weekend, so I brushed my nagging suspicions off.

So, on a whim, I decided to go downstairs last night (he lives in the same apartment complex) to check on him. I heard a woman's giggle at the door. I knocked.

He came to the door, so sheepishly, I already knew the deal.
He - who had told me he loved me first, who had initiated the gf/bf conversations, who held me each night for the past three months -

thanked me for "our time together" and shut the door behind him.

Help me sisters. I don't know how to go on today.
I really don't.
Wow.. If i may begin by saying that guy sucks... I have been there too with that hurt and it sucks a big one. ALl i can say is that the best thing is just to allow yourself to be sad for the next two days. I would sob play all the sappy music and take time to figure out why you are so hurt. Once you know that, you can identify ways to feel better:grouphug::blowkiss:
When is your lease up? I will keep praying for you. Please don't give up. Just keep moving one step at a time one day at a time. Then before long those feeling and the ache will go away.

Ha! I just re signed on Monday. He did last week. :wallbash:

I really want to thank you all for your comments. It is so hard not to go over just last week. Where things were fine. At least I thought they were.
Wow, I'm sorry you are going through this. He truly does not deserve you. He could have at least "manned up" and let you know it wasn't working out. :nono:
What a dog. Over time your heart will heal and he'll be a distant memory. He is obvioulsy not the kind of man you want in your life anyway, because what he did was a punk move.
Just keep in mind there are still a lot of good men out there for you.
Just wanted to add that the three months were just when I started allowing him to sleep over.

We'd actually been together since last November.

I wish it was only three months though. Then I wouldn't have cried myself to sleep last night. And trying to stay professional at work right now is a joke. I don't even know if my clothes are clean right now.

i feel like such a damn fool.

Hey, honey. I am so sorry this happened. Just know you aren't alone. This is the kind of thing that happens to everyone in some way, shape or form so you are NOT a damn fool. And, it's okay if you don't feel very professional. This is going to take time to heal from, but it WILL get better. Just pray for strength, do a LOT of journaling (esp when it really hurts), and spoil yourself with things that are good for you and laugh as much as possible. :knitting::luv2::sleep2::girlbar::flowers:
My heart is crushed ladies...

And the worst part is.. it's by a guy who I would NEVER have given a chance in the first place. He wormed his way into my heart - and I was kicking and screaming all the way. And just as I gave in...


We spent all last weekend together, and he spent the night thru Wednesday. Wednesday night, we watched a great movie and then went to bed. In the morning, he kissed me as he always did - lingering a bit longer than usual. Then he left.

And I hadn't heard from him since. I went out of town for the weekend, so I brushed my nagging suspicions off.

So, on a whim, I decided to go downstairs last night (he lives in the same apartment complex) to check on him. I heard a woman's giggle at the door. I knocked.

He came to the door, so sheepishly, I already knew the deal.
He - who had told me he loved me first, who had initiated the gf/bf conversations, who held me each night for the past three months -

thanked me for "our time together" and shut the door behind him.

Help me sisters. I don't know how to go on today.
I really don't.

Wow, this sounds like something right out of a lifetime special.

He did the biggest favor for you. More than you will ever know. Don't let him see you sweat though. Always hold your head up high. You will be a true treasure to the real man in your life.

And check this, he may come running back. Don't be friends, talk to him, look at him, hang out, chill at his place, let him borrow some surgar, NOTHING!!!
My heart aches for you :nono:. how terrible. I've checked into the Heartbreak Hotel myself once. And I remember the pain! - which is the exact reason why I could never think of "being friends" or anyother thing he proposed afterwards.

I agree with FeelinIt. He'll try to make himself feel better by trying to be friends so he won't be such a bad guy afterall. Don't let him off the hook for this. do not forget how you're feeling now it will keep you strong later.
What a loser he is!!! In the words of the great Justin Timberlake " What goes around, comes all the way back around!" Keep your head up and stay looking flawless every time you enter that building. You'll feel better by the end of the week. :kiss:
He's an A-Hole, geez and all up in the same apartment. :nono: You're better off without him.
Hey guys...

I'm trying to follow the breakup rules. I deleted his number from my phone, and all of our text messages to one another.

I still have some of his pots and pans and personal items, guys. I was tempted to go down and return them to him, but I can't say what I would do if a woman answered the door.

My own apartment feels like a traitor to me. How am I gonna sleep in my bed again?
Hey guys...

I'm trying to follow the breakup rules. I deleted his number from my phone, and all of our text messages to one another.

I still have some of his pots and pans and personal items, guys. I was tempted to go down and return them to him, but I can't say what I would do if a woman answered the door.

My own apartment feels like a traitor to me. How am I gonna sleep in my bed again?

DON'T YOU DARE RETURN A DAYUM THANG! Put that crap in the GA'BAGE! I Mean it...

ALL the ladies here gave you great advice; WE ALL have suffered this crap in some shape or form. I've had it happen to me skeighty-eight times in my life! Some folks you will NEVER be able to figure out and don't try! STAY FLY, BEAUTIFUL and PROUD! Don't talk to him and don't even look his way when you see him. *** Bastid...

Oh yeah, Baby Girl, here's a BIG HUG!
Just wanted to give you a BIG HUG. I'm actually in the room down the hall. We were together for 4 years and it's over. This is probably the second worst time of my life, but I know time heals all wounds whether you want it to or not, so cheer up... "this too shall pass"
DON'T YOU DARE RETURN A DAYUM THANG! Put that crap in the GA'BAGE! I Mean it...

ALL the ladies here gave you great advice; WE ALL have suffered this crap in some shape or form. I've had it happen to me skeighty-eight times in my life! Some folks you will NEVER be able to figure out and don't try! STAY FLY, BEAUTIFUL and PROUD!

The above is so true! So sorry this happened to you. :nono:
Don't waste time trying to figure it out, put your thoughts on moving on.
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My heart is crushed ladies...

And the worst part is.. it's by a guy who I would NEVER have given a chance in the first place. He wormed his way into my heart - and I was kicking and screaming all the way. And just as I gave in...


We spent all last weekend together, and he spent the night thru Wednesday. Wednesday night, we watched a great movie and then went to bed. In the morning, he kissed me as he always did - lingering a bit longer than usual. Then he left.

And I hadn't heard from him since. I went out of town for the weekend, so I brushed my nagging suspicions off.

So, on a whim, I decided to go downstairs last night (he lives in the same apartment complex) to check on him. I heard a woman's giggle at the door. I knocked.

He came to the door, so sheepishly, I already knew the deal.
He - who had told me he loved me first, who had initiated the gf/bf conversations, who held me each night for the past three months -

thanked me for "our time together" and shut the door behind him.

Help me sisters. I don't know how to go on today.
I really don't.


awwww damn!! gurl, I'm so sorry that you had to go through this!!!! My heart truly aches for you!! :sad:

I believe the part that I bolded is what REALLY pisses me off!! That's some triflin **** right there......:evil:

Depending on how deep my feelings were....the old apples prolly would have bust that door down, egged his car, or slashed his tires!!!! (or have somebody else do it! ) But this new improved apples knows how to take the high road now....

He is SUCH a weak, spineless punk ***!!!! And you WILL be better off without his worthless behind!!! He could've had some kind of balls, and just told you!!

I have been there, and so have many of these other ladies---so we know, when we say, you'll be okay. It's going to take some time, but you'll be okay...

I was in a similar situation back in college. The guy I was dating, got another chic in my same building pregnant. She was on the 4th floor, I was on the 3rd. We broke up (of course), but he continued to date her. I was literally SICK for months!!!!! But I made it through.

OH, and TRUST, that sorry **** WILL call or try to come back. The sorry ones always do---but you just keep your head up, and be the fly and beautiful woman that you are!!!! Do NOT let him see you sweat!!

I know it hurts to have to go to work when your heart aches so much---trust me gurl....I KNOW it hurts!! But just know that it'll be alright sis, go ahead and cry it out.....it'll be alright.... This too shall pass. Just live and learn.

Oh--and I agree with january noir--throw his **** in the garbage!! Don't even waste your garbage bags on it---just toss it straight in the dumpster!!! Hell, if you wanna buss it up, then do it, if it makes you feel better!!


btw, I really am fumin over this line!!

thanked me for "our time together" and shut the door behind him.

****, oh heeyyuulll nawl!!!!


awwww damn!! gurl, I'm so sorry that you had to go through this!!!! My heart truly aches for you!! :sad:

I believe the part that I bolded is what REALLY pisses me off!! That's some triflin **** right there......:evil:

Depending on how deep my feelings were....the old apples prolly would have bust that door down, egged his car, or slashed his tires!!!! (or have somebody else do it! ) But this new improved apples knows how to take the high road now....

He is SUCH a weak, spineless punk ***!!!! And you WILL be better off without his worthless behind!!! He could've had some kind of balls, and just told you!!

I have been there, and so have many of these other ladies---so we know, when we say, you'll be okay. It's going to take some time, but you'll be okay...

I was in a similar situation back in college. The guy I was dating, got another chic in my same building pregnant. She was on the 4th floor, I was on the 3rd. We broke up (of course), but he continued to date her. I was literally SICK for months!!!!! But I made it through.

OH, and TRUST, that sorry **** WILL call or try to come back. The sorry ones always do---but you just keep your head up, and be the fly and beautiful woman that you are!!!! Do NOT let him see you sweat!!

I know it hurts to have to go to work when your heart aches so much---trust me gurl....I KNOW it hurts!! But just know that it'll be alright sis, go ahead and cry it out.....it'll be alright.... This too shall pass. Just live and learn.

Oh--and I agree with january noir--throw his **** in the garbage!! Don't even waste your garbage bags on it---just toss it straight in the dumpster!!! Hell, if you wanna buss it up, then do it, if it makes you feel better!!


btw, I really am fumin over this line!!

thanked me for "our time together" and shut the door behind him.

****, oh heeyyuulll nawl!!!!


You Got it Apples! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Listen to her LadyChe! Go on and cry, get "it" out of your system and pretty up for YOUR Prince. He IS out there! Don't let that fool take your "Sunshine!"
Just wanted to add that the three months were just when I started allowing him to sleep over.

We'd actually been together since last November.

I wish it was only three months though. Then I wouldn't have cried myself to sleep last night. And trying to stay professional at work right now is a joke. I don't even know if my clothes are clean right now.

i feel like such a damn fool.

He's the damn fool.:hardslap: You were blessed to find out what type of person he really is before the relationship went any further. I know you are hurt but check out of that Hotel, he is not worth it:bighug: