Just becuz we're married we dont have to share EVERYTHING (((( VENT)))


New Member
this is an on-going problem in my house...

I know somethings may seem too small to fret over but this is a BIG thing for me... He will use my bubble bath from Bed Bath & Beyond not caring what the scent... says the smell will wear off before anyone notices...

If he is running low he will snatch & use my deodorant....

I have a lot of men's T-shirts... he will put them on to do yardwork in but have a COW if I look at one of his....


I dont want to share my comb with ANYONE... not my husband, not my kids... NO ONE....

I actually have to HIDE me combs from him... and my hand mirror cuz when I need to use it I wont be able to find it...

N-Word has the NERVE to talk about all of my products but I have seen him slipping some of my glycerin-coconut oil mix into his beady beads more than once... NOT NO MORE..... HIDDEN!!!

a few years ago I got a BC and rocked a TWA... he had a CONNIPTION when I used his clippers to touch up my hair..... so ME, Miss *** YOU I CAN GET MY OWN went & got my own... fast forward to his being dull & needed sharpened..... N-Word is using MY Clippers... Ummmmmmmm NOT!! I hid them muthas too.....

I wont even get into TOOLS...aww hell yes I will......... every tool that comes thru this door is HIS...

I go out & buy myself some of my own... all of a sudden those are his tool...

I even got a PINK set of tools... hammer with pink handle, screw drivers, etc... WHY IS MY ISH in HIS TOOL BOX... and when I point it out he tells me Im being childish & petty...

Are you serious? :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

If so, I'm sorry.

I went through something similar with my car. Dh would just take it, not ask or anything so.....

I went off and he honestly felt like, it was our car. :look:


He's gotten better, sorta.
I can kinda relate to you with regards to MisterMan

When I went and got my first PedEgg I tried it and wanted to get one for him to take care of his feet and he said "Well we can just share that one" and I'm like :perplexed
but I was like okay and I had already done my feet so I just did his with my used one and never touched it again. :look:

He wanted to use my flip flops as shower shoes while we were camping this weekend and I was a little wrinkled on that one too but then again we were in the woods for days not bathing so eh? Who cares

Other than that we basically share everything- computers, guitars, hoodies, socks... He can even wear my sweatpants (I obviously don't have any cute fitted ones) and I think that's super cute that he likes to wear them :yep:
PF you have my deepest sympathies because I strongly feel you need your own space even inside, scratch that, especially inside a marriage. If you don't get him straight now, you're gonna blow up about something that really is minor and he'll be like :perplexed.

And you're also gonna run out of hidding places soon.
I understand how you feel. I used to have this problem with shower gels and such. I just turned him on to his own things.
this is an on-going problem in my house...

I know somethings may seem too small to fret over but this is a BIG thing for me... He will use my bubble bath from Bed Bath & Beyond not caring what the scent... says the smell will wear off before anyone notices...

If he is running low he will snatch & use my deodorant....

I have a lot of men's T-shirts... he will put them on to do yardwork in but have a COW if I look at one of his....


I dont want to share my comb with ANYONE... not my husband, not my kids... NO ONE....

I actually have to HIDE me combs from him... and my hand mirror cuz when I need to use it I wont be able to find it...

N-Word has the NERVE to talk about all of my products but I have seen him slipping some of my glycerin-coconut oil mix into his beady beads more than once... NOT NO MORE..... HIDDEN!!!

a few years ago I got a BC and rocked a TWA... he had a CONNIPTION when I used his clippers to touch up my hair..... so ME, Miss *** YOU I CAN GET MY OWN went & got my own... fast forward to his being dull & needed sharpened..... N-Word is using MY Clippers... Ummmmmmmm NOT!! I hid them muthas too.....

I wont even get into TOOLS...aww hell yes I will......... every tool that comes thru this door is HIS...

I go out & buy myself some of my own... all of a sudden those are his tool...

I even got a PINK set of tools... hammer with pink handle, screw drivers, etc... WHY IS MY ISH in HIS TOOL BOX... and when I point it out he tells me Im being childish & petty...



I'm so glad my husband wouldn't DARE use my soap, or anything else that would make him smell "PRETTY". When he drives my car he makes me take the necklace of flowers down and anything else that makes the care look "pretty"!!! If i get anything PINK it's like poison to him!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I'm not married but I'm like you..I don't like people to use my things and not replace it, clean it or not respect it.

I wonder how I would handle being married & things like you described happening..think they would drive me crazy :spinning:
I'm not married but I'm like you..I don't like people to use my things and not replace it, clean it or not respect it.

I wonder how I would handle being married & things like you described happening..think they would drive me crazy :spinning:

I think that's the bottom line :yep:
Oh my god, this thread is so on point. I feel the same way but my boyfriend always makes me feel as if I'm being selfish for feeling like that.

He complains about the things I purchase saying he'd never spend that much on body wash, hair products etc. but I'll be damned if he can't keep his hands off my "expensive" ish. Then to top it all off, he's super heavy hand. He always pours about a pound of body wash on the loofah and it's gone in about a week, when it would normally last longer......Oh and I totally feel you on the whole comb and brush issue..............I hide mine as well.
I don't understand why he keeps doing this when you've asked him to stop. I am not big on sharing everything either. My husband sometimes uses my conditioners but asks first. He may run out of deodarant every now and then and use mine but that's about it. For the most part he and I like and need our space and respect each other's things. If someone kept using my things without asking I would be very annoyed.
I think it's kinda cute when guys indulge their girly side and use our shower gel... deodorant is taking it too far, though. :ohwell:

When he's using your things, he should really keep in mind how he feels about you using HIS stuff. I'm sure he doesn't "mean anything" by having his opinions, just like you don't with yours. It's all about being fair. ;)

I dont want to share my comb with ANYONE... not my husband, not my kids... NO ONE....

N-Word has the NERVE to talk about all of my products but I have seen him slipping some of my glycerin-coconut oil mix into his beady beads more than once... NOT NO MORE..... HIDDEN!!!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I swear this is my house. I used my brush one day and couldn't understand why it looked like some of the bristles were coming out. Then one morning I woke up and seen his behind using my brush. He was using it like he was brushing the darn carpet. So I started putting my brush in a different spot, and I be darn if that man found it and was still using it.

He uses my shampoo also. I got ready to do a wash one night. I got in the shower, got my hair all wet, grabbed the bottle and tilted it.......nothing came out. What makes it so bad is that he was using my good dominican products. I was fuming over that. I went right to Target and bought him a cheap shampoo. After that I stopped leaving mine in the shower after I was done.
This can come in words too. Me and the dh have been married for seven years. Some bodily functions just shouldn't be discussed. Yesterday after having lunch together he tells me he can't wait to get home to use the bathroom.
Oh hell to the nah! I hate it when men talk like that. It's disgusting I had to tell him, we don't need to share everything!
:lachen: :lachen:

That's soooo funny! I know it's annoying but that's so cute. It's only going to get worse as the days go by...might as well give up. :lachen:

The other day my s/o forgot his toothbrush when he came to visit me. It was Sabbath, so we try not to buy unless really necessary. So he used mine :look: - that was really a first for both of us, and nothing we care to continue. BUT now he's convinced that we must get married because that is more than intimate.
My mum has the same problem with my dad - in fact we all do. :ohwell: He uses her perfume (and drains the bottle too) if she doesn't hide it. He will use all my shower gel if I leave it in the bathroom. Mum even has to hide her money from him cause he's been known to go into her purse and take it out. :perplexed If we go to the supermarket and buy something specific we want to treat ourselves he'll normally try and eat some before we do. Especially if it's expensive. If you don't catch him in time the whole thing is gone! :wallbash:

Mum buys these expensive health drinks and every time she opens a new bottle and puts it in the fridge he drinks like half of it or sometimes she goes back for it and it's all gone.:sad: He never seems to remember drinking it though... :rolleyes: I've had to even hide expensive supplements from him because he will literally use it up and pretend like he didn't! Needless to say he doesn't have a job. The list just goes on and on. Everything he sees you with he wants for himself and the man is almost 50! :wallbash:

Our cat had a urinary problem (literally could not urinate for days) and I bought it a (human) supplement from eBay which fixed the problem. Don't you know that from the moment the cat's problem was cleared up my dad started saying how his own pee was too dark and he needed to take some of the cats pills. :rolleyes: I told him to sort it out the old fashioned way and drink water!

45mins ago he just asked me for bus fare (or should I say told me to give it to him) so he didn't have to walk to go and sign up for his unemployment benefits... I really don't know sometimes. :ohwell:
My mum has the same problem with my dad - in fact we all do. :ohwell: He uses her perfume (and drains the bottle too) if she doesn't hide it. He will use all my shower gel if I leave it in the bathroom. Mum even has to hide her money from him cause he's been known to go into her purse and take it out. :perplexed If we go to the supermarket and buy something specific we want to treat ourselves he'll normally try and eat some before we do. Especially if it's expensive. If you don't catch him in time the whole thing is gone! :wallbash:

Mum buys these expensive health drinks and every time she opens a new bottle and puts it in the fridge he drinks like half of it or sometimes she goes back for it and it's all gone.:sad: He never seems to remember drinking it though... :rolleyes: I've had to even hide expensive supplements from him because he will literally use it up and pretend like he didn't! Needless to say he doesn't have a job. The list just goes on and on. Everything he sees you with he wants for himself and the man is almost 50! :wallbash:

Our cat had a urinary problem (literally could not urinate for days) and I bought it a (human) supplement from eBay which fixed the problem. Don't you know that from the moment the cat's problem was cleared up my dad started saying how his own pee was too dark and he needed to take some of the cats pills. :rolleyes: I told him to sort it out the old fashioned way and drink water!

45mins ago he just asked me for bus fare (or should I say told me to give it to him) so he didn't have to walk to go and sign up for his unemployment benefits... I really don't know sometimes. :ohwell:

Thats not right, that sounds very selfish to me :angry2:
My husband uses my hair products, bubble bath, and everything else. He has ask that I not put my titty prints in his shirts but I wear them anyway.

If asked, seriously we won't use the other person stuff. Something are off limits though like deoderate.
My DH knows I DO NOT play that mess. There will be hell to pay. I leave ALL of my stuff out and I wish a nicca would. The only time he can use my LUSH bath products is if we're taking a bath together. As for shampoo and bodywash, I buy him Suave and Dial. If he wants something special he needs to find out what that is and I will gladly buy it for him.

I've had to show out a few times though. Now he won't even touch my wine without asking. :giggle: And it irritates me if he asks "can I have some of your wine?" :rolleyes: I look at him all perturbed, like why are you asking? :lachen::lachen: That fool don't want no problems out of me. :yawn:

I just got a new Macbook and his HP died, so this fool looks at me and asks can he use it? Ummmm....NO!! We have a desktop. :lachen:
The other day my s/o forgot his toothbrush
My guy used the toothbrush that I keep for myself at his place.
He used mine cuz he didn't want to take the trouble to use the robo toothbrush that I bought him for himself (Xmas present).
My DH knows I DO NOT play that mess. There will be hell to pay. I leave ALL of my stuff out and I wish a nicca would. The only time he can use my LUSH bath products is if we're taking a bath together. As for shampoo and bodywash, I buy him Suave and Dial. If he wants something special he needs to find out what that is and I will gladly buy it for him.

I've had to show out a few times though. Now he won't even touch my wine without asking. :giggle: And it irritates me if he asks "can I have some of your wine?" :rolleyes: I look at him all perturbed, like why are you asking? :lachen::lachen: That fool don't want no problems out of me. :yawn:

I just got a new Macbook and his HP died, so this fool looks at me and asks can he use it? Ummmm....NO!! We have a desktop. :lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Ya'll got my dying in here....taking notes...
i;m glad i came into this thread. my guy just used my deodarant this morning without asking because he forgot his. and he always wants to share drinks....that's something i just don't like to do.

i'm not married but i have a feeling i will have these same issues later on...
this is an on-going problem in my house...

I know somethings may seem too small to fret over but this is a BIG thing for me... He will use my bubble bath from Bed Bath & Beyond not caring what the scent... says the smell will wear off before anyone notices...

If he is running low he will snatch & use my deodorant....

I have a lot of men's T-shirts... he will put them on to do yardwork in but have a COW if I look at one of his....


I dont want to share my comb with ANYONE... not my husband, not my kids... NO ONE....

I actually have to HIDE me combs from him... and my hand mirror cuz when I need to use it I wont be able to find it...

N-Word has the NERVE to talk about all of my products but I have seen him slipping some of my glycerin-coconut oil mix into his beady beads more than once... NOT NO MORE..... HIDDEN!!!

a few years ago I got a BC and rocked a TWA... he had a CONNIPTION when I used his clippers to touch up my hair..... so ME, Miss *** YOU I CAN GET MY OWN went & got my own... fast forward to his being dull & needed sharpened..... N-Word is using MY Clippers... Ummmmmmmm NOT!! I hid them muthas too.....

I wont even get into TOOLS...aww hell yes I will......... every tool that comes thru this door is HIS...

I go out & buy myself some of my own... all of a sudden those are his tool...

I even got a PINK set of tools... hammer with pink handle, screw drivers, etc... WHY IS MY ISH in HIS TOOL BOX... and when I point it out he tells me Im being childish & petty...


I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY! I have always been a sharing person, but after a while I realized that I was the only one sharing. It's like being with a three year old kid. Everything is mine, mine, mine & don't touch something that they think is their's because they will be on the floor throwing a temper tantrum. Well I got a little vent out too. (Thank you PF):drunk:
Mum even has to hide her money from him cause he's been known to go into her purse and take it out. :perplexed

One thing I do not put up with is someone messing with my money. I don't care who you are- It would be on & poppin:boxing:. My SO already knows if he is going into my wallet it better be to put some money in it.