July 13,14,15..What are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans??

I have to do my hair as well as DD's. Both of us seriously need deep conditioning. I'll wash and condition DD's hair tonight, then style Saturday morning. I'll most likely wash, condition and style my hair Saturday night.
Co-washing on Sunday, DCing on Monday, wet bunning/sealing with grease for the rest of the week since I'm on vacation...my hair loved this during my last vacation but when I'm working, I just don't have the time to do it...still trying to figure out how to incorporate co-washing into my morning routine because I feel this is could really help me reach my goal...
Tonight: Oil scalp w/ Trigger
Tomorrow: Wash w/ Elucence Moisture Acidifying Poo, DC w/ AE Garlic Mask - First time trying as an all over DC.
Leave-in - Giovanni Direct
- Steam with QB AOHC
- Detangle with TJ TTT
- Cleanse with Terressential LCL
- Condition with CJ Curl Rehab

I might:
- twist with QB ATHB. I have never worn twists or twist-outs so I am experimenting.
Washing my leave-out and weave hair (not my natural hair underneath, that would be next week) w/ abba moisture shampoo condition my leave out w/ healthy sexy hair soy milk conditioner and weave hair w/ abba moisture conditioner. Use AG moisture & shine hair food leave on conditioner as my weave in (clearly I'm using the products I bought at the ulta sale)
My weekend plans are to DC, detangle and braid my natural hair into 30-50 braids because on Tuesday I'm getting a relaxer and I'm excited about it...I'm gonna keep the baids in one ponytail till tuesday....to prep I may get a base and put it on my scalp...I may go pick up some supplies....
I cowashed with VS so sexy condish today (love that smell). My hair has felt rough since my relaxer 2 wks ago and I've been overloading on the moisture to combat that. I will oil rinse on Sunday and back to bunning.
cowash/wash with Vo5 clarifying shampoo and my beautiful curl shampoo mixtogeter
Steamed with garnier fructis fortifying conditioner
hair dry in braids with shea butter mix
I will be blow drying and super-straightening with my flat iron sunday in preparation to curl my hair on Monday (I know I know, tons of heat but it's for a super special occasion)

btw: the super special occasion?

MY BIRTHDAY :bday5: my >>>> 21st <<<< birthday :drink::drink: SUPER excited. will try to post pics when I do so.

I have however ordered a new protein treatments and deep conditioner, so afterwards I plan on giving my hair some super TLC later
Today I am starting SistaSlick Hair Detox from her 2nd book.

So I clarified with Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo
Shampoo'ed with Creme of Nature ol skool Green Bottle
DCed with a mixture of Aussie 3 Min/ WGO/ and an ORS Pak under the heating cap for 45 mins
Added my GVP- The Conditioner (Paul Mitchell)
ApHogee Green Tea and ProVit Leave Ins
Sealed with GSO
MN & JBCO my edges
.......and now its in 2 pigtails under a scarf.
Tonight I...

Washed w/HV Amala Cream Rinse
Rinse with HV Ph Rinse
DC'ed w/Bask cacao bark
Leave-in - Bask Silk Detangling lotion
Seal - HV Cocasta oil

Bumming the rest of the week.
I did a rare shampoo today (custom mix), and wore my usual WnG. Started out frizzy, but settled down a bit after a while.
Now DC'ing with my MT mix
Will co-cleanse tomorrow with Deva-Curl No Poo & condition with Tresseme Naturals, and wear a WnG using AG re:Coil curl activator if I plan to go out. If not, I'll just put my hair in twists after blowing straight.
Henna'd Thur. night.
Dc'd with a mixture of condishes and oils (under heating cap)
Will rinse out later this morning and apply a leave-in liquid of rose wtr., glycerin, hemp oil, and AVJ.
Will apply African Pride Cream Moisturizer and top/seal with castor oil.
Yesterday took out my Senegalese twists. Took me about 5 hours and then I finger detangled and put coconut oil on my scalp and hair.

Today I clarifed with Redken Cleansing Creme and then did a protein treatment with Nexxus Emergencee. Followed up with a DC with AO White Camellia.

Will do a Curlformer set later today.
corrective relaxer, protein treatment, rollerset.
my b-day is next week and i need to start now.
i forgot how to do my hair....lol
I hadn't planned on it, but I ended up blow drying and flat ironing my hair. I might bun it tomorrow.
Friday I conditioned my plaited hair with Suave Tropical Coconut, clarified with Come Clean (Kinky Kurly), then DC'd with Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment (green). I only left on for about 45 minutes because I had to go somewhere. I usually keep it in overnight. I was able to tame my natural hair with Kinky Kurly's Leave-in sealed with WGHO (yellow bottle). I've used these products before but not in that order. Today my hair is soft, manageable, and tangled free! The leave-in and WGHO are back in rotation!

I'm wearing a drawstring ponytail this week.
I need to suck it up and head upstairs and do my hair. Sigh... I want nice chunky twists, but I sure don't feel like doing them. I know I will be glad I did once I'm done. :)
I hennaed my hair yesterday and just finished washing out my indigo.
I was really overdue and I'm mad that I was too lazy to do this 2 weeks ago. My grays, which were contained just around my hairline are now poking out all over the top of my head. :sad:

I thank God everyday for this hair forum's information about henna, indigo an the other natural herbs and powders to color, strengthen and treat my hair.

I have fine and thin hair but it's the best it can be thanks to this forum.
DH is taking the kids away Mon/Tues so today (Sunday) I have my WGO+Sunflower Oil pre-poo in. Tomorrow when they leave I'm having a hair party!!!

Rinse oil
Mirpur Soy Cholesterol Protein Tx
Mirpur AV Cholesterol Moisturizing Tx
DC with Queen Helene Cholesterol + Castor Oil under my heat cap
Keracare Natural Textures Leave In, seal with Coconut Oil, braid into 4

Enjoy your Sunday!
Washed this morning, DCed with Hollywood Beauty Olive Cholesterol, blow dried and flat ironed. Will oil my scalp with castor oil tonight.