JACKED Heads, but LOUD Mouths


Well-Known Member
I have a co-worker whom I'm cool with, but she has a headful of MESS going on – over-processed relaxed, thin see thru ends, that dulled, faded brownish color from over-perming. Her hair is just hangs flat - straight down barely touching her shoulders without any shape, body or curl.

She will pat her frayed ends and say "my hair is getting so long" - she has been doing this for a couple of weeks now. No comment from me. When I went to JC Penny for the "2 for 20" Salon Products sale during lunch, she made the comment that she can use "anything" on her hair- no need for special products. No comment from me.

Yesterday, she made the comment "why do you use a special conditioner when you don't even wear your hair out." I get most of my HAIR stuff from the dollar store.

I replied that you need to take care of your hair/scalp not matter what style you wear.

I learned early during my hair journey - not to share my opinions on black hair care with people who are still "brainwashed". I already know if I explained that I'm growing out my NATURAL hair to BRA STRAP length w/protective styling and regular conditioning and moisturizing with quality products to achieve this goal - she would not GET it!

Sorry for the long rant, but my simple question for all of my fellow protective-stylers and hide-your-hair gals:

Do you get hair "advice" from people with JACKED up hair? :perplexed

If so, how do you handle it?
I only offer people 1x and if they don't take the advice I just go on my merry way until they ask again and look like they really need the help.

I had people make fun of me for buying certain products, wearing protective hair styles (the constant why don't you get your hair done cause no man will want you like that) or just say things that make NO sense whatsoever about hair care but they have zero hair or just use weaves to cover the problem

people have to come to the light when they are ready all you can do is "do you" and move on

the funniest thing was someone a few years ago told me that black hair doesn't grow unless you are mixed so i was wasting money on hair products. well she is still wearing weaves and has no hair to this day.
hahahahaha...I can see you now just sitting there looking at her crazy" no comment from me"

I was just telling somebody that I had a discussion with this lady that works in my building about that I was thinking of trimming my hair and she suggested that I let her do it. She is an older lady and her hair is not in bad shape but it looks a mess from time to time. Now mind you she thinks she is the jack of all trades from a mechanic, plumber, to a caterer. Anyway, she hit me with the old *** saying "once you cut it, your hair will start to grow faster". I did not have the energy nor the time to even comment to let her know the real deal. I just ignored her which is basically what I do to anyone that says anything to me about hair that I know is some bullcrap. I rarely offer advice because people think that I don't know what I am talking about so I go on about my merry way.
Yep! I had a friend that would always tell me about doing something with my hair and her hair was damaged and see through.

I have another friend that has long hair but it's damaged and whenever I offer advice she shoots it down or makes a "everyone does that" or "all stylists say that" comment. It's like she thinks she knows everything so I just leave it alone
yeah I remember as girl in grammer school, girls would always say "girl you need to do something to ur head" or "if I had your hair I would do this this and this to it", I felt bad, but I continued to wear by 2 ponytails til highschool, and my hair was long and natural.. that is of coarse before I relaxed at 18
No, but I have two co-workers with THE worst weaves/wigs in the world and they are constantly cracking on other women's hair.:ohwell:
i dont get hair advice from people who have jacked up hair. but right now i guess u could say my hair is jacked it's a work in progress so i know i have no right giving people hair advice. i do hear a lot bad info from friends and fam about hair but i keep lips sealed. who'se gonna believe me with my see thru ends? so until I am full SL/APL, im not saying a word.
my hair is comeing along and i only tell my sister in law and some family members their hair is longer then mys:lachen: but they under stand what i am doing and their is getting longer but if somebody hair is jack up and i dont see it getting better hell to the no:lol: :lol: why would i ?
OnAHairQuest said:
Girl that is how it always is!

At my old job the fattest lady there was giving me diet advice.

That reminds me of how many people bought the Dr Phil diet book! :lol:
CurliDiva said:
I have a co-worker whom I'm cool with, but she has a headful of MESS going on – over-processed relaxed, thin see thru ends, that dulled, faded brownish color from over-perming. Her hair is just hangs flat - straight down barely touching her shoulders without any shape, body or curl.

So her hair is fried. If anything, she should be following your example or taking your advice but most people think they are right even if they are wrong and the proof is in the mirror/hair appearance.

OnAHairQuest said:
Girl that is how it always is!

At my old job the fattest lady there was giving me diet advice.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Funny.
I have a coworker JUST like that. I was talking with another coworker of mines, saying that I'm not yet decided if I wanted to get a relaxer yet, the jacked head coworker of mines blurts out that she does really good relaxers, she did her own.

i looked at her like :eek: and said, "I'll think about it" just to spare her feelings.

I also notice that she get's sorta irritated when someone comments on how long my hair is getting, or how nice it looks.

I would NEVER let her put her hands near my head, I've worked too hard to maintain my "do"
That’s kind of like when I was working at a weight loss clinic and people used to say to me, how can I teach people to lose weight when I’m skinny. :lachen:

OnAHairQuest said:
Girl that is how it always is!

At my old job the fattest lady there was giving me diet advice.
marie170 said:
hahahahaha...I can see you now just sitting there looking at her crazy" no comment from me"

I was just telling somebody that I had a discussion with this lady that works in my building about that I was thinking of trimming my hair and she suggested that I let her do it. She is an older lady and her hair is not in bad shape but it looks a mess from time to time. Now mind you she thinks she is the jack of all trades from a mechanic, plumber, to a caterer. Anyway, she hit me with the old *** saying "once you cut it, your hair will start to grow faster". I did not have the energy nor the time to even comment to let her know the real deal. I just ignored her which is basically what I do to anyone that says anything to me about hair that I know is some bullcrap. I rarely offer advice because people think that I don't know what I am talking about so I go on about my merry way.

Don't you let that joker near your head!:mad: :spank: She'd mess around and clip your ends with some hedge clippers or something!
When she said "I get all of my products from the dollar store"
I would have said " It shows":cool:

I try to stay away from these people. I let my sister borrow my sit under dryer last night. Her neighbor and friend Renee was there and they were going to relax their head. Mine you they both are not even 5 weeks post and Renee has super fine hair and uses super relaxer:look: They run there hands through my hair which is pushing 8 weeks with close to 1.5-2 inches of growth and start telling me how I need a relaxer and so on and so on. I said I will relax when I am ready. She said, "well, your head is screaming to me that you need to do it", I said, "Your head is screaming at you to stop doing it because it ain't working" Some people will never get it. Its okay with me though, somebodys got to be bald. :D
yep this is always the case.

i had a coworker with burnt dried up frizzy relaxed 2" hair say to me 'why don't you put some relaxer on that hair girl' in reference to my natural puff. my hair at the time was shoulder lengthed stretched, thick and healthy...while hers looked a hot mess. i couldn't believe it
I would just say, "oh" and "mmm" and "oh really."\

engagement does not necessarily mean agreement.
the worst offender i ever seen was my old hair braider. she could hook up some extensions but her natural hair look like something out of a horror flick. every uneven, broken off, dry like hay and a receeding hair line. :(

one day when i was in her salon she was gonna have one of the girls do her hair. she already took the extensions out and started washing her hair in the sink but was rubbing the hair all over, using dollar store shampoo and conditioner and barely doing a job washing it.

then later she was giving hair advice saying that grease grows hair and washing too much is bad for you....(too her too much was every week)

lawd have mercy
People like that kill me. My first thought is always, "If this advice that you're spewing is SO great, then why does your hair look like that?":perplexed

I'm lucky though that I'm past the stage where people are giving me advice. They ask for it now.:grin:
FineChyna said:
I only offer people 1x and if they don't take the advice I just go on my merry way until they ask again and look like they really need the help.

I had people make fun of me for buying certain products, wearing protective hair styles (the constant why don't you get your hair done cause no man will want you like that) or just say things that make NO sense whatsoever about hair care but they have zero hair or just use weaves to cover the problem

people have to come to the light when they are ready all you can do is "do you" and move on

this is my policy. i got sick and tired of trying to convince folks that already "know everything." i'd rather share with someone who wants the help. and it is always the ones with the worst hair who want to tell me what they did. i do listen to them carefully... to make sure i DON'T NEVER do what they did!! :lol:
Girl I know aaaaaaaaaaaall too much about this. Just nod and roll on. There is just not enough time in the day to change attitudes and perceptions that some people have on hair.

Unless someone is really into hair I just nod and roll on.

I have one "friend" who insists her hair is longer than mine when I'm almost shoulder and hers is about ear length....I don't get it why she keeps insisting that her hair is sooooooooo long.

But like I said...just nod and roll on.
I wear my hair protected mostly during the winter and I get all kinds of flack. When I do I ask people to tell me how I can get my hair see through and broken like their's. I keep it short and sarcastic. That nips it in the bud.
Sar-I said:
That’s kind of like when I was working at a weight loss clinic and people used to say to me, how can I teach people to lose weight when I’m skinny. :lachen:

I wouldnt have even minded her advice if it had worked. I mean she was on a diet ALL THE TIME not a pound gone. I knew some of the mess she was talking wasnt straight here.

Let me tell you one time she was on a Big Mac diet. She really thought she could just eat one Big Mac a day and lose weight.
I hate that mess too! People are always trying to act like all black hair is the same. Just 'cuz you grease your scalp with Blue Magic and you like the results (nasty ***** hair) doesn't automatically mean I should do the same!

Broken, chewed up ends that look like shredded wheat are NOT attractive, and a thick layer of dirty grease just looks nasty.

BTW: just bc a product is from the dollar store doesn't mean it's bad. Tons of LHCF girls use Suave, VO5 and White Rain products from there with good results. My hair is soft, beautiful and growing like weeds even though my budget only allows the cheapest ish on the planet. :)
When I did an internship I worked with another intern who thought that it was sooo wrong that I went 11 weeks without a relaxer touch-up. She proudly and arrogantly told me that she got a touch-up every month. I haven't seen her in years, but if she's still doing that who knows if she has any hair left.