JACKED Heads, but LOUD Mouths

marie170 said:
I did not have the energy nor the time to even comment to let her know the real deal. I just ignored her which is basically what I do to anyone that says anything to me about hair that I know is some bullcrap. I rarely offer advice.....[/quote]

Ditto man!!! ;)
FineChyna said:
the worst offender i ever seen was my old hair braider. she could hook up some extensions but her natural hair look like something out of a horror flick. every uneven, broken off, dry like hay and a receeding hair line. :(

one day when i was in her salon she was gonna have one of the girls do her hair. she already took the extensions out and started washing her hair in the sink but was rubbing the hair all over, using dollar store shampoo and conditioner and barely doing a job washing it.

then later she was giving hair advice saying that grease grows hair and washing too much is bad for you....(too her too much was every week)

lawd have mercy
reminds me of my stylist when i was younger... she had the worst broken off, frizzy, relaxed hair i had ever seen and talked crap to me about mine. and tried to tell me to not wash my hair inbetween my relaxers. i was like wthhhh
I swear, you ladies are pure comedy! I'm actually holding my stomach reading this post. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Lusa said:
That reminds me of how many people bought the Dr Phil diet book! :lol:

gymfreak336 said:
When she said "I get all of my products from the dollar store"
I would have said " It shows":cool:

I try to stay away from these people. I let my sister borrow my sit under dryer last night. Her neighbor and friend Renee was there and they were going to relax their head. Mine you they both are not even 5 weeks post and Renee has super fine hair and uses super relaxer:look: They run there hands through my hair which is pushing 8 weeks with close to 1.5-2 inches of growth and start telling me how I need a relaxer and so on and so on. I said I will relax when I am ready. She said, "well, your head is screaming to me that you need to do it", I said, "Your head is screaming at you to stop doing it because it ain't working" Some people will never get it. Its okay with me though, somebodys got to be bald. :D

turnergirl said:
I wear my hair protected mostly during the winter and I get all kinds of flack. When I do I ask people to tell me how I can get my hair see through and broken like their's. I keep it short and sarcastic. That nips it in the bud.

joyousnerd said:
I hate that mess too! People are always trying to act like all black hair is the same. Just 'cuz you grease your scalp with Blue Magic and you like the results (nasty ***** hair) doesn't automatically mean I should do the same!

Broken, chewed up ends that look like shredded wheat are NOT attractive, and a thick layer of dirty grease just looks nasty.

BTW: just bc a product is from the dollar store doesn't mean it's bad. Tons of LHCF girls use Suave, VO5 and White Rain products from there with good results. My hair is soft, beautiful and growing like weeds even though my budget only allows the cheapest ish on the planet. :)

I agree that products (I've found braid spray,VO5 and Sauve there too) from the dollar store are not neccessarily BAD, but her comment was a wisecrack because I returned from lunch one day with a bag of Keracre and Mizani products during the JC Penny sale. :perplexed
CurliDiva said:
I have a co-worker whom I'm cool with, but she has a headful of MESS going on – over-processed relaxed, thin see thru ends, that dulled, faded brownish color from over-perming. Her hair is just hangs flat - straight down barely touching her shoulders without any shape, body or curl.

She will pat her frayed ends and say "my hair is getting so long" - she has been doing this for a couple of weeks now. No comment from me. When I went to JC Penny for the "2 for 20" Salon Products sale during lunch, she made the comment that she can use "anything" on her hair- no need for special products. No comment from me.

Yesterday, she made the comment "why do you use a special conditioner when you don't even wear your hair out." I get most of my HAIR stuff from the dollar store.

I replied that you need to take care of your hair/scalp not matter what style you wear.

I learned early during my hair journey - not to share my opinions on black hair care with people who are still "brainwashed". I already know if I explained that I'm growing out my NATURAL hair to BRA STRAP length w/protective styling and regular conditioning and moisturizing with quality products to achieve this goal - she would not GET it!

Sorry for the long rant, but my simple question for all of my fellow protective-stylers and hide-your-hair gals:

Do you get hair "advice" from people with JACKED up hair? :perplexed

If so, how do you handle it?
Girl I learned a loooong time ago that everybody thinks youre nuts concerning your hair care regimen until they see your hair as being unbelievably long. Then they are all ears ready to do EVERYTHING you do....unless of course they conclude that it's in your genes.

I dont get hair advice from anyone but I get a lot of "why do you do this, or that" or "that's just too much for me" or "buns are sooo boring, I Have to wear my hair out" to which I respond with "you do you and let me do me"
I totally understand since I got serious about the things I have been learning from this forum. From hair to grean tea to henna to being that girl to LOA. I have been treated differently. You have the ones that want to know what you are doing but then criticize what you told them...the ones who you can tell notice something different but don't say anything..well not to you. I am now tired of dealing with them so unless the person is seriously inquiring, I just say I decided to make positive changes in my lfe. That makes them leave me alone.
I transitioned in H.S. and these group of girls always thought they had jokes, talking about how someone needs a perm. I wish I would have listened to them. One has a serious case of see through ends and the other had "baby hair" slicked to her forehead with brown gel and the smallest side ponytail I've ever seen in my life. I just smiled and nodded everytime they said something they weren't really worth my time.