"Yeah, your hair looked JACKED!" pics

what!?!?!?! she is crazy as heck!!
I mean really?! Your hair looks gorgeous! It had got to be jealousy or pure hate..

Yo allow me to vent, but your situation occurs to much with me...I wear my hair in twists or a puff 95% of the time. And I remember one day, my first time pressing my hair, everyone was all like OMG it looks so nice, like I felt complimented but some made it seem like my hair in twists or a puff or cornrows etc, was not cute? What is wrong with people??

Seriously, what IS wrong with people?! Can't they both be cute? Just different? That's why I love my man, cuz when he met me I was always rockin wigs, tree braids, long and straight cuz I like that, too. But the first time I sent him a pic of my fro while he was at work, he was home in like 10 minutes! hahahahaha He loves me with all my different looks. And that's how it should be, right? Beauty is beauty, no matter the differences. Oh well. I'll keep hoping.

Oh, but don't worry all, my girlfriends loved my hair. It was just this one girl that didn't appreciate and she is no friend of mine. :nono:
she's bugging...what does her hair look like?

Not quite a chin length bob. She's caucasian and she's truly clueless when it comes to AA hair, I'm sure. I remember the first time I wore my lace front to work she asked me if I had "indian in my family...." :rolleyes:
^^Okay that so explains it now. A couple of the girls at my job are fascinated with how much healthier my hair is now and want to know what I'm doing. I talk about this website and show them pictures on here every now and then. One of them said I wish they would show their faces bc I know she must have indian in her family bc her hair is so shiny. I kept it moving. I ain't got time to educate these yt girls.

Your hair is beautiful. She is so hating.
Not quite a chin length bob. She's caucasian and she's truly clueless when it comes to AA hair, I'm sure. I remember the first time I wore my lace front to work she asked me if I had "indian in my family...." :rolleyes:

Oh, c'mon, White folks aren't using the NDN meme too are they? It makes me want to collect pictures of Indian women with jacked up hair. LOL, okay, that was a bit much.

I'm so tired of this idea that everybody has better hair than Black folks. Our hair is the most versatile. I'd like to see all the other races sport as many hairdos as effortlessly as we do. :rolleyes: See, now, I'm all worked up.
I'm so tired of this idea that everybody has better hair than Black folks. Our hair is the most versatile. I'd like to see all the other races sport as many hairdos as effortlessly as we do. :rolleyes: See, now, I'm all worked up.

Word... :yep:
What's funny is that I looked straight at your pics b4 reading the post and said "dang her hair is pretty". after I looked at ur pics...i read the post. Yeah, she was quite ignorant for saying that. I wonder how her hair looks:perplexed. Anywho you and your hair is gorg!
This isn't one of those..oo I'm going to be nice and make you feel good comments. I usually skip those threads anyways, because I don't like lying.

But, that female was TRIPPIN! Ain't a thing wrong with your hair. It looks perfect. No frizz, no pieces sticking out crazy (like mine sometimes lol), no nada. Perfectly styled hair.

Keep that chick far far away.
Not quite a chin length bob. She's caucasian and she's truly clueless when it comes to AA hair, I'm sure. I remember the first time I wore my lace front to work she asked me if I had "indian in my family...." :rolleyes:

NObody is supposed to be asking you your racial makeup at work. She could get into a lot of trouble for that. It's not like she was asking you about the holidays and if you do anything or something. Even that is a stretch. Maybe you should ask her if she has Austropithicus in her family since she's partially evolved!
There's nothing wrong with those pics. That chick is just ignorant! You and your hair look beautiful!
I just love that video you have in your signature!! :lachen: That look on Prince's face is priceless and it complements your signature!

But let's get back to the topic.... That girl doesn't know anything about BW's natural but most of all she is rude and inconsiderate! There's no way I'm gonna make fun of somebody's pics unless they are intentionally comical! And there was absolutely nothing comical about those pics!!
Congrats girl you got your first hater! That means you're doing something right :yep: Your hair is gorgeous by the way! Your curl pattern is lovely!
Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance.
Don't worry about haterz!
You're hair looks beautiful and healthy and you know that too :yep:!
O.K so not only is your hair gorgeous, you are too and I bet she was trying to hate! There is no way your hair is even remotely "jacked". It looks healthy and shiney!
Oh please. You are gorgeous and so is your hair. She just mad because she was probably hoping you had no hair under the wigs. Now she sees that you can rock wigs AND your natural hair and be fly doing both. Trust me, she is miserable right now.:lachen:
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I mean, I know she's a fool. And I KNOW my hair is beautiful. And she isn't anybody special. But she still ticked me off.

Below are the pics she saw.

Umm, not to be disrespectful...and...sorry to say this, but this was a WASTE of a thread! YOU know and I know...and EVERYONE WITH SENSE who can look at those pictures can see that your hair is beautiful and is a perfect compliment to your pretty eyes, smooth skin and BEAUTIFULLY BRILLIANT smile!...:grin::grin::grin::grin: