I've made some progress.. (PICS)


Well-Known Member
I usually get upset because I feel like my hair is never growing or that I am an unusually slow grower. Regardless, I take pics to keep track of my progress so i can see what's really going on.

I look back on where I was (rock bottom) when I started. Hair broken, no nape, hair discolored, thin and I am glad I made the decision to take another route in regards to hair care.

Throughout, my main goal was to gain thicker hair and regain my texture and natural color. I did just that. I just took out my sew in after about 3 months and I straightened a week and a half later just to see where I am, and I must say, I've made some progress.

thanks for all the tips ladies.
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Some progress ? Girl stop being modest ! You did a complete 180 with your hair and it looks fabulous ! Congratulations !
I love everything about it, the layers, the shine, it's a nice dark black. Your progress is amazing. Can't wait to see more progress in 6 months.
I think u r being alittle too nonchalant with, "I've made some progress", when your hair has turned up as gorgeous as it looks...Girl get excited and scream up and down because you've done a full 180 degree turn...keep up the good regimen...you are clearly reaping..
WOW great progress.. not some but alot of progess, my hair was exactly like your start pic. I had some progress but it's still fairly thin especially in the front.
Spill the beans on your tips and I agree with the sentiments you are being modest. You have made great progess for what seems like fine textured hair.

Almond Eyes
This is wonderful! Your hair is longer, has great volume, and looks sooooo healthy! Congratulations on a job well done so far! Keep growing!
It looks great Nichi!!! By the time December arrives your hair will be past that "Texas" on your shirt!!! Great Progress!