I've made it to 1 Year in Transistion!!!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Wow, I can't believe it's been a year already. It's been interesting to say the least.

I have to say that my hair is much better than one year ago. I have soooo much new growth and I'm still hanging on for dear life to
my ends. :spinning: I don't want to cut them yet. I still have about 3 good inches left.

I've tried everything you ladies suggested (except for MTG) and I have to say that you ladies know what you are talking about. I think you all (veterans) should have a degree in hair management. You ladies are the best. If I hadn't found this forum, my hair would have still been a mess.

By the fall of this year, I should be ready to do the BC!!! I will continue to do CW's and since its the summer, it will be the perfect time to do everyday. I'm excited at how my hair has thrived and grown...its been a year of up's and down's but overall, I feel so blessed.

I want to thank all of you for taking the time to share your experiences and products that works and those that don't. You are the best!

Blessings to you, always....:p
Nice & Wavy said:
Thanks, den1...you are one of my inspirations!
thanks!! I've been feeling really crappy about my hair lately, so that's very sweet comment coming from someone with awesome hair like yours.
den1 said:
thanks!! I've been feeling really crappy about my hair lately, so that's very sweet comment coming from someone with awesome hair like yours.

Ok, now i'm going to cry....thank you so much for saying that to me. Don't feel crappy about your hair, you are sooooo blessed to have so much hair and that it's so beautiful. We all know and remember what it was like to have busted hair. Now, that was a crappy feeling. But now, we have each other to lean on and to help in anyway we can and, we have the right tools to make our hair the best it can be.

Maybe right now, you are going through a different transistion period. It's ok, i'm sure there are many ladies that are experiencing the same feelings as you are. But, there are seasons to everything in life, but always remember, seasons do change!!!

Be blessed always...because you are!!!
Nice & Wavy said:
Ok, now i'm going to cry....thank you so much for saying that to me. Don't feel crappy about your hair, you are sooooo blessed to have so much hair and that it's so beautiful. We all know and remember what it was like to have busted hair. Now, that was a crappy feeling. But now, we have each other to lean on and to help in anyway we can and, we have the right tools to make our hair the best it can be.

Maybe right now, you are going through a different transistion period. It's ok, i'm sure there are many ladies that are experiencing the same feelings as you are. But, there are seasons to everything in life, but always remember, seasons do change!!!

Be blessed always...because you are!!!
Thanks for cheering me up... don't cry YOU lol
I really hate my hair now, its a lot better than how it used to be when texturized, i suppose i'm bored with it, maybe i need a dramatic change, and go for a very short look. btw Are you a Pastor?
den1 said:
Thanks for cheering me up... don't cry YOU lol
I really hate my hair now, its a lot better than how it used to be when texturized, i suppose i'm bored with it, maybe i need a dramatic change, and go for a very short look. btw Are you a Pastor?

Don't you cut your hair, girl.....please? Pretty please? LOL.;)

Yes, I am a pastor. My husband and I work with married couples mostly. But, we don't have our own church yet. That will come in time, i'm sure.
That is sooo wonderful :clap: I am incredibly happy for you for sticking through it....it can be such a discouraging process....It is so encouraging to see other women who face this challenge head-on....

My transition birthday was this past Saturday 05/28...but due to the fact that I just started really really paying attention to my hair a couple of months ago..and just joined LCHF about two weeks ago....I probably wont be celebrating until December :(

But I thank God for progress...and I am happy that I am learning and growing now!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
brownsugarflyygirl said:
That is sooo wonderful :clap: I am incredibly happy for you for sticking through it....it can be such a discouraging process....It is so encouraging to see other women who face this challenge head-on....

My transition birthday was this past Saturday 05/28...but due to the fact that I just started really really paying attention to my hair a couple of months ago..and just joined LCHF about two weeks ago....I probably wont be celebrating until December :(

But I thank God for progress...and I am happy that I am learning and growing now!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Thank you, so much! I am happy for you too, that you are learning and growing now! Blessings to you on your growth!
Nice & Wavy said:
Don't you cut your hair, girl.....please? Pretty please? LOL.;)

Yes, I am a pastor. My husband and I work with married couples mostly. But, we don't have our own church yet. That will come in time, i'm sure.
I thought so... i remember reading your profile, you and your husband are doing a great job for the Lord, god bless you both. I'm putting some braids in for the next six months and see how i feel, know i'm gonna do a big cut this year though.
den1 said:
I thought so... i remember reading your profile, you and your husband are doing a great job for the Lord, god bless you both. I'm putting some braids in for the next six months and see how i feel, know i'm gonna do a big cut this year though.

thank you, den1....God does bless us and I'm sure He blesses you too!

Braids sound like a good idea. You know, I wish I could get braids. The first and last time I tried braids, I remember going swimming and having a great time, then....someone said, "hey, who's braids are floating on the water." I looked and there were about 15 braids that were floating that came off of my head!!! :eek: My hair was so soft, that the braids came loose and left my head. Needless to say, I never tried that again!!

WoW!! Thats a lot of time, patience and progress. The rest should be a cinch now.
way to go!! ConGRats!!!!!!