1 year update and disappointment

I was struggling with my hair growth too, I put a color in and had to grow the color out and trim it out but I didn't trim that often more like every three or six months until it was all gone. Then I learned to put leave in conditioner on my ends add a oil or butter and tuck them in even at night. I put some coconut oil or avocado oil on my ends and tucked it in with a bobbie pin. each night. What a change in my hair, just by moisturizing my hair night and day and using a protective oil. I co wash a lot and it works for me. I alternate with shea butter or palm oil on my ends at night as well not every night just some nights. My hair started thickening up and growing. You can look for my old post I been complaining about my hair almost from the start. Now its 4 months away from three years and I am going to be seeing Armpit. If I can grow my slow growing hair you can grow yours. Pretty too. You will see, just have patiences say a pray. Have faith....
You are not gripping. You are learning. we have all been there. I start at chin length thru trial and error. I finally made APL. I became a product junky too. Finally I found the balance between protein and moisture. Just moisturize ( with real moisture) and protect those ends.

This is soooooooo true. I posted a thread a while back.... If I had known then what I know I could have been beyond BSL. http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=282899&highlight=

There are several ladies here that are colored and have healthy hair. Back in the day, my hair could handle color. Now.... not so much. This is why I use henna. Tweak your regimen until you find what works for you and go from there. Keep a journal so that you know what works and when. I have to change up on my moisture and such as the season or my body changes. :yep:
Get frustrated, get a little mad, but get back on it. You'll be glad you did.

:bighug: It's gonna be ok :)
It'll be all right :bighug:. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. I know when I started my hair-care journey I expected to reach my goals without a hitch. I honestly calculated and expected to reach BSL by April 2008. But I was no where near BSL then and am not even BSL now :(. That's because I had to go through a lot of trial and error with my hair, finding out what products worked well for it and helped with detangling and what products dried it out or otherwise contributed nothing special to it. Also I had to learn the proper way to groom my hair. I used to just rip combs through my hair thinking all was well because I'm not brushing it. Now I realize that even though my hair is relaxed my natural texture is still curly and curly hair shouldn't be combed or groomed excessively. So during the learning process I've lost some inches and am about 3 or 4 inches behind where I thought I would be, but that's all right. At least now I know and hopefully things now can go off without a hitch because I know a bit more about what I'm supposed to do with my hair. Just wanted to relate my experience to you and I'm sure as you get to learn more about your hair and it's likes and dislikes you'll find yourself reaching your length goals with more and more ease.

P.S. You should also know how many inches your hair grows a month. Some people have faster growth cycles and some people have slower ones. Knowing this affords you to set realistic goals for yourself :yep:.
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-wash weekly w/ SE moisturizing shampoo
-d/c w/ lekair cholesterol mixed w/ humectress. every other week aphogee 2 min. No heat
-wrapping at night for a couple of weeks and then it's mostly protective styles (buns,rollersets,braidouts etc.) until next relaxer
Moisturize daily w/ HE LTR leave-in (I have now switched to Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1) and seal w/ castor oil.
What am I missing?!

I also think you should try some products that are especially formulated for color-treated hair. They provide extra moisture and nourishment needed to keep that hair on your head!
You see all the bolded. Protien. I think you are on overload. You need Moisturizing conditioners. Humectress alone is moisturizing. Giovani direct, kera care humecto, Aubrey organics honeysuckle rose, Biolage Hydratherapie those are moisturizing. Too much protien will also cause breakage. Do protien once a month.

I agree with this 100%. I'm not sure if that's your problem, but I know it sure was mine. I was thinking I had to get all this protein in. Then I just decided to start doing moisture. Man. It worked WONDERS.

I'm starting from scratch myself (because I accidentally cut my hair like an idiot :wallbash:), but I'm making sure to keep moisturizing my hair. I'm sitting under my Pibbs now deep conditioning my hair.

I feel for you, though. I know how it is when you think you've made strides, but it seems like you havent. I can guarantee, though, that your hair probably is in somewhat better condition than it was before you started your hair care journey. Try to hang in there. (((HUGS)))
I have been at sl 4EVER:yep:, it's a different sl than over a year ago, but it's still sl. It's thicker and longer and healthier but it's still nowhere near apl:nono:, but that's okay, if we keep taking care of our hair and be patient, we will eventually get there, stay positive.
If you really think that the effort and time you are putting into growing your hair could be better directed elsewhere, then you should do what makes you happy :yep:. We all have different priorities at different times in our lives, and there is always a cost-benefit analysis.

However, I wouldn't see any reason for you to go back to not treating your hair well (if that's what you used to do). In any case, when you know better, you do better, and I think you'll find it kind of difficult to go back to your old ways. LHCF has already brainwashed you. :grin:

If you decide to stick with it, or even to just get a break from your hair, I agree with vestaluv that you could go hardcore with the low maintenance protective styles, i.e. keep extensions in for a few months, or do a simple daily bun. Caring for your hair can be simple.
i feel you sugar. . . but def don't give up. a year later, and I still at the same length. but I am smarter and i think it is a LITTLE thicker. . . so *crossed fingers* it will come in time.

Don't be too hard on yourself. I understand exactly your disapointment. It took me 6 years to really understand how to take care of my natural tresses. It won't take you that long, but what I'm saying that with every dissapointment comes lessons learned. You will be on your way in no time. Just perservere.
another thing, I would just like to throw out there. . .

don't be afraid of 'short' hair. . . you say cut like its a bad thing. people keep telling you not to cut because you are worried about meeting your LENGTH goals when if it is HEALTHY it will flourish and then the length will come. if the ends are damaged, let them go. nothing 'mends' split ends. health should come before length. . . now if your ends ARE NOT damaged and you are just upset about the lack of visible grow/length, maybe your hair is/was in a thickening phase.