Transistion Buddies

Ebonygurl00 said:
I would like a transiton buddy! I'll be one month post on Saturday. It's not long at all, but I have a lot of NG already. I'm going to transition for at least 15 months, then if I'm comfortable with the length, I'll chop.

Hey! I'm about 9 weeks post, but I think that's close enough!;) I would like to transition at least until December 2007. Let me know what you think!
I know I'm a little late, but I need a buddy bad. I am about ready to give up on my transitioning because I can't get my hair to do anything. My last relaxer was April '06.
Hello, I'm looking for a buddy too. Last relaxer in June 2006. My hair is somewhere between bra strap and waist length. I'm still trying to find a way to keep moisture in my hair. Any tips?
Can a later stage transitioner get a buddy? I'm about 11 months in and feeling a little down about my progress/hair. I love my new texture, but I feel like no one else really likes it except my hubby.

I don't mean to sound vain, but I seem to get 0 compliments or positive comments on my hair now. I am not thinking of relaxing it now, but I wonder why no one seems to like my hair. I don't feel less attractive, but then again...

Are any of you going through this, or am I just weird?:confused:
Hello Faithful. You could join up with Gharp001 and I. We both had our last relaxers in June.

faithful said:
Hello, I'm looking for a buddy too. Last relaxer in June 2006. My hair is somewhere between bra strap and waist length. I'm still trying to find a way to keep moisture in my hair. Any tips?
mscounselor said:
Im 49 weeks post *yess more than a year*** I plan to BC in 9 months when I have enough to get a style cut. Anyone want a buddy like me?

I believe Im 4a hair does what it wants like so1913 says...:-) My length is BSL when pressed now.

mscounselor, did you get a buddy? I'm about 5 weeks behind you and I wanna have enough at least for a small ponytail before I chop.
mscounselor said:
Im 49 weeks post *yess more than a year*** I plan to BC in 9 months when I have enough to get a style cut. Anyone want a buddy like me?

I believe Im 4a hair does what it wants like so1913 says...:-) My length is BSL when pressed now.

Can you help me long transition? I am so weak right now and I swear I hear scissors calling my name!:lol: I have a very short cut right now. I am mostly 3c, but I have 4a nape. Yes, I NEED a buddy like you!:D
Last relaxer was Oct 11th...

So im 5weeks into my transition...Im not sure what my hair type is...

but im really running out of options to style my hair, the short cut is not helping it at all.