I've made it to 1 Year in Transistion!!!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Wow, I can't believe it's been a year already. It's been interesting to say the least.

I have to say that my hair is much better than one year ago. I have soooo much new growth and I'm still hanging on for dear life to
my ends. :spinning: I don't want to cut them yet. I still have about 3 good inches left.

I've tried everything you ladies suggested (except for MTG) and I have to say that you ladies know what you are talking about. I think you all (veterans) should have a degree in hair management. You ladies are the best. If I hadn't found this forum, my hair would have still been a mess.

By the fall of this year, I should be ready to do the BC!!! I will continue to do CW's and since its the summer, it will be the perfect time to do everyday. I'm excited at how my hair has thrived and grown...its been a year of up's and down's but overall, I feel so blessed.

I want to thank all of you for taking the time to share your experiences and products that works and those that don't. You are the best!

Blessings to you, always....:p
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I know this is rather late, but congrats on ur 1st yr transitioning.
I remember that stage of my transition...great memories.

congrats again :)
I think we are all late!!!

Congrats girlie on 1 year!!! I look forward to seeing you 100% natural!
Hello.... I'm congratulating you and sowing good seeds of support so I can reap a quick and bountiful one year transition as well (it's in a couple of months)....

Continued success to you!:)
congratulations girl!:D, one year must feel good! I am almost a year now also (sept will be 1 year) and i am also unwilling to part with my ends even though theyre thinner than the rest of my hair,, i have given myself mini trims when the ends just get so skinny i cant stand it and these have really helped me keep my hair thicker and healthier, I dont think I'll ever have the nerve to do the bigchop:lol:, i think im gonna do it gradually
Congrats on your Transition Anniversary!
Good luck!

It's nice to see someone is succeeding where I FAILED!

Damn me! :(

Why did I CAVE!?!? :cry:

I should have been bc'ing!

Continue the good work, babe...

I am so jealous!
Congrats! A year?!:eek: If u don't mind, can u tell me how u transitioned so long? I'd like to transition again in the future with longer natural hair.
i'm also thinking of transiting. I definately know i want to be natural but was thinking of transiting when i gained some length first,l but i though that would be harder, and a waste of time. It seems to make more sense to do it now whilst i'm SL.

l not sure whether i should texterise the new growth to make things easier or will this be really stupid and counter-productive? I definately don't want to do a BC so i will be transiting the whole way with perhaps a few trims hear and there! Im shoulder length now; and was wondering what an approx timespan this might take? anyone transit'd from shoulder length, how long did it take you and how fast did your hair grow per month

TIA ladies Muaaah
Peachtree said:
I know this is rather late, but congrats on ur 1st yr transitioning.
I remember that stage of my transition...great memories.

congrats again :)

Peachtree, thank you so much....it has not been easy, but I am doing my thang!!!
so1913 said:
I think we are all late!!!

Congrats girlie on 1 year!!! I look forward to seeing you 100% natural!

Thank you so much...I appreciate that you even thought of me! I look forward to it as well!

RelaxerRehab said:
Hello.... I'm congratulating you and sowing good seeds of support so I can reap a quick and bountiful one year transition as well (it's in a couple of months)....

Continued success to you!:)

Oh, thank you so much...you know when you plant good seeds, you get a healthy harvest! I can't wait until you get to 1 year as well....I'm going to plant some good seeds for you too!!!:p
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
congratulations girl!:D, one year must feel good! I am almost a year now also (sept will be 1 year) and i am also unwilling to part with my ends even though theyre thinner than the rest of my hair,, i have given myself mini trims when the ends just get so skinny i cant stand it and these have really helped me keep my hair thicker and healthier, I dont think I'll ever have the nerve to do the bigchop:lol:, i think im gonna do it gradually

Thank you so much...yes, one year does feel good, I just can't wait until I get to where I want to be. I'm being patient though. You are not alone, I don't want to do the big chop yet, I do small mini-chops now as well.
Congratulations! Do you have any recent pictures? I'm just beginning my transition. I hope to one day post that I've made it to the year mark too!
Pokahontas said:
Congrats girl!!! Best of luck in the future. You're doing great!

Hi Pokahontas....thanks so much! You know you are the reason why I started my transisition. I can't wait until I get to be where you are!:grin:
Blossssom said:
Good luck!

It's nice to see someone is succeeding where I FAILED!

Damn me! :(

Why did I CAVE!?!? :cry:

I should have been bc'ing!

Continue the good work, babe...

I am so jealous!

Hi blossssom...thank you so much. It's ok..don't beat yourself up, just start over and you will succeed one day. Blessings to you.
DDtexlaxd said:
Congrats! A year?!:eek: If u don't mind, can u tell me how u transitioned so long? I'd like to transition again in the future with longer natural hair.

Thank you...you are so sweet! I don't mind...it's been a long road, I can tell you that. It's alot better now. I can say that I lost alot of hair doing it this way then if I would have done the big cut. But, I have gained hair as well. Keeping my hair moisterized and in a bun for most of the year has helped me transisition well, in addition to that, I do rollerset my hair too, more back when I was in my first couple of months then now. I haven't used heat in 6 months. Not an easy task, let me tell you. Since its summertime, I do mostly CW and just rinses in between CW. When I do rinses (with just water) I put Giovanni leave-in and EVOO in my hair for moisture. That has been wonderful. I also use IC gel with sparkelites to tame any frizz in the front of my hair.

I followed Pokahontas path...and that is what helped me most of all.

It's a challenge, but I'm so glad that I did it and still experiencing the problems with relaxed ends...but, I know sooner or later, I will cut the rest off and then I will be fully 100% natural. My husband loves my natural hair...once, I was going to cave in and get a relaxer...my husband said "no, don't do it...I love your hair...it's so wavy and pretty." I said to him "well, I don't wear it out anymore and I'm getting pretty tired of having it either in a bun or a pony (only wear a pony sometimes). He said "no, please don't relax it...I can't wait to see what it will look like when it's completly natural. I'm right there with you babe..." That made me re-consider and continue on.

Hope that helps.
Sabina said:
i'm also thinking of transiting. I definately know i want to be natural but was thinking of transiting when i gained some length first,l but i though that would be harder, and a waste of time. It seems to make more sense to do it now whilst i'm SL.

l not sure whether i should texterise the new growth to make things easier or will this be really stupid and counter-productive? I definately don't want to do a BC so i will be transiting the whole way with perhaps a few trims hear and there! Im shoulder length now; and was wondering what an approx timespan this might take? anyone transit'd from shoulder length, how long did it take you and how fast did your hair grow per month

TIA ladies Muaaah

When I first started, my relaxed hair was shoulder length. My hair now is just about to bra strap. It's taken this long because I do mini-trims, so its going to take me a little longer. I can't tell you how much it grew per month, but I can tell you that it has grown and I am just thrilled!
danimani said:
Congratulations! Do you have any recent pictures? I'm just beginning my transition. I hope to one day post that I've made it to the year mark too!

I do have some pics, I just have to get it off of my digital camera and place them in my fotki. I haven't had the time, but I will make time soon.

Did you look at pokahontas fotki? She was my hair inspiration when I first started and still is. Her hair is so beautiful. She should be able to help you as well.

Blessings to you on your transisition. You will be fine. It's a long process, but you can do it because you are a woman and you can do anything!!!:D
I just want to say thank you to those who saw it worthy enough to bring this thread back to the surface. I didn't get many responses in the beginning and I thought that no one cared. But, I see that there are people who do care. Thank you, this really has encouraged me to continue on.

Blessings to you ladies....:p
Sabina said:
i'm also thinking of transiting. I definately know i want to be natural but was thinking of transiting when i gained some length first,l but i though that would be harder, and a waste of time. It seems to make more sense to do it now whilst i'm SL.

l not sure whether i should texterise the new growth to make things easier or will this be really stupid and counter-productive? I definately don't want to do a BC so i will be transiting the whole way with perhaps a few trims hear and there! Im shoulder length now; and was wondering what an approx timespan this might take? anyone transit'd from shoulder length, how long did it take you and how fast did your hair grow per month

TIA ladies Muaaah

:: Cough :: ^^^ ::Cough:: :look:
Nice & Wavy said:
When I first started, my relaxed hair was shoulder length. My hair now is just about to bra strap. It's taken this long because I do mini-trims, so its going to take me a little longer. I can't tell you how much it grew per month, but I can tell you that it has grown and I am just thrilled!

Thanks for the reply ;)

Congrats also :D

How much relaxed bits do you still have left or are you completly ohhhh sooo natural <--- sorry :sekret:

one year from SL to BS doesn't seem long to me... any pictures :look: