I've Just Completed My Natural Rollersetting Tutorial....Is It Helpful?

Thank you for your tutorial. Very insightful. I've tried rollersetting a couple of times but always had problems with the sides. You've given a solution. Thanks again
Wow! Beautiful! I'll be brave enough to try that one day lol! Did you leave the conditioner in or rinse it out? How long did it take to dry? Thanks for sharing!
Wow! Beautiful! I'll be brave enough to try that one day lol! Did you leave the conditioner in or rinse it out? How long did it take to dry? Thanks for sharing!

I rinsed out the conditioner and it took about 2 hours to dry and not quite fully dry either :ohwell:

great job!

What dryer did yo use?
BTW you have very pretty eyes.

A conair, with a very large collapsible flip down hood . And thank you for the compliment

Do you have pictures of how you styled your hair after taking the rollers out?

I do, I intend to post the later :yep:
wow, i never new that those kinda of rollers can produce such beautiful results. you did your thing with them rollers. thanks. very good tutorial as well.
Can't view fotki at work - will look as soon as I get home.

Thanks in advance though...