I've decided to attack the root of the issue


New Member
I think I've figured it out. My singleness is probably because I'm shy. I would like to be more of balance between quiet and outgoing rather than shy, the way I am right now. Over the summer and year I'm will work on this and let my personality, a very quirky but nice personality shine. I mainly just don't like the reasons why I'm shy and single. There's a guy at work that I'm interested in and I'll practice with him on being more approachable. I was watching this youtube video and a component of overcoming shyness is not demanding perfection from myself so if doesn't work out with him, I should allow it to completely crumble me.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOfabrp9QAE ~:yep:
Good video, over the course of the summer, I'll be posting more videos and articles about overcoming shyness and updating my progress...which of course won't be perfect.:grin:
A good article:http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/overcoming-shyness/
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I am the same way. But my shyness usually shows with guys. I have the hardest time meeting guys because of it...I think if I was comfortable with who I am on the outside, who I am on the inside would shine through better...
Good luck! I am having the same issue. I approached the hot guy at work and things seem to be going well.

Sometimes you have to break the RULES (the famous book about dating) and live a little.
Good luck! I am having the same issue. I approached the hot guy at work and things seem to be going well.

Sometimes you have to break the RULES (the famous book about dating) and live a little.

LOL I see that your new but its ALOT of Rules girls on here. I wish I could stay within the rules but Im a real breaker :nono: Oh yeah, your in my hometown! :wavey:
Social anxiety/shyness prevented me from having friendships as well as relationships for a long time, but I usually just force myself to start conversations or I try to hide my nerves. It definitely wasn't/isn't easy though. People kept telling me I seemed like a female dog before they got to know me. That was my original inspiration.
Good luck to you though.