I've chopped my hair off!!


"Honestly, Truly"
I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Well, not all of it, but most of it, it's very depressing, although I know it will grow back in a couple of years *sigh* I'm going to open one of those photo albums I see everyone with and keep a journal, wish me luck please, I know it was for the best, but I feel so ugly
(by the way, i'm not implying short hair is ugly! I just think it makes *me* look horrible)

Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Hey Char
Are you transitioning or did you do it because of damage? in any case i'm sure you look cute
i've come to learn that we ladies tend to be our own worst critic
Good luck to new beginnings and please keep us updated on your progress -- jainygirl
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

congrats on your decision. you're very brave and i'm sure your hair will thank you for it in the long run
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Keep your head up! Now that you have the information to better care for your hair, it will grow back healthier and longer.
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Thanx so much ladies! I know you are right, i'm just going through the motions right now!

Jainygirl, i'm getting rid of all the breakage (or as much as I can) my hair is curly permed with wave nouveau, it's been on a downhill for a few months now, although it was still growing quite a lot, but I decided there was no point having long, thin, straggly hair, so i've been trimming inches off at a time since February, it's now at my ears! I'll put some pics in an album soon.

Thanx ladies.

Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Have u ever worn weaves? When I cut my hair, I wore a sewed-in weave to the back of my nape area and it boosted my esteem and confidence level. But I personally dont like wearing weaves because I always realize "this isnt my real hair!"
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Don't worry about it Char...when I came to this board a little over a year ago, my hair was shaved in the back and no longer than 2 inches all over. Now I'm sporting chin-length bob. It's not a lot of length, but I'm still growing and I've come a long way from where I started from. I even had a set back recently, but just from being on this board and getting the love, support and advice from everyone here...I was able to salvage my hair and only cut a small amount. Just stick around for a while, you'll be having hair blowing in the wind before you know it. If you're looking for a hair buddy, just PM me!
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Drastic hair cuts always leave you feeling a bit...um...exposed. But, after I have done them once I see how healthy and strong my new hair is I never regret doing them. You will be so glad you gave yourself and your hair a new start...and you'll see how gorgeous it will be with the help of the ladies on this board. Good luck with the growing and hang in there sweetie
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

I chopped a few inches of mine off in March and I hate the way my hair looks on me.
I've been wearing weaves and fake ponytails to match my face because the cut doesn't at all. At least I'm wearing protective styles.
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

I am going through something similar with my hair, I am cutting it up to a chin length bob,or somewhere around that(currently touching shoulders). I feel that my hair will be much more healthier, and will probally grow in faster, plus its summer time and who wants to fool around with long, hot hair in the summer? lol- Anyways keep your head up and your hair will be back to its orginal length and longer before you know it-Only it will be healthier!
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Thanx for all the love and support ladies! I really appreciate it.

Poohbear, i've never worn a weave, and probably wouldn't. I don't mind braids, but I hear this is the worse thing to do right now?

JenJen, i'd love to be your hair buddy! I'll PM you now!

I'm currently uploading some photos.

Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

I think your hair looks cute anyway, even if you don't like it. Look at it this way it's nice to change up your look a little bit. Your hair can and will grow back. I went through something similar the first week of january and got a major cut. I had shoulder length hair and I cut it to chin level. Everyone raved at how cute it looked at work. What I hate now is the growing out period. That is real the real work begins.
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

char look at it ths way, at least yo breakage didnt require all of yo hair to be chopped off!! wen i had my big chop i went from chin length to twa which meant i couldnt do anything with it!!happy hair growin and soon you'll be telling us how glad u are that u trimmed yo hair!!
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

Hey CharUK! We share the same experience. It's a little nerve-wrecking at first but you'll grow to like it especially when you realize how healthy your hair is. You'll be even more proud and happy when you start to see progress. It looks good on you. Without looking at your long hair pics my automatic reaction is 'Wow, her hair looks good.'
Check out my photo to see how short I cut it in January. My hair needed a good 'once/twice' over. Now my hair is about ear length. I love the progress I've seen so far and I look foward to the future. Happy healthy hair growing.
Re: I\'ve chopped my hair off!!

You guys are really supportive, and I really appreciate it! (still can't wait for it to grow back though