I cut my hair off!

Reminds me when I cut my hair off first 2 months of college. Whoa stress! 2002 November.. I love your look..you look hot sexy and amazing..Just like me..hehe..I love the short hair styles and miss everything about them except the relaxer.lol

So now I am rocking a TWA and I still look hot, sexy, and amazing. lol

Get it Ms. Thang!
tishee said:
I :love: it! Very pretty! If you don't mind me asking what type of cut did you ask for....I would like to get the same cut?

thanks in advance

Thank you all so much! Tishee, I actually saw a cut in Sophisticate's Black Hair, and I said...that's it...I want that! It actually doesn't look like that, though. lol...i'll scan the pic when i get the chance!
I actually prefer short hair on you.

LilChocolateMa said:
Let me tell ya, I had SUCH success with MTG. The stuff seriously worked wonders, I don't care what any of the non believers had to say. Anywho, my colored hair was looking awful. It was just wrong. So, I chopped it all off. Not to just get rid of the color either, but I really wanted short hair! All these months I had been growing my hair out, and I just didn't want it anymore! Well, I have a black rinse in my hair from 2 weeks back. But, here is my cut:

Happy for you and your new do!!! Also you made reference to MTG being such a positive experience. Well you also have the proof that your hair will grow when you put your mind and skill to it as well. Would you care to share what happened with your thickness and growth etc. when you were using the MTG? Bonjour