I Big Chopped My Daughter's Hair!!

Congrats on the chop DSD! She's soo cute! She's already rockin a puff!! Just think how long her hair will be in a few years! When she gets to be an adult, she'll love you for this!!!
jainygirl said:
DSD you did an excellent job on your daughters transition, her hair is beautiful :bouncy: This seals it, you have GOT to be the LHCF pro -supreme :). You excel at all things hair i swear it :kiss:. -- jainygirl
Well thank you!!
hopeful said:
Oh my goodness DSD, her hair is beautiful! I almost teared up. Thanks so much for sharing this special moment with us. You and your daughter are awesome!

I wouldn't share this moment with anyone else. You guys are great!!
Thanks everyone for all of your compliments, advice and well wishes. It is very helpful to us during this time.

She woke up this morning and said she felt weird. I asked her why and she said because she's not used to having her hair braid. I thought she was going to say something else. I braided her hair because she is going camping this weekend and I didn't want her to have to worry about that.

I have shown her all of the posts here on the board and in my album and you guys are really helping keep her spirits up. She was all smiles!! Thanks a million! :kiss: What would I do without you!!
DSD, your daughters hair is so beautiful:) !!. You are such an inspiration girl. I love seeing your passion for beautiful, healthy, strong hair!!! Thank you for the thread!! I applaud your little lady:clap: . I know the the transformation was easier for her since she was well educated by her loving mommy! Good job girl!!