It's Saturday.... what are you doing with your hair?

It was wash day today so a moisturising dc w/o heat, I then shampooed with anita grants peppermint bar. I then dc'd with a henna based conditioner followed by a vinegar rinse. I then did chunky single twists and bantu knotted those twists.. my hairs air drying now :)
I'm relaxing next Saturday so I'm preparing by doing a hardcore aphogee today followed by a 30 minute DC and then I'll rollerset.
Im preparing my hair for a flatiron for my Bday on Monday!!!

First, birthday shoutout to fellow Aries boingboing :grin:

Will deep condition on dry hair - thinking of using Lustasilk Shea/Mango
Do a ayurvedic wash, follow up with a henna gloss session (more condtioner than henna - just using up leftover batch)

Cleanse with WEN
Follow up with deep conditioning session with Sitrinillah/Yes to Carrots Mask

Rinse, moisturize and airdry

Looking forward to next Saturday's salon rollerset :yep:
I've been pre-pooing since last night using indian oils and one of my dominican conditioners. I'm going to do a protein treatment with Sebastian Pentraitt since it's a week after my relaxer. I'm really in the nurture mode with my hair since the relaxer I did last week was a corrective. I'm going back to doing some of the old things that got me from a little past neck length to apl in one year. Such as prepooing every Friday night with one of my Dom cond and adding essential oils to my conditioners. I will then do my normal rollerset and wrap.
Scratch what I said earlier....I'm about to cut this mess off! I have a ridiculous amount of breakage :cry:

ETA: I'm going to try and save it...but I will probably trim.

I DC'ed w/ Silicon Mix overnight and then rinsed and tried to rollerset. That's the last time ever!!!

I had to clarify and now I'm sitting under the dryer. I'm doing the hard Aphogee treatment as I type.
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I am currently, as I type, doing a light protein prepoo with a LeKair Cholesterol Plus Aloe Strengthening And Conditioning Cream. Will wash and then go under the steamer with a moisturizing deep conditioner (most likely silk elements). Then do a twist out curl with my pillow rollers before I go to bed, for church tomorrow.
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Relaxing my hair with ORS No-lye. I'm excited to see my length..i have ALOT of newgrowth after 4 months of no relaxers..
Then I'm doing a good moisturizing deep condition.
First, birthday shoutout to fellow Aries boingboing :grin:

Will deep condition on dry hair - thinking of using Lustasilk Shea/Mango
Do a ayurvedic wash, follow up with a henna gloss session (more condtioner than henna - just using up leftover batch)

Cleanse with WEN
Follow up with deep conditioning session with Sitrinillah/Yes to Carrots Mask

Rinse, moisturize and airdry

Looking forward to next Saturday's salon rollerset :yep:

Thank you!!!! ....And right back to you. Mine was April 5th.:grin:
Well, I want to work on the porosity of my hair, but I don't want to use my grandmother's ACV.

I plan on using an alternative. I have:

-Orange juice

I am trying to figure out which one I want to use. I want to see if fixing the porosity of my hair will do any good.
I did a co-wash, deep condition, rollerset...and now i'm sitting under the dryer....gotta be fly on Easter! :)
i was going to co-wash and redo my knotout, but i just slapped a headband on and will do my co-wash tomorrow.
I wash with nettle shampoo bar. Right now I am sitting under the dryer with my deep conditioner. I mixed up the kitchen sink. I think I am going to just bun and go. I have to go out. And even though tomorrow is Easter I don't feel obligated to use heat. It's amazing how freeing no heat feels especially when you are feeling lazy.
I wiill probably just do a French roll for church tomorrow.
Today I dcd with giovanni deeper moisture, yogurt, coconut milk & oil, mayo, honey, and castor oil for about 1 hr w/heat. Very nice combo. :yep:

Then did a wash n go for later on tonight. I used kinky curly, castor oil, and tresemee and finger combed it thru. It was my first successful wng..ever! I hope I can get two days out of it.
Washing and deep conditioning tonight. I'll probably sleep with the conditioner in my head with a plastic cap and detangle tomorrow morning. I'm trying a new style tomorrow that I saw on youtube.
I'm sitting under my soft bonnet dryer as I type.

I washed with diluted Motions Lavish, applied Giovanni Direct Leave-in Conditioner and some Proclaim Serum. Then, I put my hair into 10 individual twists...the plan was to airdry overnight, but sometimes my hair in not completely dry by morning, so I'm giving it a headstart with the bonnet dryer.

In the morning, I will remove my twists and style into a twistout to wear to Easter church services tomorrow.