It's Not About the 'Chicken' ... It's the Heart of God for the Family

I just want to say thank you to the ladies on here who stand steadfast in the Word of God and do not waver in the face of adversity. Reading what you post and learning from you is a true blessing and I thank God for you and your unwavering belief in His word!

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Yes, I saw this in the other thread they are asking to get closed:look::look::look:

I just want to say thank you to the ladies on here who stand steadfast in the Word of God and do not waver in the face of adversity. Reading what you post and learning from you is a true blessing and I thank God for you and your unwavering belief in His word!

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I thank God for each of you. I just don't understand how something so wrong is being fought for so strongly to be right. :nono:

I just don't understand how people support gay marriage when it so unreasonable.

Although I'm not eating Chick Fil A (back to my greens and healthy smoothies), I am standing for God's Word and I'm not backing down from it.

I am fighting even harder to save Marriages that are in trouble and seeking God's direction in bringing more Marriages together for singles who desire to be Married.... Male and Female as One under God. In other words, I am advocate for saving Marriages honoured by God.

I pray for my gay friends and family members. I love them...very much, I love them. They have the kindest souls, yet satan has attached a lie to their souls and has them in bondage. I know that God has a sure path of deliverance for them and that they shall be set free in Jesus' Name. Totally free, no matter what satan and society says or does to try and convince them otherwise.

God bless you Precious Wavy ... You know I love you and Pastor 'A'... you and hubby are outstanding as Ministers.

GodivaChocolate.... I love you more than that heavenly chocolate. Even more than Godiva's chocolate strawberries. :love2:

Blessings and favour is upon you all the days of your lives in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen. :yep:
I thank God for each of you. I just don't understand how something so wrong is being fought for so strongly to be right. :nono:

I just don't understand how people support gay marriage when it so unreasonable.

Although I'm not eating Chick Fil A (back to my greens and healthy smoothies), I am standing for God's Word and I'm not backing down from it.

I am fighting even harder to save Marriages that are in trouble and seeking God's direction in bringing more Marriages together for singles who desire to be Married.... Male and Female as One under God. In other words, I am advocate for saving Marriages honoured by God.

I pray for my gay friends and family members. I love them...very much, I love them. They have the kindest souls, yet satan has attached a lie to their souls and has them in bondage. I know that God has a sure path of deliverance for them and that they shall be set free in Jesus' Name. Totally free, no matter what satan and society says or does to try and convince them otherwise.

God bless you Precious Wavy ... You know I love you and Pastor 'A'... you and hubby are outstanding as Ministers.

GodivaChocolate.... I love you more than that heavenly chocolate. Even more than Godiva's chocolate strawberries. :love2:

Blessings and favour is upon you all the days of your lives in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen. :yep:

Shimmie and Nice&Wavy you guys are truly inspiring. Thank you for being such strong, spirit filled women.
Ladies, thank you. After my last post though, I may want to go back and lay low cause I just fired some shots and I don't want to be a bad witness:lol:
Shimmie and Nice&Wavy you guys are truly inspiring. Thank you for being such strong, spirit filled women.

Maria, you are just as wonderful and inspiring if not more. I thank God for you and all of our sisters here.

I'm a fireball, I admit it. However, I will fight for you and think nothing of it. I still have prayer in one and my sword (God's Word) in the other hand.
Ladies, thank you. After my last post though, I may want to go back and lay low cause I just fired some shots and I don't want to be a bad witness:lol:

I am sure they came from a place of love and with Jesus in mind. He did teach us to turn the other cheek.
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Nite y'all...even in my fun times, Jesus is and will always be Lord in my life. It's so good to truly know the Savior!
I am fighting even harder to save Marriages that are in trouble and seeking God's direction in bringing more Marriages together for singles who desire to be Married.... Male and Female as One under God. In other words, I am advocate for saving Marriages honoured by God.

I don't think people REALLY understand what's at stake here and how marriage and families are under attack. Marriage is so much deeper than a piece of paper or a million dollar wedding. It is a covenant in which a man and a woman enter before God almighty and they become one. They are a team. Their relationship with God symbolizes the trinitarian God-head. I mean, think about that. Isn't that just DEEP??? It boggles my mind the God in His goodness allowed humans to experience something on Earth that parallels His divinity.

Marriage is a sacrament, a mystery, a spiritual thing. Jesus' first public miracle was at a wedding at Cana. Do you think that was a coincidence? Just giving gays the right to get married and say they can call it marriage but it's not really marriage won't cut it. We're basically telling God His Word is not good enough in 2012 and we need to finesse the meaning to satiate a segment of society. Oh no, I don't think so.

What's really going on in 2012? Why is it so hard for Christian men and women to find each other? Why are Christians struggling with fornication, adultery and pornography? Why do women insist on wearing immodest clothing? Why is everything hypersexualized? Why are books like 50 Shades of Gray considered normal? Why is chastity devalued and mocked?

The simple answer--we are under serious attack. The devil knows that if he can totally decimate the family and prevent Christians from raising future Christians, then he's winning. So many Christian women and men want to honor God in the vocation of marriage and raise Christian children but it's becoming increasingly difficult. We need to do some serious fasting/prayer about marriage in general, not just as it pertains to homosexuality. Marriage is very much in danger.
Belle Du Jour said:
I don't think people REALLY understand what's at stake here and how marriage and families are under attack. Marriage is so much deeper than a piece of paper or a million dollar wedding. It is a covenant in which a man and a woman enter before God almighty and they become one. They are a team. Their relationship with God symbolizes the trinitarian God-head. I mean, think about that. Isn't that just DEEP??? It boggles my mind the God in His goodness allowed humans to experience something on Earth that parallels His divinity.

Marriage is a sacrament, a mystery, a spiritual thing. Jesus' first public miracle was at a wedding at Cana. Do you think that was a coincidence? Just giving gays the right to get married and say they can call it marriage but it's not really marriage won't cut it. We're basically telling God His Word is not good enough in 2012 and we need to finesse the meaning to satiate a segment of society. Oh no, I don't think so.

What's really going on in 2012? Why is it so hard for Christian men and women to find each other? Why are Christians struggling with fornication, adultery and pornography? Why do women insist on wearing immodest clothing? Why is everything hypersexualized? Why are books like 50 Shades of Gray considered normal? Why is chastity devalued and mocked?

The simple answer--we are under serious attack. The devil knows that if he can totally decimate the family and prevent Christians from raising future Christians, then he's winning. So many Christian women and men want to honor God in the vocation of marriage and raise Christian children but it's becoming increasingly difficult. We need to do some serious fasting/prayer about marriage in general, not just as it pertains to homosexuality. Marriage is very much in danger.

This.... Makes my heart hurt just reading it because it is so true.. You captured everything I have been feeling so perfectly. It truly humbles me and makes me want to go before God. Especially since sexual immorality was a serious struggle of mine before devoting myself to God. And even now, everything in society reminds me of what I used to be.. its sad. We really have to be stronger than ever and stop acting like these things don't affect Christians. They affect us and have been doing so a long time. Look at how Christian women are single for so long and eventually cave into sexual immorality... And I personally believe there are good Christian men out there and it should not so hard for a Christian man to find a Christian woman. Society has made single or simply having a man, not a husband, look ok but I don't really believe that's God's plan for a woman who genuinely wants marriage. I believe God wants us married. Even churches want to make you happy, content singles when many long to be married and this is exactly why some women end up struggling fornication right in the church. Yes marriage is being attacked. Its being torn apart at the seams. I want to go before God in prayer on this.. we all need to.

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I don't think people REALLY understand what's at stake here and how marriage and families are under attack. Marriage is so much deeper than a piece of paper or a million dollar wedding. It is a covenant in which a man and a woman enter before God almighty and they become one. They are a team. Their relationship with God symbolizes the trinitarian God-head. I mean, think about that. Isn't that just DEEP??? It boggles my mind the God in His goodness allowed humans to experience something on Earth that parallels His divinity.

Marriage is a sacrament, a mystery, a spiritual thing. Jesus' first public miracle was at a wedding at Cana. Do you think that was a coincidence? Just giving gays the right to get married and say they can call it marriage but it's not really marriage won't cut it. We're basically telling God His Word is not good enough in 2012 and we need to finesse the meaning to satiate a segment of society. Oh no, I don't think so.

What's really going on in 2012? Why is it so hard for Christian men and women to find each other? Why are Christians struggling with fornication, adultery and pornography? Why do women insist on wearing immodest clothing? Why is everything hypersexualized? Why are books like 50 Shades of Gray considered normal? Why is chastity devalued and mocked?

The simple answer--we are under serious attack. The devil knows that if he can totally decimate the family and prevent Christians from raising future Christians, then he's winning.

So many Christian women and men want to honor God in the vocation of marriage and raise Christian children but it's becoming increasingly difficult. We need to do some serious fasting/prayer about marriage in general, not just as it pertains to homosexuality. Marriage is very much in danger.

Thank you belle Du Joir ... thank you for such an annointing to speak the Truth and also a message from God to set us straight and clear about Marriage. Your message is not by chance, not is it an emotional whim spoken as opinion. It is Word of God for those who will hear, will hear, will listen and will take heed ... as thus saith the Lord.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

What you shared is resounding... the enemy is out to prevent Christians from raising future Christians.

Yet the enemy is a liar and a defeated foe; this is not his to win and we are not giving in...those who take heed. Glory to God forever and ever.

Ever since I came onto forum, my Ministry and focus has been Marriage; prayers for Marriages in existance and prayers for Marriages future. You just sealed it with the Word from the Lord.

God bless you and I mean this beyond words. :love2:
This.... Makes my heart hurt just reading it because it is so true.. You captured everything I have been feeling so perfectly. It truly humbles me and makes me want to go before God. Especially since sexual immorality was a serious struggle of mine before devoting myself to God. And even now, everything in society reminds me of what I used to be.. its sad. We really have to be stronger than ever and stop acting like these things don't affect Christians. They affect us and have been doing so a long time. Look at how Christian women are single for so long and eventually cave into sexual immorality... And I personally believe there are good Christian men out there and it should not so hard for a Christian man to find a Christian woman. Society has made single or simply having a man, not a husband, look ok but I don't really believe that's God's plan for a woman who genuinely wants marriage. I believe God wants us married. Even churches want to make you happy, content singles when many long to be married and this is exactly why some women end up struggling fornication right in the church. Yes marriage is being attacked. Its being torn apart at the seams. I want to go before God in prayer on this.. we all need to.

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF

MrsHaseeb... your post is overflowing with the love of God. Thank you for having the heart of God for not only Marriage but also for living right before Him. In you, God finds no fault, for in you He is 'well pleased'.

God bless you, dear sister... :Rose:
Yet the enemy is a liar and a defeated foe; this is not his to win and we are not giving in...those who take heed. Glory to God forever and ever.

Ever since I came onto forum, my Ministry and focus has been Marriage; prayers for Marriages in existance and prayers for Marriages future. You just sealed it with the Word from the Lord.

God bless you and I mean this beyond words. :love2:

Yes, he is defeated. However, I wonder if things have already gone too far and all we can do is ride it out, staying faithful, but watching the world crash down around us? Anyhow, I am glad your vision about your ministry is becoming clearer. If I ever get married, I want to reach out to singles in my area and maybe our story will be inspiring for someone. However, I have no idea if this is just my own wishes or if this is really going to happen. :perplexed
This.... Makes my heart hurt just reading it because it is so true.. You captured everything I have been feeling so perfectly. It truly humbles me and makes me want to go before God. Especially since sexual immorality was a serious struggle of mine before devoting myself to God. And even now, everything in society reminds me of what I used to be.. its sad. We really have to be stronger than ever and stop acting like these things don't affect Christians. They affect us and have been doing so a long time. Look at how Christian women are single for so long and eventually cave into sexual immorality... And I personally believe there are good Christian men out there and it should not so hard for a Christian man to find a Christian woman. Society has made single or simply having a man, not a husband, look ok but I don't really believe that's God's plan for a woman who genuinely wants marriage. I believe God wants us married. Even churches want to make you happy, content singles when many long to be married and this is exactly why some women end up struggling fornication right in the church. Yes marriage is being attacked. Its being torn apart at the seams. I want to go before God in prayer on this.. we all need to.

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF

I know for a fact that these men exist. However, many are "sleeping" or struggling with other vices. :nono: Of course God wants us married! There was a lot of false teaching about God calling some of us to be single. Umm, no. If you are called to be single, you know it early on and want to be a slave for Christ in ministry, religious life or total consecration. God wants us to wait for His best, but that doesn't mean He wants us single. He knows that many of us are in a protracted waiting season because of SIN, not because of His will. The more I talk about this, the more clear it becomes. . .
I know for a fact that these men exist. However, many are "sleeping" or struggling with other vices. :nono: Of course God wants us married! There was a lot of false teaching about God calling some of us to be single. Umm, no. If you are called to be single, you know it early on and want to be a slave for Christ in ministry, religious life or total consecration. God wants us to wait for His best, but that doesn't mean He wants us single. He knows that many of us are in a protracted waiting season because of SIN, not because of His will. The more I talk about this, the more clear it becomes. . .

Word in Season... you are sharing a sure and pure Word in Season.

It's time to wake up the 'bears' from hybernation and not be fearful of finding their bride; and I mean this seriously.
Yes, he is defeated. However, I wonder if things have already gone too far and all we can do is ride it out, staying faithful, but watching the world crash down around us? Anyhow, I am glad your vision about your ministry is becoming clearer. If I ever get married, I want to reach out to singles in my area and maybe our story will be inspiring for someone. However, I have no idea if this is just my own wishes or if this is really going to happen. :perplexed

You've been riding for a while and it's time to pull into port.

There is a storm that the Body of Christ will be riding out, however. We're approaching the eye of it now. As you shared above, we are to stay faithful, for God has not forgotten His children and in the midst of the storm, there will still be brides and grooms whom God has joined together.

Be ready... the storm has your 'groom' in the midst. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you. :yep:
My friend is in school to teach and they are encouraging teachers to add "alternative families" into the curriculum...

So basically when our kids go to math class they will hear:
"Johnny has 2 mommies. Mommy number 1 gives Johnny 2 cookies. Mommy number 2 gives Johnny 4 cookies. Johnny shares one with his bio dad. How many does he have left"

Doesn't even give the parents a chance to explain it themselves.
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My friend is in school to teach and they are encouraging teachers to add "alternative families" into the curriculum...

So basically when our kids go to math class they will hear:
"Johnny has 2 mommies. Mommy number 1 gives Johnny 2 cookies. Mommy number 2 gives Johnny 4 cookies. Johnny shares one with his bio dad. How many does he have left"

I mean seriously... I will keel over if my child hears this nonsense in class and comes home to tell me that this is what they learned today. I will faint.

:yep: Yep... Here's the book for elementary schools. Notice the two women on the sleigh 'together' an attempt to normalize the relationship as a mom and dad would be. This is illustrating 'gay' intimacy to babies and it is wrong. *sigh* :nono:::nono::nono:

I know for a fact that these men exist. However, many are "sleeping" or struggling with other vices. :nono: Of course God wants us married! There was a lot of false teaching about God calling some of us to be single. Umm, no. If you are called to be single, you know it early on and want to be a slave for Christ in ministry, religious life or total consecration. God wants us to wait for His best, but that doesn't mean He wants us single. He knows that many of us are in a protracted waiting season because of SIN, not because of His will. The more I talk about this, the more clear it becomes. . .

I was telling my sister this recently. We focus so much on marriage as a personal desire that it is overlooked as a fundamental part of God's created order. Marriage is not mainly about getting what we want, but about conforming our lives to the pattern the Lord laid out for us, which is really for our good.

"Thus says the Lord: 'Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’" Jeremiah 6:16

It's interesting that the Lord says, "ask for the ancient paths," meaning that we've lost them, don't know where they are. We have to ask to be guided into His pattern and order for our lives. @momi has a blog that I often think of when reading this verse.
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I was telling my sister this recently. We focus so much on marriage as a personal desire that it is overlooked as a fundamental part of God's created order. Marriage is not mainly about getting what we want, but about conforming our lives to the pattern the Lord laid out for us, which is really for our good.

"Thus says the Lord: 'Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’" Jeremiah 6:16

It's interesting that the Lord says, "ask for the ancient paths," meaning that we've lost them, don't know where they are. We have to ask to be guided into His pattern and order for our lives. @momi has a blog that I often think of when reading this verse.

Goodness! You are speaking prophesies in this thread...

This scripture... look how timely it is:

"Thus says the Lord: 'Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’" Jeremiah 6:16

Applied to Marriage... look and ask for the ancient paths (God's Plan of Marriage) where the good way is... (the blessings of the Lord)... and walk in it (Psalm 1:1-3 and verse 6)

And you will find rest for your souls... (to no longer 'struggle')

However... this country says... 'We will not walk in it'....
I don't support anything God's Word is against. Any "Christian" who does needs to check their walk. This is not about tolerance. We have to tolerate gays but we certainly don't have to support what they are doing.

MrsHaseeb - Do you commit sin at all?

Homosexuality isn't the only sin in the bible.

Neither do I. That's why I support the freedom of choice, as the Bible gives every man or woman. It tells us to "choose who we will serve," not to choose for other people.

Allowing them the freedom to choose God or not is not supporting them but simply recognizing the choices that God affords them. There is no need for a ban. Sometimes it seems as though Christians don't really believe that God is taking not and will reward us according to our works in the end. It is not our job to force them to accept our religious beliefs via the law and such actions are unbiblical. As long as they are not infringing on our freedom to preach and teach the Word in our homes and places of worship, we ought to leave them to their choices. Note the only time Jesus physically stopped individuals from their wrongdoing was in the temple.

Our responsibilty is to walk right and set an example for those walking contrary to the Word. God will do what He says He will do.

Galatians 6:7Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.

Revelation 22:10-12
10*And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.

11*He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

12*And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

Not supporting a ban on gay marriage does not mean that you support gay marriage. The same goes for issues like abortion. I will tell anyone that gay marriage is wrong and that even if married by the state, such persons are not truly married. But I will not support a ban on the freedom of choice because that is God-given. Do people believe that changing the definition of marriage by the state changes God's definition?

Gotcha and there's where I disagree. Recognizing their right to choose is not making it OK. The Bible has not changed, and therefore it will never be OK. It likely will be legal, just like abortion. However, I am not bothered. God still sits high on His throne and His words stand firm. In the end, this will only serve as more evidence that God is just. These people will have publicly made their choice against the Word of God for all the world to see. Therefore, in the end, there will be no excuse.

I wish some of you could really see and open your mind to what divya is saying in her posts. Put aside your anger and bitterness for gay people and see what's really going on.

Being in support of a ban on gay marriage isn't going to save you from the lake of fire or the wrath of God. It's not going to make you any more right with God nor closer to God. If you have sin in your heart, what makes you any better than a gay person? Unmarried couples are allowed to shack up, how come gays can't get married? (this is a rhetorical question to ponder upon, not one to literally answer).

How can you be so so SO strongly against gays getting married when you are not free of sin yourself? Most of you support the sinning Christian concept that "nobody's perfect" and "everyone will sin til they die" but yet, you act like homosexuality is the only sin in the world. How can you possibly feel that way and feel okay about it?

And let's take a look at the sovereignty of God... are you all trying to overrule his power and authority over the occurrences on this Earth? Are you trying to take control desiring to be "mini-gods" in order to support something that's really a distraction to what's really going on in the world? Satan wants you to be mad and angry at the desires of the homosexual. He wants you to pick on others while ignoring your own actions. And look... gay marriage isn't even institutionalized like abortion and divorce. You cannot control the affairs of this world. Only God can. He ordained everything that happens.

Also, if gay marriage does go into effect (which I HIGHLY doubt), would you lose faith in your God? What will you do? Oh, start rallys and riots. That's not the Christian way either. Some of you are so SO focused on this gay agenda that you're forgetting God's agenda.

And as far as Chik-Fil-A is concerned, I like their chicken sandwich and fries, but I'm not just gonna eat there just because they do not support gay marriage. I myself do not support gay marriage, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go out here and go along with these anti-gay events. You can't pick and choose what sins are wrong and somewhat okay. All sin is wrong.

I just wonder how many fornicators, adulterers, liars, cheaters, drunkards, and revilers were in that line at Chik-Fil-A...
I was telling my sister this recently. We focus so much on marriage as a personal desire that it is overlooked as a fundamental part of God's created order. Marriage is not mainly about getting what we want, but about conforming our lives to the pattern the Lord laid out for us, which is really for our good.

"Thus says the Lord: 'Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’" Jeremiah 6:16

Whew! Jeremiah always has a good word! I need to sit down and read that book of the Bible from start to finish. :yep:

You are right. Marriage is NOT about us. We get so many perks from it (because God is good) but our marriage should be about multiplying and raising the next generation of Christians and getting our spouse/children to heaven.

Let me break this down from a Catholic perspective (courtesy of Emily Stimpson). Bare with me:

There are 3 vocations in life. When most of us think about our vocation , life, we think of our career, which can be thought of us our secondary vocation. It's what we do as we go along our journey to the universal vocation or call to holiness or getting to Heaven. However the primary vocation is a spousal relationship that prepares us for our spousal relationship with God for all eternity. Here's the important part: your primary vocation/spousal vocation is supposed to be covenantal/permanent. So if you choose to give yourself to a husband/wife (marriage), God (consecrated single) or church (priest/nun) you can't give yourself to anyone else. Think about it: how often does God describe His relationship with His church as a bride/bridegroom relationship? Marriage is extremely important to God!

All of us are called to fulfill these 3 vocations. By adulthood, I would say most of us know that we're not called to consecrated single or religious life because, well, we want to get married and have kids! And that's a good indication that marriage is your vocation. 50 years ago, if you wanted to get married, you got married. These days, many will not fulfill their primary vocation because of sin.

I'm derailing the thread and I apologize for that, but the gay marriage issue is so much bigger than gay rights. :nono: And many Christians don't even get that.
MrsHaseeb - Do you commit sin at all?

Homosexuality isn't the only sin in the bible.

Poohbear... Please don't do that :nono: Please be respectful of our sister in Christ. She doesn't deserve that comment. Her post is completely on topic and in addtion to that, the love of God and Ministry to others is beyond obvious in all that she shares with us. Our sister has a Miinstry, her annointing is obvious and it's flowing. Please don't mistreat her.

If you're having a bad day I understand. But don't pick on issues where there are none. You're better than that. :yep:
I wish some of you could really see and open your mind to what divya is saying in her posts. Put aside your anger and bitterness for gay people and see what's really going on.

Being in support of a ban on gay marriage isn't going to save you from the lake of fire or the wrath of God. It's not going to make you any more right with God nor closer to God. If you have sin in your heart, what makes you any better than a gay person? Unmarried couples are allowed to shack up, how come gays can't get married? (this is a rhetorical question to ponder upon, not one to literally answer).

How can you be so so SO strongly against gays getting married when you are not free of sin yourself? Most of you support the sinning Christian concept that "nobody's perfect" and "everyone will sin til they die" but yet, you act like homosexuality is the only sin in the world. How can you possibly feel that way and feel okay about it?

And let's take a look at the sovereignty of God... are you all trying to overrule his power and authority over the occurrences on this Earth? Are you trying to take control desiring to be "mini-gods" in order to support something that's really a distraction to what's really going on in the world? Satan wants you to be mad and angry at the desires of the homosexual. He wants you to pick on others while ignoring your own actions. And look... gay marriage isn't even institutionalized like abortion and divorce. You cannot control the affairs of this world. Only God can. He ordained everything that happens.

Also, if gay marriage does go into effect (which I HIGHLY doubt), would you lose faith in your God? What will you do? Oh, start rallys and riots. That's not the Christian way either. Some of you are so SO focused on this gay agenda that you're forgetting God's agenda.

And as far as Chik-Fil-A is concerned, I like their chicken sandwich and fries, but I'm not just gonna eat there just because they do not support gay marriage. I myself do not support gay marriage, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go out here and go along with these anti-gay events. You can't pick and choose what sins are wrong and somewhat okay. All sin is wrong.

I just wonder how many fornicators, adulterers, liars, cheaters, drunkards, and revilers were in that line at Chik-Fil-A...

Edited: Shimmie addressed it in a much better way than I did. :look:
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You've been riding for a while and it's time to pull into port.

There is a storm that the Body of Christ will be riding out, however. We're approaching the eye of it now. As you shared above, we are to stay faithful, for God has not forgotten His children and in the midst of the storm, there will still be brides and grooms whom God has joined together.

Be ready... the storm has your 'groom' in the midst. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you. :yep:

Girl :nono: I'm either heading for a break-through or a break down. :thud: LOL, one of the two. :lol:
Not every believer is given a burden for the same thing. Sometimes Christians, because something is not their focus or assignment, discourage other believers from doing and saying what they need to be doing and saying in obedience. John the Baptist was beheaded because he told Herod that his relationship with his brother's wife was sinful. That was John the Baptist's assignment, but notice that Jesus had nothing to say to Herod about it. It wasn't His assignment. That doesn't mean that John was wrong, it means he was being used differently.

Sometimes we can think that every Christian needs to have the same attitude toward everything that we do. The truth is that we see differently, have different gifts, different insights, and the Lord is using us differently. So, unless there's a specific word of rebuke or correction for a specific sin, I think Jesus' words to Peter about John apply, "...what is it to you? You follow Me." And Paul's, "Each one must bear his own load."
Poohbear... Please don't do that :nono: Please be respectful of our sister in Christ. She doesn't deserve that comment. Her post is completely on topic and in addtion to that, the love of God and Ministry to others is beyond obvious in all that she shares with us. Our sister has a Miinstry, her annointing is obvious and it's flowing. Please don't mistreat her.

If you're having a bad day I understand. But don't pick on issues where there are none. You're better than that. :yep:

Shimmie - You are not my mother to tell me what not to do. I did not do anything wrong. I am being respectful and I am not mistreating her. Get out here with your petty accusations.

I asked her a simple question. She mentioned how she does not support anything against God, so I asked if she commits sin because any other sin is against God too. Homosexuality isn't the only sin against God. That's the point I am trying to make. And please, do not respond to this post. I'm not going to allow you to instigate with me and make MrsHaseeb feel a certain way about my reply to her.
Whew! Jeremiah always has a good word! I need to sit down and read that book of the Bible from start to finish. :yep:

You are right. Marriage is NOT about us. We get so many perks from it (because God is good) but our marriage should be about multiplying and raising the next generation of Christians and getting our spouse/children to heaven.

Let me break this down from a Catholic perspective (courtesy of Emily Stimpson). Bare with me:

There are 3 vocations in life. When most of us think about our vocation , life, we think of our career, which can be thought of us our secondary vocation. It's what we do as we go along our journey to the universal vocation or call to holiness or getting to Heaven. However the primary vocation is a spousal relationship that prepares us for our spousal relationship with God for all eternity. Here's the important part: your primary vocation/spousal vocation is supposed to be covenantal/permanent. So if you choose to give yourself to a husband/wife (marriage), God (consecrated single) or church (priest/nun) you can't give yourself to anyone else. Think about it: how often does God describe His relationship with His church as a bride/bridegroom relationship? Marriage is extremely important to God!

All of us are called to fulfill these 3 vocations. By adulthood, I would say most of us know that we're not called to consecrated single or religious life because, well, we want to get married and have kids! And that's a good indication that marriage is your vocation. 50 years ago, if you wanted to get married, you got married. These days, many will not fulfill their primary vocation because of sin.

I'm derailing the thread and I apologize for that, but the gay marriage issue is so much bigger than gay rights. :nono: And many Christians don't even get that.

Please keep sharing. You have placed the holiness of this issue upfront and center. You are Ministering to those who wish to be married and can now to go the Father in prayer with a changed heart, seeking Marriage for His glory and not for the glory of the flesh.

Belle Du Jour ... Today, The Holy Spirit has spoken through You, MrsHaseeb, nicola.kirwan to remove the fleshly aruguments and disagreements regarding gay marriage and you have shared God's heart on what Marriage truly is. Each of you today, have been speaking from the heart of God, sharing HIS perspective and teaching what Marriage has always meant to Him,

I've been back and forth... up and down with the male/female aspect of Marriage, however it's be missing this very precious element... the depth of the true Meaning of Marriage.

Please... keep sharing for it is truly ministering life as God would have it. God's Word is Light leading to Life... led it continue to shine from your hearts. You never know who you are ministering to whom God has sent you to...


ETA: The Book of Jeremiah... It's right on point.