It Happened To Me: " A Stylist Added Relaxer To My Conditioning Treatment "


Well-Known Member
I posted my previous blog post, Stylists are perming your hair, and you don’t even know it! , on my Facebook fan page for StrawberriCurls. One of my readers commented by saying the very thing that I was warning my readers about, had already happened to her and she agree to share with us her story:
Late April of 2007 I was in IL house hunting. I was at this time natural, as in I didn’t have a relaxer, but I was in no way as knowledgeable about my hair as I am now.I had an appointment at a local Egyptian salon that was before a meeting I had for my new job. They had told me that I would absolutely be able to be seen on time.. but after an hour of waiting, I had to leave or be late for my work appointment.
I still had some time and a friend I knew in the area recommended an AA salon nearby.

The person assured me I could be seen right away and that my hair not being relaxed wouldn’t be a problem. My hair was straighter than my regular texture because I used to straighten my hair all the time and I had a week old blow dry/flat iron when I went into the salon. Once washed, the shampoo girl and my stylist for the day went away from me and started whispering.. I supposed I should’ve worried but I’m not the paranoid type. After the whisper session, the stylist came over and asked what I wanted done… just a wash and blow dry is what I told her. This should involve them washing my hair, conditioning it, blow drying it and then flat ironing it. I had it done hundred of times before without an issue. She said okay and offered to do a deep condition treatment for me as it would help protect my hair.. her words.
I agreed as long as it didn’t take too long and she promised it wouldn’t. To the back of the salon she goes to mix up a deep condition treatment.. I didn’t find this abnormal. I often mix things together to use as a DT myself. She started to apply to my hair and it smelled weird, I asked her about it and she said it’s one of the ingredients for Ph balance.

Ummm.. okay.

About ten minutes in it started to burn which I found weird but she assured me it was just “tingling” and it was good for my scalp… another 3 minutes and I told her to rinse me because I was having some sort of allergic reaction or something (I have pretty sensitive skin so this was possible). She rinsed me out and moved me to the chair. My hair was noticeably straighter as my hair wet without product is very curly and big and poofy, lol. This time my curls hang straight-ish which wasn’t normal. She assured me that it was temporary from the heavy conditioner..

“Okay…” I said

She did my hair as normal and 2 days later the breakage started. Panicked, I went to wash my hair and again the curls just weren’t there… I had major heat damage. After several deep treatments, co-washes, etc.. my hair never returned to its normal state and continued to break off. I returned back to Michigan (where I was staying) and had my hair braided hoping that would help.
When I finally moved to Illinois (about 3 weeks later) I was ready to take my braids out, upon doing so my hair was just coming out in huge chunks even though I was being gentle. I went back to the salon and pitched a fit demanding to talk to someone in charge. (Yeah, it may seem a bit crazy for hair.. but we know how important hair is to us, right?) When I finally spoke to the manager, she also feigned ignorance. I threatened police action, threatened to sue and eventually someone gave up the information I needed.

She told me that with “nappy” hair, they sometimes add a bit of relaxer to a deep conditioner and apply it. It’s the “kiddie perm” she tells me and most people don’t experience negative results. But it works well because people are happy that their hair is straighter so they continue to come back.

None of these people have healthy hair but that doesn’t matter to the stylists. They liked the ease of dealing with the straightened hair and the return client base who are excited about their “naturally straightened” hair. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much I could do.
I researched natural hair care online, BC’d and never looked back.
I know its hard to believe things like this are happening but this is real. I am applaud that the owner of this particular salon was AWARE of what was going on at this shop and said nothing about it. Luckily, she bounce back from this.

If you noticed the stylists said THEY as in the stylists themselves as if it were their hair!

Again i ask and warn, please be careful ladies.

I posted this on my blog if you ladies would like to comment on it as well. Thanks
Good Gosh, she should have sued them anyway. Not everyones hair has a high tolerance to relaxer without breaking. Eventually,they are going to mess with the wrong persons hair one day.
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That's just disgusting.

I can hardly believe it honestly. There's so many questions that come to mind as well as shock and a deep sense of betrayel.

What in the world is happening in black salons that we can't even go in for simple procedures without being manipulated, used, abused and left in a state of disarray while PROFESSIONALS hold their hands out smiling and expecting a tip.

My stomach honestly feels sick. I don't think it was crazy at all for her to pitch a fit about her hair, I wouldn't think it would be crazy to pitch a fit if someone muffs up a manicure by doing something illegitimate and unlawful.

If I come to you for my hair I am putting my TRUST in you. I am expecting you for only 30 minutes to an hour to care about ME. I am expecting that somehow you'll try to do what's best for my hair for the sake of your professional integtriy as well as your own PRIDE. Apparently not.

It scares you because you can't help but wonder where they'll draw the line, what else they'll do. Will they start slipping other toxic materials into conditioners? shampoos? hairspray? for the sake of making it 'easier'

Ugh. Disgusting. I don't advocate violence but I'd love it if the so-called stylists saw repercussions for their actions which resulted in THEIR hair being removed from their heads in the most UNPLEASANT way.
OH my goodness. What a horrible story. And to find out that the owner is aware of the practices. That is crazy.
Good Gosh, you should have sued them anyway. Not everyones hair has a high tolerance to relaxer without breaking. Eventually,they are going to mess with the wrong persons hair one day.
"It Happend To Me" is just title of it. It didn't actually happen to ME.. it happened to one of my readers
See, it's this kind of stuff that keeps me out of the salons. I tell you, before LHCF, I'd happily run to the salon and get my hair fixed/trimmed/ whatever. However, now that I'm armed with knowledge, uh, uh. I will be a DIYer, even if I have to watch a gazillion youtube videos and ask ya'll a million and one how to questions :)
That's just disgusting.

I can hardly believe it honestly. There's so many questions that come to mind as well as shock and a deep sense of betrayel.

What in the world is happening in black salons that we can't even go in for simple procedures without being manipulated, used, abused and left in a state of disarray while PROFESSIONALS hold their hands out smiling and expecting a tip.

My stomach honestly feels sick. I don't think it was crazy at all for her to pitch a fit about her hair, I wouldn't think it would be crazy to pitch a fit if someone muffs up a manicure by doing something illegitimate and unlawful.

If I come to you for my hair I am putting my TRUST in you. I am expecting you for only 30 minutes to an hour to care about ME. I am expecting that somehow you'll try to do what's best for my hair for the sake of your professional integtriy as well as your own PRIDE. Apparently not.

It scares you because you can't help but wonder where they'll draw the line, what else they'll do. Will they start slipping other toxic materials into conditioners? shampoos? hairspray? for the sake of making it 'easier'

Ugh. Disgusting. I don't advocate violence but I'd love it if the so-called stylists saw repercussions for their actions which resulted in THEIR hair being removed from their heads in the most UNPLEASANT way.
N it kills me who they told the girl that THEY(the stylists) likes the ease of dealing with it...WTF!
So she didn't take their admission and run straight to a lawyer and/or cosmetology board on that one?!'

Wouldn't have been me..I tell you that much! All these threads popping up about conditioner/relaxers is just sickening. In the rare event I ever do decide to hit up a salon, I'm bringing my own products!
So she didn't take their admission and run straight to a lawyer and/or cosmetology board on that one?!'

Wouldn't have been me..I tell you that much! All these threads popping up about conditioner/relaxers is just sickening. In the rare event I ever do decide to hit up a salon, I'm bringing my own products!
Hell i wouldn't even do that! She shoulda recorded her sayin that, that's for sure
Wow! That is crazee...
It's got me thinking that it may have happened to me. The last time I went to the salon was in January, but I went to this same lady for like 3-4 years...the MAJORITY of my hair...minus the new growth bone straight....and I just assumed it was from the heat...but all last year i only got my hair flat ironed like 6-7 times. I'm realli worried now because it could be the source of this mysterious breakage I keep getting (the straight parts of my hair have been breaking off).
I'm pretty positive she could have sued and gotten something for her pain & suffering and damages. Especially since they admitted to the foolishness.

When I go to the salon (which has only been twice in 2 years), I go to a stylist who likes and specializes in natural hair. I want them to do what's right and not what's easy. I'm also a person who has EXTREMELY sensitive skin, so people have to be completely honest about what products they are using. Heck, I had to make my massage therapist buy a special lotion just for me.
That is bananas! I haven't been to a salon since my relaxed days. I have no interest in visiting the salons but if I were to go to one now, as a natural, they would have to cater to afro textured or curly (even the curly hair salons can manage afro textured hair good) hair. These other salons, a lot of them don't really know how to or want to deal with afro textured hair so you get craziness like this.
This is bad to experience, but good to know. Thank you for sharing this. I thank all the other op's who've shared similar posts as well. This is how we protect ourselves and one another via communication and knowledge.
If the act itself wasn't bad enough, their first resort to lie about it is worse.
I'm not gonna lie...I'm starting to think a lot of these "salon horror stories" are made up for attention. I know it's not coming from you OP, but one of your readers and you are simply re-posting, but I just don't believe that a stylist would risk her license to relax someone's curl without her permission. Now, heat damage I can believe, even though some of those stories are shady, too.

I was a faithful salon goer for so many years and I never heard any of these crazy stories until I joined LHCF.
I'm not gonna lie...I'm starting to think a lot of these "salon horror stories" are made up for attention. I know it's not coming from you OP, but one of your readers and you are simply re-posting, but I just don't believe that a stylist would risk her license to relax someone's curl without her permission. Now, heat damage I can believe, even though some of those stories are shady, too.

I was a faithful salon goer for so many years and I never heard any of these crazy stories until I joined LHCF.
Yea but the OP of the thread that originally warned about this was an actual stylist herself. I actually had never heard of this until the day i read that thread. I wouldn't expect a stylists to tell me nothing like this to be honest.
I'm not gonna lie...I'm starting to think a lot of these "salon horror stories" are made up for attention. I know it's not coming from you OP, but one of your readers and you are simply re-posting, but I just don't believe that a stylist would risk her license to relax someone's curl without her permission. Now, heat damage I can believe, even though some of those stories are shady, too.

I was a faithful salon goer for so many years and I never heard any of these crazy stories until I joined LHCF.

Sometimes I'm skeptical about "stories", however I know for a fact that many stylists put Cream of Nature in a Keracare bottle, they mix up Dark N Lovely relaxer in the back room and say that it's Mizani, and mix "a little bit of relaxer" in with conditioner, therefore this story doesn't surprise me. I used to hang out at the salon where my aunt worked (and that's how I know these facts) and my sister used to work at a salon when we were younger. I've never known anyone to actually leave relaxer on for a while to the point where it burned, but I've seen it put in with conditioner and then rinsed right back out. There are many good stylist, but there are some shady ones too. I've seen a stylist lie and say that a person's natural hair was damaged, and then chop most of it off just so they wouldn't have to detangle it.
Sometimes I'm skeptical about "stories", however I know for a fact that many stylists put Cream of Nature in a Keracare bottle, they mix up Dark N Lovely relaxer in the back room and say that it's Mizani, and mix "a little bit of relaxer" in with conditioner, therefore this story doesn't surprise me. I used to hang out at the salon where my aunt worked (and that's how I know these facts) and my sister used to work at a salon when we were younger. I've never known anyone to actually leave relaxer on for a while to the point where it burned, but I've seen it put in with conditioner and then rinsed right back out. There are many good stylist, but there are some shady ones too. I've seen a stylist lie and say that a person's natural hair was damaged, and then chop most of it off just so they wouldn't have to detangle it.

I don't understand why these scheming stylists don't cover their butts and use a neutralizing shampoo afterward. If they did, no one would probably ever find out about their shady ways.
I'm not gonna lie...I'm starting to think a lot of these "salon horror stories" are made up for attention. I know it's not coming from you OP, but one of your readers and you are simply re-posting, but I just don't believe that a stylist would risk her license to relax someone's curl without her permission. Now, heat damage I can believe, even though some of those stories are shady, too.

I was a faithful salon goer for so many years and I never heard any of these crazy stories until I joined LHCF.

I really believe that if the person is convinced they won't get caught, they may do anything. Especially when they work with a population that largely doesn't know much about their own hair. A license is a minuscule factor considering all the underground kitchen beauticians out there that have never been caught. People get over on the ignorant all the time. My grandma is a licensed stylist since the early 50's and some variation of salon f***ery has always gone on.

I would have hopped up out tha styling chair and molly-whopped:)boxing:) her stupid self...this just dont make no dayumm sense, I have never gone to stylists and never will...:nono: For my own well being and for theirs too.:bat:
many stylists put Cream of Nature in a Keracare bottle, they mix up Dark N Lovely relaxer in the back room and say that it's Mizani, and mix "a little bit of relaxer" in with conditioner, therefore this story doesn't surprise me. I used to hang out at the salon where my aunt worked (and that's how I know these facts) and my sister used to work at a salon when we were younger. I've never known anyone to actually leave relaxer on for a while to the point where it burned, but I've seen it put in with conditioner and then rinsed right back out. There are many good stylist, but there are some shady ones too.

Exactly. Anything to save a penny here and there and cut down on effort and expense. While there are many amazing women out there who are stylists because they have a passion for hair and helping others the dirty truth is there are plenty of other women who muffed around after high school and never got the career they were hoping for so instead they work at their cousin's sister's salon for the sake of a dollar. These women work in salons and are more concerned about what they can collect at the end of the day then how their clients hair looks.

I wouldn't be totally shocked if they do put relaxer in the conditioner for the sake of their own ease because what usually happens when our hair gets screwed up at a salon? We DON'T go back. Which means they don't face repurcussions, they still get paid, and they can continue with their bad actions. It's a system that's not set up for change. Hell even if you do go to the trouble of trying to punish them hair cases are notoriously difficult to win in court.

I've seen a stylist lie and say that a person's natural hair was damaged, and then chop most of it off just so they wouldn't have to detangle it.

And that right an automatic beat down.
That very same type of craziness (different ordeals) is what led me to find LHCF...that and my Angels.
You could not pay me a million dollars to let those characters touch my hair. :nono:
I've been natural for over 7 years now and found that I could learn how to do my own hair (thanks to LHCF).
Hair Salons or whatever you want to call them...NEVER AGAIN!!! :nono:

I am so sorry you had to go through this.

PS. I'm sure there are well meaning sincere and honest people out there who are hair stylists, but I feel much better doing my own hair thank you.
Exactly. Anything to save a penny here and there and cut down on effort and expense. While there are many amazing women out there who are stylists because they have a passion for hair and helping others the dirty truth is there are plenty of other women who muffed around after high school and never got the career they were hoping for so instead they work at their cousin's sister's salon for the sake of a dollar. These women work in salons and are more concerned about what they can collect at the end of the day then how their clients hair looks.

I wouldn't be totally shocked if they do put relaxer in the conditioner for the sake of their own ease because what usually happens when our hair gets screwed up at a salon? We DON'T go back. Which means they don't face repurcussions, they still get paid, and they can continue with their bad actions. It's a system that's not set up for change. Hell even if you do go to the trouble of trying to punish them hair cases are notoriously difficult to win in court.

And that right an automatic beat down.

This is the truth. This is the very same thing that happened to me.