It Ain't Never Gonna Happen

Love Always

Well-Known Member
So, you have expressed interest in a guy and he doesn’t feel the same way. In fact, he just flat out tells you: IT AIN'T NEVER GONNA HAPPEN :perplexed! So, I was watching Making His Band last night and J.Free told Lynette this. The way he said it was very hateful and it was like he was insulted that she was feeling his vibe. He was very distasteful in his approach to her and not only that he did this in the presence of two other house mates :nono:! My heart went out to Lynette foreal, not only was she hurt but embarrassed. What are your thoughts on that statement and if this has happened to you before how did you deal with the hurt?
This never happened to me before but I think there is a proper way to say things. I don't follow MHB and do not know of whom you speak but what a jerk! The funny thing about life is the longer you live, the more stuff happens. As quick as he was to dismiss Lynette like that, he will eventually find himself in her position. I don't care if a homeless person on the street professed their feelings for me, there is no reason for me to be nasty about it.
So, you have expressed interest in a guy and he doesn’t feel the same way. In fact, he just flat out tells you: IT AIN'T NEVER GONNA HAPPEN :perplexed! So, I was watching Making His Band last night and J.Free told Lynette this. The way he said it was very hateful and it was like he was insulted that she was feeling his vibe. He was very distasteful in his approach to her and not only that he did this in the presence of two other house mates :nono:! My heart went out to Lynette foreal, not only was she hurt but embarrassed. What are your thoughts on that statement and if this has happened to you before how did you deal with the hurt?

This has never happened to me, but I watched that last night and I felt bad for the chick! LOL

I was hoping a thread would be based on this in the ET forum, but I just had to comment.

J.Free was honest with her though and I respect that. His delivery was horrible, but he is completely focused on winning and he was never attracted to her. She's interested in him because the brother is talented and she senses that she'll be sent home soon, so she can risk losing focus.

I will admit that I have a current work relationship that could turn sour and that I need to be more like J.Free because you are only given so many chances in life to make an impact or succeed so you really shouldn't waste time crushing/dating/flirting with competition. I'm glad I saw that episode and I can honestly say that I changed my own behavior at work today because of it.
This might be controversial, but sometimes men need to be jerkish in order for women to get it. We've all seen/ experienced it before, guys try and tell a girl that he's not interested gently and women come up with all different excuses why she should keep trying. "He's been hurt before and is scared to get into a new relationship," "We connect so well but he says he's worried that he'll hurt me," "He had a traumatic childhood," and it goes on and on. At least this girl now gets it that this guy isn't for her and should move on.

*Btw didn't watch the show.
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Whoa. I felt really bad for her because he kept going on & on & on & on...
She really put herself out there at the club and probably should've left it light and fluffy and k.i.m.

He could've at least told her privately. He just busted up in the room with everyone there. How humiliating.
This never happened to me before but I think there is a proper way to say things. I don't follow MHB and do not know of whom you speak but what a jerk! The funny thing about life is the longer you live, the more stuff happens. As quick as he was to dismiss Lynette like that, he will eventually find himself in her position. I don't care if a homeless person on the street professed their feelings for me, there is no reason for me to be nasty about it.

Also didn't watch the show, and I wouldn't know either character if they walked out in front of my car and rolled up on my windshield! :lol:

While it sounds like he was very rude and wrong, I say that for the most part, women don't need to be expressing interest like that to dudes. I'm a firm believer that if a man is into you, he'll let you know and you don't have to do a thing.

I hope Lynette's heart recovers and that she lets herself be pursued in the future.
When you're not interested in a person, it's best to be direct. But it's hard to be direct without being mean cause people refuse to take you at your word sometimes.
I didn't see the show, but it sounds like he went overboard. The producers prolly told him to do it, you know "reality "shows.
I haven’t been keeping up with MTB, but I can understand both sides. It sounds like he was being a jerk and it was wrong of him to embarrass her in front of other people, but like another poster said, maybe he needed to be that way to get his point across. Another thing to keep in mind is that this is T.V. They have hours upon hours of footage and have to condense it all down to a 20 minute show (if you take out the commercials) that comes on once a week for a couple of months. There may be a piece missing that prompted his response.
So, you have expressed interest in a guy and he doesn’t feel the same way. In fact, he just flat out tells you: IT AIN'T NEVER GONNA HAPPEN :perplexed! So, I was watching Making His Band last night and J.Free told Lynette this. The way he said it was very hateful and it was like he was insulted that she was feeling his vibe. He was very distasteful in his approach to her and not only that he did this in the presence of two other house mates :nono:! My heart went out to Lynette foreal, not only was she hurt but embarrassed. What are your thoughts on that statement and if this has happened to you before how did you deal with the hurt?
:nono:this is exactly why you keep your heart/feeling guarded... at least for a while... until you know how the guys sincerely feels about you
*smh* She went about her deal all wrong from what I understand.

You NEVER lay your cards out on the table IN A CROWD! WTF! That's just stupid!

New day. It's just a brand spanking new day out here.
Okay have not see the show but wondering how many times did she come on to him for him to do this. It could have been a set up you know to take him off his game and take the focus off her going home so quickly