Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck length

Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I believe them. My own hair never got that much longer than the top of my next a few years ago.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yeah, I know girls who have had relaxers at age 5!!! (Which I think is negligent) But anyway, Moms tend to pass their bad habits down to their daughters.

I had relaxers from a young age like that, and my hair was far healthier than it is today. weird.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I believe them. My sister is one of them.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I agree. Also, I think that a lot of times peoples hair is damaged beyond repair. I know a lot of people on this board are hell bent on hanging onto damaged hair and trying to nurse it back to health but sometimes it's just too far gone. There is nothing that can be done but to cut it off. So that may be part of the reason why it takes so long for people to see length too. That damaged hair is still hanging on. It may look better because it's being treated and styled but the ends could still be breaking off more than they're growing from the roots so it looks like the hair is not growing. The new hair that's growing in is reaping all the benefits of the new hair care practices. By the time they start showing length, they have a whole new head of hair at that point.

My hair did that for the past 3 or 4 years and then when I bced a year ago and chopped it all off it seemed like my growth just took off. Hanging on to that damaged hair was hindering my progress. Even though I was taking care of it, my hair was still thin, stringy and lifeless looking from relaxer over processing. Of course when it was styled it looked nice but the hair was damaged beyond repair and needed to go. I never really saw growth until I chopped my hair and started over whether it was just a short haircut when I was relaxed or the bc I did last year.

BINGO! Preach on preachette!:grin:
I know this because this was me a few years ago on the boards! I tried every product known to man and was upset that I was making a little progress, but my hair was still breaking and thinning no matter what. Ive grown more hair this year since I started from scratch, then I did in the last couple of years combined. I wish I knew then what I know now! Often you can reach your goals sooner if you just let go of the damaged, overprocessed hair. The healthy hair that comes in to replace it will look so much better too! Mildly damaged hair can probably be saved, but severely damaged hair is often a lost cause and you are better off starting over. As much as I hated to do it, I did and Im so glad now. Finally my hair is cooperating with my efforts!
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I believe it. While I may get smacked around this board a a bit for saying this, I also believe that people have a terminal length before it shed. My sister has extra thick hair that sheds when it gets to a certain length. For instance, when she had a short cut which was dyed, it grew out to a certain length then would shed. It wasnt breaking because the color was still there.

Also you really cant say you had very long hair as a child because your height is different. 12 inches on a 7 year old is way different on a 17 year old.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

BINGO! Preach on preachette!:grin:
I know this because this was me a few years ago on the boards! I tried every product known to man and was upset that I was making a little progress, but my hair was still breaking and thinning no matter what. Ive grown more hair this year since I started from scratch, then I did in the last couple of years combined. I wish I knew then what I know now! Often you can reach your goals sooner if you just let go of the damaged, overprocessed hair. The healthy hair that comes in to replace it will look so much better too! Mildly damaged hair can probably be saved, but severely damaged hair is often a lost cause and you are better off starting over. As much as I hated to do it, I did and Im so glad now. Finally my hair is cooperating with my efforts!

I do the same, at the slightest sight of damage hair, I just chop. I rather have healthy looking ends than stringy damaged ends. For me, damage stringy ends is just depressing. It's like what's the sense of having length when it looks all chewed up. But I don't knock others for holding on.

But like you said, when I chop all the damaged ends and let my hair grow from a healthy standpoint, I see the progress much quicker.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Girl, all you have to do is go to your local highschool or mall. You will see it and become a believer.

Maybe you can post the pics of Oprah that have you concerned but she could have been wearing a wig in the photos you saw. Ladies stayed wigged up back in the day. They didn't have weaves back then.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len


It looks like her real hair to me. But I guess I just really took forgranted that I've pretty much always been between sl and apl since high school. I mean, I didn't have good hair practices either and I have course 3c/4a hair too. But I always considered a few inches longer than shoulder length to be short so maybe my view on things is skewed. The say that SL is like only two years worth of growth. I'm just wondering why my hair wasn't neck length or ear length cause God knows I didn't know what I was doing with my hair. I didn't use grease or anything, but I did use pink oil moisturizer every blue moon.:nono: Maybe my diet was good back then. IDK.:ohwell:
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yes I believe them. Many of us can testify to that!!!:yep:
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len


It looks like her real hair to me. But I guess I just really took forgranted that I've pretty much always been between sl and apl since high school. I mean, I didn't have good hair practices either and I have course 3c/4a hair too. But I always considered a few inches longer than shoulder length to be short so maybe my view on things is skewed. The say that SL is like only two years worth of growth. I'm just wondering why my hair wasn't neck length or ear length cause God knows I didn't know what I was doing with my hair. I didn't use grease or anything, but I did use pink oil moisturizer every blue moon.:nono: Maybe my diet was good back then. IDK.:ohwell:

Yeah, that looks like her real hair. I dunno. Maybe Oprah wanted a longer flowing ponytail. There's a recent thread about ponytail vs real hair length. OR Oprah could have been exaggerating. We all know she does that from time to time.:ohwell:

As for your hair growth, maybe you just don't have to work as hard as other folks. My mom had her hair cut like Anita Baker and grew it to shoulder length in a year, not once but twice! She never did DCs. She never took vitamins. And her diet isn't horrible, but she's not a health nut. She just got it like that. Consider yourself lucky.:yep:
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yeah, that looks like her real hair. I dunno. Maybe Oprah wanted a longer flowing ponytail. There's a recent thread about ponytail vs real hair length. OR Oprah could have been exaggerating. We all know she does that from time to time.:ohwell:

As for your hair growth, maybe you just don't have to work as hard as other folks. My mom had her hair cut like Anita Baker and grew it to shoulder length in a year, not once but twice! She never did DCs. She never took vitamins. And her diet isn't horrible, but she's not a health nut. She just got it like that. Consider yourself lucky.:yep:

I guess you can say I am blessed but to me, there is something more to this. I am going to figure it out.:lachen:
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yes, I know of a few, that have not been able to grow there's to shoulder length :ohwell:
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Come to think about it. It's my strong opinion that they were not taking care of their hair.

We were kids...back then...

* Swiming right after a relaxer
* Relaxer, every 4-6 weeks
* Glue-in Weaves
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Come to think about it. It's my strong opinion that they were not taking care of their hair.

We were kids...back then...

* Swiming right after a relaxer
* Relaxer, every 4-6 weeks
* Glue-in Weaves

Oh, yeah. That would do it.:lachen:
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yes,I blieve them. I don't think someone would lie ablut something like that. Improper hair and scissors, makes this so believable.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yes,I blieve them. I don't think someone would lie ablut something like that. Improper hair and scissors, makes this so believable.

I really didn't think they were lying but maybe they forgot a period when it was below that length. Or maybe they were just exaggerating like "Ms.O never had a pony tail exaggerating to me while I am looking at her pic from highschool."
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I believe it. I knew one girl whose hair only grew from a buzz cut to a wispy 3-inch twa between 8th grade and graduation. I used to sit behind her in class and wonder why her hair didn't grow. Now that I think about it, she was a little heavy so maybe she had thyroid problems.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yes, I believe them. I know lots of people whose hair has never grown past the bottom of there ears. I have a cousin whose hair has always been the length of a boy, REALLY short beady beads. The jheri curl didn't help her and I'm not kidding.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Delete not paying attention
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I mean....why would they lie? :look: I know this one girl who had chewed up, overly dry, overprocessed hair that wouldn't even go in a pony tail that actually looked brown from damage. She now how has nice healthy shoulder-length hair. Even if I didn't know her when her hair was in that damaged state, I wouldn't really question her about it...I guess I can't see why someone would lie about that??
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yes i believe them, cos i was one of them
Until i came to this board :grin:

Yay me!!!

Ditto! First relaxer, age 7.... My hair reached the bottom of my neck when I finally hooked up with a hairdresser with blessed hands and excellent hair care talent....

I started growing out my relaxer in 2005.... Cut off the relaxed ends in July 2006.... Most recent photo in my avatar....

P.S.: My mother is a hairdresser. I've had quite a few different styles and techniques through the years. One very good thing I learned from her was to take care of my hair at night to preserve the hairstyle....
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I would believe them - I can't understand why someone would lie about having short hair....usually I've encountered women who lie about how long their hair is :ohwell:
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I mean....why would they lie? :look: I know this one girl who had chewed up, overly dry, overprocessed hair that wouldn't even go in a pony tail that actually looked brown from damage. She now how has nice healthy shoulder-length hair. Even if I didn't know her when her hair was in that damaged state, I wouldn't really question her about it...I guess I can't see why someone would lie about that??

I didn't think they were necessarily lying but just exagerrating a litte. I use to say I was fat when I was a size 10. Now I am a 14 so I must be obese. Sometimes people are down on themselves and just exaggerate things. But I believe them it was just hard to before.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I believe. i was one of them too. And. I think my hair (and lots of other folks) stays NL or SL because its grazing on our clothes or collars instead of being protected by being pinned up...Then there's the curling irons, no conditioner, etc, etc......
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yes!I'm living proof of it.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I believe them. I don't think anyone would actually lie about that.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

I believe them. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. And I don't think even when you said you were fat at a size ten you were exaggerating. Being fat is relative. If you've never been that size and suddenly became that, in your eyes, you'd be fat even if not in another person's eyes. But when people talk about length and specify a point of reference that they've never achieved before, I don't think that could even be relative because it just is what it is.

I have a cousin who's always had a teeny afro about 2 inches long. It's also very sparse. I haven't seen her since I learned to care for my hair, so I'm a bit optimistic that we can make a change to that. But she's NEVER had long hair and I've known her since we were kids. Of course, I don't know her regimen which is why I'm hopeful we can change that status quo if we evaluated it.

Similarly, if you had told me when I was a teenager that I could have plaits this long, I would've thought you were just being cruel coz this is the longest I could ever get my plaits (and notice how much smaller the plaits were than the previous pic :( ) Even when mom cared for hair--that is, from when I was aware of hair and was paying attention and wishing for length--I don't think I ever got it long enough to make a pony tail puff. I might've had it longer when I was too young to care, but as far as I can remember, the second pic has always been the greatest achievement I could make, as far as I knew, and that was pre-teens and after my teens. In my teens I was at a 3 inch TWA that was combed everyday (school rules) dry (didn't know better) and so my hair never budged in length (terrible retention).
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Yes I believe them...why would someone lie about not being able to grow their hair?

The only women that I think would lie about not being able to grow their hair beyond NL would probably be shady hair product merchants that are trying to get you to buy their products :look:.
Re: Do you believe women when they say their hair has never been longer than neck len

Not only do I believe it, I've seen it. I know due to unproper hair care, from mother and passed down to the child. So they never have the opportunity to grow healthy hair:nono: