What is the LONGEST your hair has EVER been???

A little longer than bra strap when I was a little girl. It was totally natural too, just grease and water. Ahh, those were the days!
It started getting shorter in like 6th grade, when I insisted on starting to comb it.
I'm the opposite from most people on the board because my Mom and most relatives on her side are all 2's and 3A's, so my Mom pretty much thought I was from Mars as far as my 4A hair was concerned. I relate to AA women who's mother's are white and didn't know how to take care of their hair and they looked funny growing up! That was me totally! My hair started looking good WHEN I STARTED caring for it around age 12. Of course that was back in the day with a curl and it grew like crazy, so a little above bra strap is the longest ever, then ofcourse I had to get it cut into some crazy asymetrical do! What can I say.........it was the 80's!!! In 1998 I went natural and it got about an inch from bra strap, but this fool of a hairdresser cut saying the ends were split (which they weren't........they were just a little dry) and I was back to just below shoulder length and severely depressed........not to mention pissed off!!!! Anyhoo....so now I'm 3 1/4 inches from bra strap and trying very hard to get to Bra Strap! That seems to have always been the goal that was just out of reach! But now that I'm taking EXCELLENT care of my hair I know what to do and what not to do and I'm sure I'll get there! And even far beyond that goal! So will YOU!!! Waist length here we come!!
I could swear that I once saw one photograph of me with mid-back length hair, lol, but I was a lot shorter then (around 3 years old).
But maybe it was a shadow I saw and not a pigtail.
Otherwise, the longest my hair has ever been is a little past shoulder length.
The longest my hair grew was shoulder length in high school.
When I started wearing weaves placing tracks in my hair it
thin out and broke off.
Since joining LHCF my hair is 5 inches from bra strap.
I don't remember how long my hair was in relation to my back but when I wore a high ponytail, the end reached my shoulder.

Then my mom & I started taking care of it and it all went downhill from there. I couldn't get past shoulder-length for anything! Currently, my hair is the longest it has been in about 5-6 years.
Hi I am new here so hello

The longest my hair has ever been is approx at bra strap. This was when I was 11 - 16yrs and my mother would take good care of my hair. Then at 16 I cut it to chin length.
Since then the longest it has been is shoulder length. I am sure this site will help me achieve bra strap / waist length.
felicia said:
i was about two or three inches past the bottom of my bra strap. That was before I met the devil disguised as this stylist named Duke
I should have stopped going to him the day he had me lookin like rick james.

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My hair has never been what I consider long.
The length I'm at now maybe be the longest it's ever been thanx to you ladies here at LHCF. I'm still uneven, but I'm slowly catchin up in areas. Shoulder length in back, to jaw bone on sides.......
pradalover said:
Hi I am new here so hello

The longest my hair has ever been is approx at bra strap. This was when I was 11 - 16yrs and my mother would take good care of my hair. Then at 16 I cut it to chin length.
Since then the longest it has been is shoulder length. I am sure this site will help me achieve bra strap / waist length.

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welcome pradalover-
the longest ive gotten it has been a few inches past shoulder when 15. it had broken off within 6 weeks from improper care.
The longest my hair has ever been is three inches above bra strap, where it is now. As a child, my hair was short.
About where it is now. My hair has been shoulder length/few inches past for as long as I can remember. It actually started growing a bit last year but I was still blowdrying every week and using the flat iron, so I couldn't keep the length. Up until this past august I had this one little section on the left side of my head that was maybe 1/2" or 3/4" longer than my hair is right now. But my ends were JACKED! I don't think there were any two hairs on my head that were the same length
So I cut a couple inches off and am currently trying to grow to bs length. It'll be the first time having my hair that long when I get there
My hair was almost waist length until Junior High, when I started getting it relaxed. I just remember my mom sprayed my braids with curl moisturizer before braiding it. Maybe that's why it was able to grow.
I think I remember sitting on my hair in pre-school (that could have been wishful dreaming though

My hair has been maybe 3 or 4 inches (maybe even 5) past my shoulders when I got married. The sad part was my hair would get to that length and then the very back would start breaking off and so my beauticiam would have to cut it even and I was back to shoulder length again. I did realize (and I guess my beautician didn't either) that my textures were so drastically varied that it was nearly impossible to properly relax all of it.

One of the many reasons why I went natural.
Shoulder length, i.e. grazing the top of the shoulders.

I certainly did nothing to achieve it really, other than wearing my hair clipped back every day, with the ends tucked in. I received an occasional dusting of the ends.

when I was about 4 before relaxers, I remember a picture of me with my hair down and it was so thick and it was in the middle of my back. those were the days! after getting relaxers in about 2nd grade it was all downhill, my hair just got thinner and shorter each year! But my mom used to relax my whole head my whole life!

This is the longest my hair has ever been in my adult life. I cant wait till I at leat reach armpit....thats gonna be a milestone just as shoulder length was. bra strap...well all I can say is when and if I get there....
The longest my hair has ever been was mid-back, just below the bra strap. This was about 4 years ago and it had never been that long. My goal is to get back to that point by next year. It's funny, I looked at old pictures a few months ago and coudn't believe my hair was ever that long. I started thinking about what I used on my hair then, and it was all the things they say we should use now, like grease! All I remember using then was African Pride Miracle Gro, Mane and Tail Sham/Con, and CON! No special vitamins or anything. Imagine that!
just before that witch of a hairdresser "trimmed" my hair it was either at elbow length or pretty darn close.
Denali03 said:
Where it is right now.
It was thicker though

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Mine is the same this is the longest it's ever been but it was thicker before.
Brastrap length. After 9 I kept my hair just two inches past my shoulders. I really liked my hair at an inch or two past shoulderlength. I kept it that way until I started growing my hair out in 2000. I grew it to 3 inches above brastrap length and then I chopped it off and went natural.

I started growing my hair back out in 2001 from 4 inches in most spots. Right now at brastrap is the longest it's been for a very long time.
Mine was 3" below my shoulders. That was before I knew which products were good or bad for my hair (this past winter).

It should be there again by Dec.
bree said:
just before that witch of a hairdresser "trimmed" my hair it was either at elbow length or pretty darn close.

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Hi Bree,

Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!

My hair has never been as long as it is now. My hair was a little below shoulder length for most of my life.