• My SO has more male friends

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • My SO has more female friends

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • MY SO has as many female friends as male friends

    Votes: 7 19.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
You know how there are men that have "boys" and then there are men that have a lot of female friends?

What kind of guy is your guy?

How do you deal with it if he's a Girl's man (married women esp)?
I don't mind as long as he remembers whose in the relationship with him and whose not. Call me selfish but if you are swimming inside my body I have to be a priority over friends, males or females. However, you have to give him the same respect. Real friends will understand and respect
What would Michelle Obama say to this?

I can imagine Michelle Obama saying that she completely trusts Barack. However, they have a family and extremely demanding careers. Barack's free time should be/is spent with his two lovely daughters.

And I agree with what my version of Michelle Obama said, lol. Really, once you're married and have kids, on top of your career, you really shouldn't have all that much time for all these various friendships. Even before marriage, of course people are going to have friends of the opposite sex, but spending significant amounts of time talking to or spending time with them would indicate to me a lack of seriousness about our relationship.

Plus, it depends on the type of friend. I have an engaged guy friend who keeps up with me regularly, but our conversations are relatively short, not very deep, and often involve talking about what he should buy his fiance/what his wedding plans are. When a friendship 1) gets into deeper sharing, and 2) somehow doesn't actively and often acknowledge the existence of the SO, something's wrong there.
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It doesn't bother me. He is not disrespectful with it. Involves me in any type of plans, and I know the type of man he is. Easy to talk to. Women just come up to him and tell him their life stories, sometimes they want a man's perspective on things. As long as he continues to treat me like his queen and he stays in his place. I don't mind.
He has both, but the majority is guys. He moreso talks with the guys. I'm cool with the guys. The women, I have a personal problem with. If any woman is a friend of my man, she should want to meet his woman/wife. I've not heard that request yet. So, I feel that any woman like that, is a threat to my relationship. I do understand that they are just friends, talk every blue moon, and they have marriages/relationships of their own. But I was devious at one point too :sekret:
I am two faceted on this topic. If he had female friends who were friends before me and are strictly friends (meaning no emotional attachments) than so be it! However, gaining female friendship during the relationship is a No-No in my book.
bumping for more responses. I wouldn't want my future husband to have a lot of female friends.

My SO's female friends are people that he has dated in the past lol. By date I mean a couple of months in high school some just a date or two. None of it bothers me. Plus, we are on the phone way too much for him to cheat on me! lol
He has both, but the majority is guys. He moreso talks with the guys. I'm cool with the guys. The women, I have a personal problem with. If any woman is a friend of my man, she should want to meet his woman/wife. I've not heard that request yet. So, I feel that any woman like that, is a threat to my relationship. I do understand that they are just friends, talk every blue moon, and they have marriages/relationships of their own. But I was devious at one point too :sekret:

Has he offered to introduce you to these women?
^^^not to make you paranoid bc I'm sure your relationship is fine, but if a guy wants to find time it doesn't matter how often you see him or how often you talk. My ex and I were on the phone all the time--we were at diff schools, and when we werent on the phone we were on web cam, and when we weren't doing that we were visiting each other...come to find out he had ANOTHER girlfriend at his school. I don't know where he found the extra hours in the day.

The guy I kind of talk to is a man's man and a fake man's girl. He's really into his businesses, and his business partners are his friends. But by the nature of one of his businesses he has to know females but he doesn't hang out with them unless it's at work--to my knowledge.
My SO does not have any female friends.
He says "There is no such thing as a totally platonic relationship between a man and a woman. A man is a man and even if you have been friends for 15 years and nothing has happened yet, only means that he is patient. Trust me, I'm a guy"

I wouldn't be comfortable with him having female friends.
My SO has predominately male friends..female friends are def. at a min. with him. Honestly the only ones he has are the ones from HS whom he was cool with and chicks on myspace and facebook. Not a biggie to me though.
I have been with my SO for years now...he is for sure a GIRL'S MAN.... When we first met, he had a bunch of GIRL friends..and that really hasn't changed much since we have been together. They still call for advice, a shoulder to cry on, etc... He has always been upfront and honest with me about all of his homegirls.. the rule is I need to know who they are personally... All of them are sweethearts...

It really is about trust.. He knows his limits and what I will agree with.. I can't keep him away from the opposite sex..don't want to...honestly alot of the time because of all the crazy things his girlfriends do, it makes him more grateful to have me...

I say if you trust your man, don't stifle him...let him me the rewards are great... :grin: