Is this why we wash so often?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Reading up on folks' hair regiments, I see that we apply a lot of products to our hair with all the pre-poo'ing, co-washing, deep conditioning, moisture sealing, MTG/BTing, henna-ing, etc. And that doesn't even get into actual styling products and thing to protect our hair from heat. This seems like it would lead to an awful lot of build up . . . is this why folks end up washing (or co-washing) so frequently?

(BTW, I'm not asking this in a critical way. I am just trying to make sure I understand. Generally I only put one thing on my head at a time . . . I feel like once I start taking everyone's tips and advice I'll end up with very heavy hair that is weighed-down . . . .)
Glib Gurl said:
Reading up on folks' hair regiments, I see that we apply a lot of products to our hair with all the pre-poo'ing, co-washing, deep conditioning, moisture sealing, MTG/BTing, henna-ing, etc. And that doesn't even get into actual styling products and thing to protect our hair from heat. This seems like it would lead to an awful lot of build up . . . is this why folks end up washing (or co-washing) so frequently?

(BTW, I'm not asking this in a critical way. I am just trying to make sure I understand. Generally I only put one thing on my head at a time . . . I feel like once I start taking everyone's tips and advice I'll end up with very heavy hair that is weighed-down . . . .)

take everybodys advice and then adapt it to suit you

i for one did my own thing, and added TECHNIQUES...

i personally dont put alot on my hair

so i'm not sure if the question would apply to everyone

co-washing is done on a matter of choice

not for cleaning

co-washing does not clean..

and washing is done often probabley for health benefits (growth) and just general maintenence, i dont think theres only one reason why someone would wash "often"

maybe they goto the gym
maybe they love washing their hair (like me :))

what do you call often? i shampoo twice a month and co-wash every 2 weeks....

ps. sometimes adding one manufactered product isnt enough

it isnt for me, i need to do other things in order for products to work for me

i have to use them in a way or ina combo thats for me

my hair isnt heavy at all :)
Yes... Pretty much to keep the scalp clean. Regardless of how many products you put in your hair..even just regular moisturizer or shampoo can build up over time and clog your follicles, as well as the pore in your strands.
I can't speak for anyone else but that's not why I cowash every day. I do it because my hair thrives when it's cowashed and detangled often. :)

I don't use a lot of hair products. Right now I'm just using a natural butter. Too much product dries out my hair. :(
I wash twice a week because I do strenuous exercise twice a week. On those days I sweat a lot and I wash my hair on those days. I really could cut it down to once a week if I did not work out on those days.

On days when I just do Pilates, walking (outside or treadmill), or something light, I don't shampoo.

I don't use a lot of products, oils, etc.
Glib Gurl said:
To me, often is more than 1x per week . . .

oh ok

i used to wash more than once a week cos iwanted more hair growth and it was also summer and i wanted to wear wash n go styles
Candy_C said:
oh ok

i used to wash more than once a week cos iwanted more hair growth and it was also summer and i wanted to wear wash n go styles

Wow - what are some wash-n-go styles you do? (Of course, your hair is way longer than mine, but I'd still be interested to know :))
I co wash/ water rinse almost daily for the health benefits of adding moisture to my hair naturally. I don't use any styling products. I do oil my hair/ scalp with either Vatika or BT. I shampoo 1x a week and clarify 1x a month. I can't speak for everyone, but the clarifying wash is more for removing buildup of products since buildup takes time to "buildup". I doesn't just happen over night from using a few products. Maybe during the course of a couple of weeks if you are using a lot of styling aids and maybe over the course of a month if you are not using many styling aids. HTH :) Someome else may have a different take on this though.
For me, it's not because of product buildup. My hair likes it when I wash often. My hair is softer, thicker, and very little shedding (I joined this board for shedding and thinning).
Glib Gurl said:
Wow - what are some wash-n-go styles you do? (Of course, your hair is way longer than mine, but I'd still be interested to know :))

bless you

i wash and go loose, with a headband at the front, or even a pair of glasses as a "band" lol

or i brush it back wit water, oil moist and pure oil into a loose cliped under bun..but this doesnt work so good..the clip gets bent out of shape easily and i end up shakig it loose anyway.
i dont really put anything in my hair other than conditoner and the occasional leave in. so i doubt i have any build up.

i wash my hair everyday because i feel its healthier, my hair loves it. its seems to grow well when i do. an also my hair doesnt have a chance to tangle at all. so comb outs/ "detangles" are a breeze. the water runs down and detangles my hair i barely have to left a finger.

for me washing everyday has been a god sent.
I wash often (twice per week Wednesdays & Sundays) to
  1. Clean my scalp
  2. Remove any buildup that may prevent my hair from being moisturized
  3. To add moisture to my hair. Water = Moisture
I wash twice or more a week because my hair seems to love the moisture. I also sweat a lot now that it's hot out and I'm very active.

But I don't use a load of products. I use a dab of leave in and a little natural butter or oil, that's it after washing so it's not a matter of product build up.
All I do is bun everyday I don't use a lot of products after washing some lacio lacio leave in, some shea butter bun my hair and I'm out!

But I love to cowash I see a big difference my hair loves it so I do it everyday in the summer and everyother day in the winter and I wash once a week, my hair loves water so I do this routinely!
HoneyDew said:
I wash twice a week because I do strenuous exercise twice a week. On those days I sweat a lot and I wash my hair on those days. I really could cut it down to once a week if I did not work out on those days.

On days when I just do Pilates, walking (outside or treadmill), or something light, I don't shampoo.

I don't use a lot of products, oils, etc.

:yep: Same here. I dont use a lot of products but even after about 3 or 4 days after washing, my scalp kinda starts smelling funny.:( And plus, now that Ive learned so much about healthy haircare, I wanna keep my scalp clean so my hair can finally grow to lengths that Ive never imagined.:)
Cichelle said:
I don't use a lot of hair products. Right now I'm just using a natural butter. Too much product dries out my hair. :(

Oh jesus are you kidding me? I NEVER thought i would see the day when someone could braid or comb my hair without any breakage/dryness???? Butters are the stuff, aren't they? Which ones are you using? My curls and relaxed ends LOVE shealoe.
bravenewgirl87 said:
Oh jesus are you kidding me? I NEVER thought i would see the day when someone could braid or comb my hair without any breakage/dryness???? Butters are the stuff, aren't they? Which ones are you using? My curls and relaxed ends LOVE shealoe.

I'm using hemp seed or avocado. Yeah, I have a love affair with the butters. :love:
I shampoo/dc twice a wk. I like for my hair to stay moisturized and conditioned. Generally conditioners only last in the hair 3 days, so that is why i condition(DC) every three days.
I co wash everyday and wash (shampoo and condition) twice a week because I just like the feeling of a clean hair and scalp. Since doing this, I've actually found that I have to use less products on my hair to achieve styles
i wish once a week because i get less breakage when i do, i dont use a lot of products. during the week all i do is moisturize and seal daily. i dont co wash, henna or use heat protectant since i dont use heat.
I like to keep my scalp as clean and sweet smelling as the rest of me. I don't feel clean with pollution, dead skin cells and dried sweat on my scalp. I wash my hair 2-3 times per week, but if I didn't have delicate 4a/b hair I'd wash it more often.

As it is, I dilute my shampoo and apply it with a tint bottle directly to my scalp. I've started loosely braiding my hair before I shampoo and it makes the process virtually tangle-free.
I don't think I use a lot of products, especially right now, but I wash or rinse my hair daily for the same reasons that I take a shower or bath daily to clean the rest of me. Two or three days without washing and I itch and I think my hair/scalp smells sweaty/funky. While I fully understand that some choose not to wash often, I cannot do that - I like feeling and being clean.
I wash my hair often b/c I love washing my hair. :love: My hair loves the attention, too. :lol: BTW, I don't use a lot of products on my hair.
I'm actually thinking about starting a regimen where I wash every 2 days.
I started thinking back to when my hair was doing very well and I realized that it was my sophomore year of college.

I worked at a Mexican restaurant and everyday when I got home I smelled like greasy fajitas and fried onions. Daily routine after work I'd strip off everything as soon as I came in the door go straight to the shower and wash my hair with CON shampoo.

I just couldn't go around smelling like that. My hair grew very fast during that time.