
Have you every tried coming your hair when it's soaked with conditioner? I heard that that reduces shedding. I also recently read a thread where those who use garlic shampoo have significantly reduced their shedding. ...something worth looking into.

- winniebread

Thanks for the tips. I have tried combing it with conditioner in the shower. I don't remember seeing a difference in my shedding. I've never tried garlic shampoo. Please tell me it doesn't smell like garlic! :lick:
Wow, I noticed a few things. It seeems like quit a few of the ladies here have since increased growth and greater scalp health after increasing the number of washes and/or condition washes each week. So, I'm wondering a couples things:

1) Has anyone ever heard of a challenge where the only thing that is done is increased the amount of washes and didn't use heat? vitamins, growth aides, etc.?

2) If not, is anyone interested in trying this from now until the end of December to see what happens?

- winniebread

I'm willing to give it a try--count me in:grin:
Wow, I noticed a few things. It seeems like quit a few of the ladies here have since increased growth and greater scalp health after increasing the number of washes and/or condition washes each week. So, I'm wondering a couples things:

1) Has anyone ever heard of a challenge where the only thing that is done is increased the amount of washes and didn't use heat? vitamins, growth aides, etc.?

2) If not, is anyone interested in trying this from now until the end of December to see what happens?

- winniebread
Let's make it a challenge
Count me in
I'm in!! I'm putting my braids back up and i always co-wash when in braids. My hair grew real nice last time i did this:yep:.
I am with you on this! I did this a while back and my stylist couldn't believe how fast my hair was growing each time I came in for a retouch. She told me to keep doing whatever I was doing. My hair absolutely loves the moisture. I work out alot and really sweat so I would rinse or co wash every day and by April of 2007 my hair had sprouted. Even though I lost my progress by a scissor happy stylist. I don't know why I ever stopped doing it. I have been co-washing every 3 days, but my hair has not grown nearly as fast. I just started again doing co-wash every other day about a week ago. I will see if my hair sprouts again. I plan to do this right up until my next touch up which will be in February or March, but I will definitely be documenting my progress. I also noticed my ends stayed blunt even though I hadn't trimmed for 8 months.

Updated progress pictures will be posted later today

Wow...thank you so much for all of those who responded. I think I am really going to try this. I pray that I will be consistent with this. I've already washed the front of my hair once this week over the sink. I think I am going to Condition wash the front again before I go to bed.

My goal is to really get my hair back to where it was a few years ago. I don't remember quit was I was doing. I know my hair was all natural then and I'm pretty sure that I washed it once per week instead of the once every 2 to 3 weeks that I currently have been doing. Now I am part natural and part texturized and I straighten my hair about 1x every 3-4 weeks. I think my hair likes being moist more.

My old pics are still in my fotki. My hair was at its longest in 2003 but I'm thinking and hoping that it has the potentially to be even longer. Maybe doing condition washes 2-3x per week is what I need to get to the other side of my mid-back length goal.

Anybody else planning on trying this out with me?

- winniebread
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Wow, I noticed a few things. It seeems like quit a few of the ladies here have since increased growth and greater scalp health after increasing the number of washes and/or condition washes each week. So, I'm wondering a couples things:

1) Has anyone ever heard of a challenge where the only thing that is done is increased the amount of washes and didn't use heat? vitamins, growth aides, etc.?

2) If not, is anyone interested in trying this from now until the end of December to see what happens?

- winniebread

I'm down with this challenge. When I used to cowash regularly, I got increased length and thickness and my ends were perfectly blunted. My challenge is: I will cowash at least 3x/week (I might bump this up to every other day). I will detangle under the shower to avoid breakage/hair loss and I will airdry in a bun.

For others doing this many washes are you doing each week?
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WOW! I just wrote the same thing. My ends stayed perfectly blunted, which is why I was so upset when my stylist cut off all my progress. Even though I haven't been co-washing as often as I used to, I have been co-washing every 3 days and it's been 6 months since I had a trim and my ends are still perfect. I just started back doing every other day co-washes so I am really excited!

Updated progress pictures will be posted later today

I'm down with this challenge. When I used to cowash regularly, I got increased length and thickness and my ends were perfectly blunted. My challenge is: I will cowash at least 3x/week (I might bump this up to every other day). I will detangle under the shower to avoid breakage/hair loss and I will airdry in a bun.

For others doing this many washes are you doing each week?
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I am relaxed and when I did the co-washes, rinses everyday I lived in Florida, so it was never a problem. I now live where we actually have winter, so I do my co-washes in the evening and bun and wrap with a silk scarf and in the morning it is almost completely dry except for a little in the back where the pony is. I just add moisturizer and oil to seal and I am set for the day. I love protective styles, so I only wear my hair down the day of relaxer. I don't worry about manipulation either, because I never comb or detangle for the first 2 months after a retouch. After week 8 when I have to start the detangle and comb process, I only do it loaded with conditioner, under running water and I do an oil rinse which leaves my hair like butter and tangle free. I don't know if this would work for someone that is natural.

Updated progress pictures will be posted later today

How often do you do your condition washes? Are you natural or relaxed?

I really would like to do condition washes but my hair is natural and it's really getting cold where I live. I'm not sure how to incorporate yet and I don't think putting heat on it twice to three times per week is ideal.

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This is so exciting. I really think this challenge is going to work ladies. I must admit, I really need this challenge support group to help me to stay consistent.

My goal is to do condition washes 3x per week (perhaps including oil in the conditioner if it's too thin since my hair is natural, coarse and has a tendency to be dry, but I'll just take it one wash at a time to determine what it needs).

I will do this at night and then twist it and put on a scarf to get my edges smooth. I will also try a ponytail one weekend to see how it comes out...prob will use some Dax or other heavy pomade to tie this stuff down...otherwise...

- winniebread
I agree that co washing has helped my hair get below shoulder length, but one of my biggest concerns is very thin ends. Which I think comes from detangling. I can't think of any other reason.(its never down) So I am trying to figure out to cowash without detangling I believe its way to much manipulation for my hair but its natural and the longer it gets the more difficult it is to not detangle. I loose more hair if I don't. Being natural is wonderful but sometimes................:perplexed
Congratulations on reaching shoulder length.
I totally understand. I think I lose most of my hair this way.
I've been natural since 2003 and I'm starting to wonder if I'd lose less hair using low manipulation relaxed...though I'm not sure I'm going that route.
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For the people having trouble with tangles, when I was natural and would wash my hair, to detangle I would take my wet hair, squeeze out some of the water, saturate my hair with conditioner, then i'd do all my other bath stuff like soaping etc.and then, i'd take my hair down and stand backing the water spray and run the comb through my hair as the water was running through it. The force of the water would kind of stretch my hair and keep it in one direction and the conditioner would help the comb to glide through and I wouldnt get that much hair loss. I still do this now with my co washes as I'm transitioning and its very easy on my relaxed ends. I co wash every other day guaranteed, and every other week I do no manipulation (ie. no combing/brushing) and oil rinses also help me with tangles and minimizing hair loss during washes.