Hello ladies,

Especially for those ladies who have successfully grown their hair out quickly, would you say that the thing that increased your rate of growth the most is washing the scalp more often?

As I think about non-African Americans it seems that their hair grows more consistently at a rate of 1/2-1" per month. I'm thinking that this could be because they generally wash their scalp at minimum 3x per week. They are typically able to grow their hair at this rate consistently without the aide of topical solutions, vitamins and oils. So, what do they do that's different from African Americans...they wash their hair much more frequently compared to the average AA woman. At least that's my theory.

Now for the proof: Has any AA woman personally experienced the most drastic increase in hair growth after washing (or conditioner washing) more often. If so, tell us more please.

Thank you,
winniebread :grin:
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I haven't been co washing long enough to see growth, but the condition of my hair has drastically improved. SouthernTease's hair has grown A LOT from daily co washing and she doesn't use growth aids. I can't wait to see if I get any growth from it because my hair is thriving right now :yep:
Yes! I think your right. I got really good growth when co washing frequently. I stopped for a long period ( before LHCF) cuz I wanted to look cute with my constant flat iron style at work.:ohwell:

But I must say that is when my hair grew the absolute fastest, washig and airdrying all the time.It just makes sense like when you water grass.
How often do you do your condition washes? Are you natural or relaxed?

I really would like to do condition washes but my hair is natural and it's really getting cold where I live. I'm not sure how to incorporate yet and I don't think putting heat on it twice to three times per week is ideal.

I also noticed the more often I wash my hair, the better condition it is in, and I've also noticed the growth seems to really take off!
Co washing has dramatically improved my hair. I have been doing them for maybe six or seven months now (so not long at all) and I have been retaining a lot of my new growth. I think the key to retaining is not only co washing (if that is what works for you) but also understanding the nature of your hair period. It took me a few months to learn my hair and figure out what works, it is not an overnight kind of thing.
I condition wash my hair daily...and my hair is the softest and the healthiest because of it. I also attribute it to my hair growth and my ability to use flat irons alot on my hair with no breakage.
i cut my hair in a bob back in May 2003. i went from neck length to shoulder length in 2 months when i was in mico braids & CO washed them daily. this was before i found the board too. i was also running almost every day, and it was summertime ( my hair seems to grow fast in the summer)

but my scalp was getting really itchy from the braids, so decided to dilute some conditioner and slap it on my head. it gave my scalp such relief that i started doing it daily. i wish i could do it more often, but i don't have the patience for micro braids, & i don't like CO washing my loose hair too much cause i think it's too much manipulation for me. i try to do it when i'm in cornrows, but then then they start looking all frizzy and i hate frizzy cornrows...
Interesting post!!

I think the frequent rubbing/massaging the scalp with warm water can be one reason why some experience faster hair growth, especially if you do this 3 times a week.

In my case, I couldn't wash my hair that often :nono: Wish I could though, esp since I work out so much. But I figure it wouldn't matter how much faster my hair is growing if it's breaking off just as fast. With all that manipulation, I know my hair would break off.

Some people experience faster growth when they frequently wash (2-3 times a week). But others say they retain more length when they wash less often (2-3 a month). So I just massage my scalp with warm oil and wash my hair once every 2 weeks to get the best of both methods.

OT: Bre-bre, your daughter is so adorable! Such pinch-able cheeks!
I have been co-washing daily and I love it. I did my hair today and it flows like I just came from the salon. But I love water in my hair so co-washing works for me.

It getting good in the DC area too but I am not outside for longer than a minute (going from the car into a building) and I am relatively healthy with exercise and eating right so I dont worry about getting sick too much.
I want your hair color. :grin:

Interesting post!!

I think the frequent rubbing/massaging the scalp with warm water can be one reason why some experience faster hair growth, especially if you do this 3 times a week.

In my case, I couldn't wash my hair that often :nono: Wish I could though, esp since I work out so much. But I figure it wouldn't matter how much faster my hair is growing if it's breaking off just as fast. With all that manipulation, I know my hair would break off.

Some people experience faster growth when they frequently wash (2-3 times a week). But others say they retain more length when they wash less often (2-3 a month). So I just massage my scalp with warm oil and wash my hair once every 2 weeks to get the best of both methods.

OT: Bre-bre, your daughter is so adorable! Such pinch-able cheeks!
for me,

rinsing daily is definitely where it's at.
my hair loves it and it seems to thrive when i do this.

and i love doing it (because it feels good haha)

i always become lazy with it, though
i'm definitely going to keep doing it daily
i've actually been consistent lately
Hello ladies,

Especially for those ladies who have successfully grown their hair out quickly, would you say that the thing that increased your rate of growth the most is washing the scalp more often?

As I think about non-African Americans it seems that their hair grows more consistently at a rate of 1/2-1" per month. I'm thinking that this could be because they generally wash their scalp at minimum 3x per week. They are typically able to grow their hair at this rate consistently without the aide of topical solutions, vitamins and oils. So, what do they do that's different from African Americans...they wash their hair much more frequently compared to the average AA woman. At least that's my theory.

Now for the proof: Has any AA woman personally experienced the most drastic increase in hair growth after washing (or conditioner washing) more often. If so, tell us more please.

Thank you,
winniebread :grin:
If you explore other hair boards, where the majority are non-AA, you'll see their hair grows as the same rate as ours. Hair is hair. They are going through the same things we are on this board. And no, generally speaking, they don't wash their hair more often.
I've never washed my hair more than once a week. Anything more tends to be excessive. Sometimes my hair responds better to frequent washing and sometimes it doesn't.:ohwell:
i never comb my hair when co washing, i just wear it in a air dried ponytail, or i let it air dry loose and put it in a messy bun or sleek ponytail. Sometimes i wear it out.
Hmmm...I don't know. Most non-African Americans I speak to definitely wash their hair more often than the average AA (not necessarily speaking of the ones on LHCF). I haven't met a non-AA who washes their hair less than 1x per week. On the other hand most AAs I know wash their hair about every 2 weeks on average. That is often the advice that AAs get from hair salons as well. If you consider that most women in the world don't subscribe to these hair boards I would say those non-AAs you see on boards do not necessarily represent the majority of women. Overall though I think there is often a great disparaty in how the average AAs care for their hair vs. non AAs. That's also why I think that many AAs still struggle with getting their hair to long lengths. Below bra-strap for AAs is certainly not typical (at least not yet) among AAs where as it is waaay more common in non-AAs; of course there are a variety of reasons for this...not necessarily just frequency of washing.

If you explore other hair boards, where the majority are non-AA, you'll see their hair grows as the same rate as ours. Hair is hair. They are going through the same things we are on this board. And no, generally speaking, they don't wash their hair more often.
Hmmm...I don't know. Most non-African Americans I speak to definitely wash their hair more often than the average AA (not necessarily speaking of the ones on LHCF). I haven't met a non-AA who washes their hair less than 1x per week. On the other hand most AAs I know wash their hair about every 2 weeks on average. That is often the advice that AAs get from hair salons as well. If you consider that most women in the world don't subscribe to these hair boards I would say those non-AAs you see on boards do not necessarily represent the majority of women. Overall though I think there is often a great disparaty in how the average AAs care for their hair vs. non AAs. That's also why I think that many AAs still struggle with getting their hair to long lengths. Below bra-strap for AAs is certainly not typical (at least not yet) among AAs where as it is waaay more common in non-AAs; of course there are a variety of reasons for this...not necessarily just frequency of washing.

You mentioned in your last post that what you wrote was your theory, and that okay.

What I posted was based on my experiences as a member of hairboards where the majority of the members are non-AAs, such as LHC, which I've been a member of for over two years. From what I've learned, it is just a stereotype that non-AAs wash their hair more often than AAs as it is a stereotype that AAs do not wash their hair very often.

Also, many non-AAs also struggle just getting to shoulder-length or getting past shoulder-length. The hair issues are more similar than not.
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You mentioned in your last post that what you wrote was your theory, and that okay.

What I posted was based on my experiences as a member of hairboards where the majority of the members are non-AAs, such as LHC, which I've been a member of for over two years. From what I've learned, it is just a stereotype that non-AAs wash their hair more often than AAs as it is a stereotype that AAs do not wash their hair very often.

Also, many non-AAs also struggle just getting to shoulder-length or getting past shoulder-length. The hair issues are more similar than not.

I agree with this. If you actually go over to LHC, a lot of what you see there would surprise you. They are huge fans of bunning & there's a 45-pg thread on MN going on right now :look:. Most of them average the same 1/2in per month that we do, too. Obviously not all of our issues and methods are the same, but a lot of them are.
I agree that co washing has helped my hair get below shoulder length, but one of my biggest concerns is very thin ends. Which I think comes from detangling. I can't think of any other reason.(its never down) So I am trying to figure out to cowash without detangling I believe its way to much manipulation for my hair but its natural and the longer it gets the more difficult it is to not detangle. I loose more hair if I don't. Being natural is wonderful but sometimes................:perplexed
i dont know if its fast, but i co - wash every day since the first day of my transition till now that im natural. the growth that i got before the cut averages about 8 inches per year.

basically in 2 years i went from no natural hair to and inch-2 past brastrap . with the blunt cut i have now its easy to see how much hair has grown from the top of my head . my bangs went from nothing to an inch past underarm in that time. (which is now the current length of all my hair after the blunt cut this past month)

i honestly dont know if it would be less if i hadnt been cowashing though
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Conditioner washes are great, but I didn't get any fast growth, I don't get faster growth using anything LOL!!! But in the Summer is the only time I can do them and I have to use Jessicurl Too Shea Moisturizing conditioner and it doesn't take much, The cheapies Like VO5 & Suave just didn't give me that softness I wanted with my natural hair!
Washing frequently didn't make my hair grow faster. It wrecks havoc on my precious hair strands. As a matter-of-fact, nothing makes my hair grow faster (And I don't believe anything can make it grow faster). My hair grows the same rate all the time (1 inch every 2 months) which is good enough for me. The important thing to me is to retain the length that I've grown, not making it grow faster. ;)

Edited to Add: I totally agree with what Isis has said in her posts. There are plenty of non-Black women that go through the same hair issues as Black women. Not only have I seen it on Long Hair Community, if you watch some of those makeover shows on tv as well as other shows, you'll see white women having the same issues about their hair. And I've been around white women all my life and have heard of many of them complaining that their hair doesn't grow past their shoulders. 6 inches per month is the average growth rate for ALL women. Some women get more than 6 inches, some get less than 6 inches. Growth rate is genetically determined. And not all white women wash their hair frequently.
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Although I live in the Atlanta area & it doesn't get quite as cold as where you are, here's a tip that might help you. I co-wash as soon as I get home from work & then I do about 18 plaits (for a braid-out). Also, I scrunch my hair with a towel so that it isn't soaking wet. I leave my hair exposed until time to go to bed. Then I put on a silk scarf & by the next morning my hair is usually 98 - 99% dry. HTH...

How often do you do your condition washes? Are you natural or relaxed?

I really would like to do condition washes but my hair is natural and it's really getting cold where I live. I'm not sure how to incorporate yet and I don't think putting heat on it twice to three times per week is ideal.
