Is this normal?


Active Member
Hi ladies,

I have been noticing a change in my hair lately. Im losing my waves gradually:(:( It started on the sides of my head and gradually I notice it seem like now its only the top of my hair and the back that have waves. I havent used anything new on my hair except that aphogee keratin 2 min reconstructor ( yesterday).

My dreams of a wavy head of hair with a long pocahontas braid seems like its down the drain.
Could it be my hair acting up???

Is your hair becoming straight or frizzy?

If it's getting frizzy then you may just need to add more moisture to your hair (my hair needs different things in different seasons--and in Fall/Winter I need much more moisture).

If it's becoming straight it could be a few things: your hair could be damaged (from heat maybe), or maybe the weight of your hair as it grows is pulling the waves out of your hair (esp. if you had big waves).
The only thing I can think of is heat damage. How often do you use heat?
I dont use heat I only bun my wet hair. I only used heat once since ive been natural which was back in august and was the only time I ever did. My hair still had waves afterwards.
If you're retaining your hair, could it be that the weight of your longer hair is "lengthening" your curl/wave?
Hi ladies,

I have been noticing a change in my hair lately. Im losing my waves gradually:(:( It started on the sides of my head and gradually I notice it seem like now its only the top of my hair and the back that have waves. I havent used anything new on my hair except that aphogee keratin 2 min reconstructor ( yesterday).

My dreams of a wavy head of hair with a long pocahontas braid seems like its down the drain.
Could it be my hair acting up???


This recently happened to me, but I'm afraid mine IS heat damage! I had to go to the salon to get my hair straightened for my wedding and now my NG will NOT curl back up! I'm almost 11 months into my transition to natural :( That coupled with the fact that my hair is MUCH shorter since I started transitioning has me heated!

When I would straignten my hair at home, I had NO problems getting it to curl back up, but now it only gets curly/ wavy in the middle section... never in the top of my head. I don't know what to tell you to do since I can't recover myself.

Good luck to you!
I'd suspect that the additional weight of your hair is pulling out your waves - side effect of longer hair, it's heavier. :yep:

How often do you clarify? Build-up increases the weight even more, so that might be a factor, as well.