Is this normal for naturals?

JCoily said:
It's true that natural hair slicked back with gel can look straight. I've done that wearing my hair in a bun.

When a type 4 natural has straight 'baby hair' and straight flyaways along the edges while wearing twists or braids, it's more than a little suspect. I understand that some folks have more than one texture, but :look: .
i even have straight ends which i keep trimming but i think its stretched due to me pulling on those parts when styling. i think it would be stupid of me to relax my hair after getting rid of the relaxed hair by cutting it.

about the the straight, baby hair, i dunno about that :lol:

there are people from other sites that peruse other naturals albums looking for those straight parts of the hair. just pathetic. who cares what other people do to their hair. i guess cos i color with henna now, im not longer a natural huh??:lachen:
thanks for the links. i dont get whats wrong with having fly away edges? its natural and like i said, fantasia IC and my denman D3 does that for me
Legend said:
If someone says “Natural”, it’s a label that may mean different things to different people. For example, I don’t eat meat. Plain and simple. People always ask me “are you some type if vegetarian?”. I say “No, I just don’t eat meat.” (This usually causes confused looks, but whatever! :lol: ) But, someone else may choose to call themselves "Vegetarian." I’m an Independent, but tend to vote Democrat. Does that make me a Democrat? To some people, it does. To me, I’m still an Independent.

I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. It just is. What we label ourselves is more important than what others label us because it is all about Personal Identity. Do I, personally, think the woman in question should refer to herself as a Natural? Probably not, if I want to be technical about it. But if she does, it’s her personal hair choice and identity and I wouldn’t disparage her for it either.

See I'm one of the oddballs that started growing out my perm because I HATE the concept of the touchup (specifically the sitting in a salon all damn day part). It had nothing to do with reinforcing my blackness, or spiritual revelation or any grandiose reckoning. So to me, the terms 'natural' or 'napptural' don't really mean much. It's like I'm part of a club that I didn't know I was joining. That's why I don't care who calls themselves natural. It's not necessarily a badge of honor to me.

So I agree with you Legend, ole girl can call herself a natural blonde and it won't change the taste of my cornflakes. So why would I get indignant about it?
so1913 said: can you tell? I know I'm able to get my edges to lie down pretty straight, as straight as they were when relaxed (If I'm wearing it slicked back and with the help of my trusty gel).

So am I and I don't use gel. People often asked me if I've permed my hair, trust me I haven't in 3 years. After washing my hair I tie it down with a satin scarf and my edges and kitchen are bone strait. In fact when I get a press my hairdresser doesn't even have to press those areas. I tie my edges down a few times during the week and no problem.
JCoily said:
It occurred to me that I had seen this topic on LHCF before, and that's why it didn't seem so out of the ordinary.

I'm not providing these links as a 'right' or 'wrong', just to show that this isn't a new idea.

Oh wow, I never thought about the fact that people do this, much less that so many people do it. each her own.
I don't consider it normal. I don't understand why folks just don't relax their whole head, if straight is what they are going for. Frankly I think it is stupid, but that is just me.
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I've never heard of this, whip! I don't think I would do it. It would make me feel like I was lying when I say my hair is "natural"
ThickHair said:
I don't consider it normal. I don't understand why folks just don't relax their whole it, if straight is what they are going for. Frankly I think it is stupid, but that is just me.

Personally, If I were ever to wear my hair straight I would pefer to use heat than to use chemicals in my hair because, chemicals will break my hair off and its not good for my body.
angelk316 said:
Personally, If I were ever to wear my hair straight I would pefer to use heat than to use chemicals in my hair because, chemicals will break my hair off and its not good for my body.
My answer is regarding the topic of straightening the edges while having nappy hair.
:lachen: Its called a Halo around here. When you want your hair to be perfectly slicked into that bun you get a halo. No most peopel that get them dont consider themselves natural. I wouldnt either. I also dont consider permanent color "natural" either. If you arent a natural blond then it aint natural :lachen: And for the record I dont Halo my edges either, Aloe vera gel works just fine :)
joyous said:
So am I and I don't use gel. People often asked me if I've permed my hair, trust me I haven't in 3 years. After washing my hair I tie it down with a satin scarf and my edges and kitchen are bone strait. In fact when I get a press my hairdresser doesn't even have to press those areas. I tie my edges down a few times during the week and no problem.
thank God for satin scarves too
lwill38 said:
does she wear her hair straight a lot? if so then i could see why she would do it. but if she doesnt straighten her hair a lot, couldnt she use gel to control her "unruly" areas?

Sorry, I've been away for a while. Regarding the questions, she wears her hair in a high or low puff most of the time and she hardly ever wear a pressed style. She loves her natural hair from what I can tell. However, she always brags about how people think she has good hair when they see her waves. The perming of her edges in her opinion, makes her hair more blended with the wavy hair. I was just curious. Thank you for responding!
WhipEffectz1 said:
Sorry, I've been away for a while. Regarding the questions, she wears her hair in a high or low puff most of the time and she hardly ever wear a pressed style. She loves her natural hair from what I can tell. However, she always brags about how people think she has good hair when they see her waves. The perming of her edges in her opinion, makes her hair more blended with the wavy hair. I was just curious. Thank you for responding!

Yep, I did that too. A long time ago, but I'd never heard of anyone else doing it. I've never called my hair natural. I've been covering the grey since I was 20. There's nothing natural about that.
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Legend said:
Hmmm. It seems that I am the only responder so far that has first hand experience with actually relaxing edges only. I have to tell you, even when I wore 100% natural hair (absolutely no chemicals), I never referred to myself as a “Natural.” I’ve never referred to myself as a “Relaxed” either, to tell the truth. Or a “Dyed” if I colored my hair. :grin: :grin: :grin:

If someone says “Natural”, it’s a label that may mean different things to different people. For example, I don’t eat meat. Plain and simple. People always ask me “are you some type if vegetarian?”. I say “No, I just don’t eat meat.” (This usually causes confused looks, but whatever! :lol: ) But, someone else may choose to call themselves "Vegetarian." I’m an Independent, but tend to vote Democrat. Does that make me a Democrat? To some people, it does. To me, I’m still an Independent.

I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. It just is. What we label ourselves is more important than what others label us because it is all about Personal Identity. Do I, personally, think the woman in question should refer to herself as a Natural? Probably not, if I want to be technical about it. But if she does, it’s her personal hair choice and identity and I wouldn’t disparage her for it either.

To use some wittiness here, if one get’s really, really technical about it, relaxed hair is certainly natural (it grows out of your body, doesn't it?)…it’s just been altered. Just because wheat has been harvested, dried, ground, and cooked, doesn’t stop it from being wheat. :smirk: :wink2: :lol:
A woman after my own heart. :rosebud: Except for the meat part. :grin:
JCoily said:
I'm not planning on calling anybody out, but I've seen what looks like relaxed edges in quite a few 'napptural' Fotki albums.

I think its something that people do but don't readily admit, especially in
other forums.

Totally agree with this statement. Since I used to be texturized, I know the difference between a "natural" twistout and a "texturized" twistout. There are quite a few very popular napptural albums whose hair I know for a FACT is texturized, some who are members here and on a napptural board, but like you I'm not going to call anyone out...But to answer the OP question, my cousin does this. She perms her edges and kitchen area every six weeks. But, she wears her hair straight all the time.
Now, I think that's kind of a leap. People have so many different hair textures, how would you know personally if they were texturized or not? My mom had a hairdresser get MAD at her when she was natural because the laddy INSISTED she was texturized and she wasn't.

thickness said:
Totally agree with this statement. Since I used to be texturized, I know the difference between a "natural" twistout and a "texturized" twistout. There are quite a few very popular napptural albums whose hair I know for a FACT is texturized, some who are members here and on a napptural board, but like you I'm not going to call anyone out...But to answer the OP question, my cousin does this. She perms her edges and kitchen area every six weeks. But, she wears her hair straight all the time.
Legend said:
Hmmm. It seems that I am the only responder so far that has first hand experience with actually relaxing edges only. I have to tell you, even when I wore 100% natural hair (absolutely no chemicals), I never referred to myself as a “Natural.” I’ve never referred to myself as a “Relaxed” either, to tell the truth. Or a “Dyed” if I colored my hair. :grin: :grin: :grin:

If someone says “Natural”, it’s a label that may mean different things to different people. For example, I don’t eat meat. Plain and simple. People always ask me “are you some type if vegetarian?”. I say “No, I just don’t eat meat.” (This usually causes confused looks, but whatever! :lol: ) But, someone else may choose to call themselves "Vegetarian." I’m an Independent, but tend to vote Democrat. Does that make me a Democrat? To some people, it does. To me, I’m still an Independent.

I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. It just is. What we label ourselves is more important than what others label us because it is all about Personal Identity. Do I, personally, think the woman in question should refer to herself as a Natural? Probably not, if I want to be technical about it. But if she does, it’s her personal hair choice and identity and I wouldn’t disparage her for it either.

To use some wittiness here, if one get’s really, really technical about it, relaxed hair is certainly natural (it grows out of your body, doesn't it?)…it’s just been altered. Just because wheat has been harvested, dried, ground, and cooked, doesn’t stop it from being wheat. :smirk: :wink2: :lol:

Thank you, it really isn't that serious

as long as you are satisfied with the end result

who cares how you got it
I am happy with the label "natural", if u aint...then dnt label or call ursef that!, u know every labelling comes with assumptions.
And u will hardly find anything natural these most are altered, ie hurricane is a natural thing,but it mans activities have triggered and made it worse ie pollution etc.
so...if u are happy..then go ahead.
qtgirl said:
Now, I think that's kind of a leap. People have so many different hair textures, how would you know personally if they were texturized or not? My mom had a hairdresser get MAD at her when she was natural because the laddy INSISTED she was texturized and she wasn't.

Start looking at their wet hair pics and check out the ends. On some on them you can clearly see the line of demarcation. I don't care how many textures you have in your hair, its not going to go from 4a/b to silky, wavy straight hair on the same hair strand. If you have different textures, the individual strands are going to be the same texture. Meaning, wavy strands will be wavy from root to tip and kinkier strands will be kinky from root to tip. It's not going to grow out your scalp kinky and then become a looser texture. The hair will be the same texture throughout the entire strand of hair.
lovelymissyoli said:
My thoughts exactly! While I've heard of people (relaxed ladies) touching up their edges, I've never met a natural who has openly admitted to doing this, or condoning it for that matter :confused:. However, while I was transitioning I kept thinking: "...well what if I just touch up my edges.." Even though I never did it because I was determined to become natural and be chemical-free, I still struggled with accepting the fact that my hair is nappy with a capital 'N'. Once I got over that hurdle I accepted what God gave me and realized how beautiful and unique my hair is. And although I color my hair, it in no way alters my hair's texture as a relaxer would! However, I can see how I would be labled napptural instead of natural because it's not my natural hair color.

To the op, your co-worker/friend or whoever made that remark should really research what it means to be natural because if she feels as though she needs to relax to conform to having 'good'/'manageable' edges, then she's still got a relaxed frame of mind.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I'm going to start looking more; that's crazy for those that would/are doing that...dang liars :pinocchio

thickness said:
Start looking at their wet hair pics and check out the ends. On some on them you can clearly see the line of demarcation. I don't care how many textures you have in your hair, its not going to go from 4a/b to silky, wavy straight hair on the same hair strand. If you have different textures, the individual strands are going to be the same texture. Meaning, wavy strands will be wavy from root to tip and kinkier strands will be kinky from root to tip. It's not going to grow out your scalp kinky and then become a looser texture. The hair will be the same texture throughout the entire strand of hair.
Wow!! I must, again, express my surprise again that I am one of the few people who live in an area that this is a commonplace thing! :shocked: Where I'm from, salons actually offer this as a listed service! It's usually called an "area relaxer" and costs about 25% less than a touch-up. No one thinks twice about it! :eek:
angelk316 said:
Personally, If I were ever to wear my hair straight I would pefer to use heat than to use chemicals in my hair because, chemicals will break my hair off and its not good for my body.

Heat can be just as damaging as using a perm.
For the people that don't believe in labeling, do you also not type your hair as well too? Typing is a sort of labeling too.

My natural hair has different textures. My front tends to be more straighter or less wavier/coiler than the rest of my hair. I don't understand the reason someone would texturize their hair just to say it was natural.
thickness said:
Totally agree with this statement. Since I used to be texturized, I know the difference between a "natural" twistout and a "texturized" twistout. There are quite a few very popular napptural albums whose hair I know for a FACT is texturized, some who are members here and on a napptural board, but like you I'm not going to call anyone out...But to answer the OP question, my cousin does this. She perms her edges and kitchen area every six weeks. But, she wears her hair straight all the time.

Yeah I wanna know how you can 'tell' for a FACT.... Now I admit, Ive seen some braidouts labeled as natural (even when they never took the time to blend the part lines :lachen:) But to label someone as texturized.... I dont know about that. And as far as the twistouts how can you tell the difference if its twist set? And I woudl like to see these albums.. PM me if you can. BTW I agree with the scarf method. Except I dont use satin plain ol cotton lays it down for me :lol: