Is this normal for naturals?

JCoily said:
See I'm one of the oddballs that started growing out my perm because I HATE the concept of the touchup (specifically the sitting in a salon all damn day part). It had nothing to do with reinforcing my blackness, or spiritual revelation or any grandiose reckoning. So to me, the terms 'natural' or 'napptural' don't really mean much. It's like I'm part of a club that I didn't know I was joining. That's why I don't care who calls themselves natural. It's not necessarily a badge of honor to me.

So I agree with you Legend, ole girl can call herself a natural blonde and it won't change the taste of my cornflakes. So why would I get indignant about it?

I like your post!

Maybe she is doing what she is doing because she likes the way that it looks. Perhaps she doesnt care about all of these hyped up labels. Styling preferences are just that- preferences- whether they involve chemical alteration or not. People are acting like it's a sin, when really, unless she denied using chemicals at all, it really isnt that serious.

I understand that for many, going "natural" is more than just a change of hair style, but a change of spirit as well. That's great and commendable, but it isnt like that for everyone. For some people, it isnt that deep and it doesnt make them any better or worse.

Just my 2 cents.

PS: I dont know of anyone that does this, but if I was natural and it could make my texture uniform, I'd consider it.
goldensensation said:
I like your post!

Maybe she is doing what she is doing because she likes the way that it looks. Perhaps she doesnt care about all of these hyped up labels. Styling preferences are just that- preferences- whether they involve chemical alteration or not. People are acting like it's a sin, when really, unless she denied using chemicals at all, it really isnt that serious.

I understand that for many, going "natural" is more than just a change of hair style, but a change of spirit as well. That's great and commendable, but it isnt like that for everyone. For some people, it isnt that deep and it doesnt make them any better or worse.

Just my 2 cents.

PS: I dont know of anyone that does this, but if I was natural and it could make my texture uniform, I'd consider it.

The thing I think is odd about it in THIS case is that she brags about people thinking she has "good hair", implying that's one of the reasons she does or continues to do it in the first place.

But that's just me thinking it's big whoop.
Country gal said:
For the people that don't believe in labeling, do you also not type your hair as well too? Typing is a sort of labeling too.

My natural hair has different textures. My front tends to be more straighter or less wavier/coiler than the rest of my hair. I don't understand the reason someone would texturize their hair just to say it was natural.

I think that Andre's typing system oversimplifies the '4' category but I think it's helpful for people new to hair boards. I still don't understand the whole 'LOIS' typing system.

I agree it is just another label. When I started using my pic as an avatar, I would get quite a few 'what's your hair type?' PM's. I figured it would be helpful to just put it out there for all to see (and keep my inbox less clogged:lol: )
Never heard of the practice yet this is a very interesting thread.

The first thought that came to my mind was, "she fakin' the funk". Then I read through everyone's very intelligent posts and started seeing this from different angles and point of views and came to the conclusion that, as SO1913 put it, to each her own. However, when whip came back and said her coworker mentioned how she was bragging that folk thought she had 'good hair'..then "fakin' the funk" really fit.

Now this Halo job or section relaxer deal, how is this done? I mean, is it done on edges that are about 1/4 to 1 inch long? Is it relaxed bone straight? How can straight hair blend with kinky/coily hair? Maybe the person is using some kind of Ripple Effects, Curl enhancer type product on those relaxed edges to give the hair a wavy look? I wish I could see this.

Now about the labeling: I consider myself, "going natural" and once my relaxed ends are gone I'll be calling myself natural. To me, it means no chemical texture change. Color is a whole other issue in my book. When I see a lady with firey red kinky coily hair, I really don't see the color as far as what her initial status is. I may ask, "How long have you been natural?" I never say, "How long have you been red, or blue?" because it's too temporary. The color is like clothing or shoes to me. Like Natural pressed hair, because it isn't as permanent like Relaxed hair. I hope this makes sense.

Ex. Michael Jackson. His skin may be white, his hair straight has a thin nose and lips, yet he is STILL a black man. I know children that really didn't know he was a black man or had once been dark skinned..they were completely taken aback :nono:..maybe this was a bad example...
Ive seen a halo done. They section off the hair thats to be relaxed and pull the rest up into a pony and base it. Then they proceed to relax ony the outer edges. Ive seen it doen twice. Once on a lady that only wanted her nape and front done and another lady all the way around. On the second lady I could see the frustration. She had like a 3b ish type hair all in the middle and the outside was like a 4b. She and I got to chatting and she told me her mom has naturally straight hair with a patch in the front on one side like a 4a. I was like "for real?" and the stylist was like "HECK YEAH she come up in here with her 1 nappy patch!" I couldnt help but laugh. Shoot my granny has 3a/2c hair with side show bob sideburns. All she uses Petro to slick hers down.... But some people dont like hair that isnt uniform.
Wow, this is very interesting. I have never heard of naturals perming their edges. But, maybe that's how this girl at my job who is supposed to be natural is able to wear her hair straight without any signs of it ever reverting or firzzing even in Georgia where it is very hot and humid.