Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat irons?


New Member
I ware my hair in a weave most of the time so for about 2-3 months I don't really use heat on my hair except to straighten my edges and the hair left out, or for deep conditioning. But when I want that SWANG I deep condition, then I blowdry straight, I hot comb my roots, and I straighten with an FHI flatiron. Is there 1 person out there not afraid of the heat? I LOVE how my hair looks when I do it, and even in my weave without heat to straighten my natural edges after a few days when humidity gets to them, my hair will be looking a mess! Noone has achieved growth with heat? Come on now! There aren't any regular weekly to 2 weeks hair blowdry and pressers out there that have achieved great lengths? I grew my hair out to natural after 2 years but I refuse to ware my hair out if it's not straight.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

Sure there are. I'm not. But I am impatient, and the 2 fastest, most successful ways for me to retain length are airdried styles, and indirect heat styles.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

i am not afraid per se but it is too hot for all of that right now...i inadvertently learned about using a heat protectant when i was in high school so my cheap flat iron became my best friend. i now have a solia and while i am now on a personal no heat challenge for the summer (cause i love WNGs) come this fall/winter my hair will be straight a majority of the time...ESPECIALLY after i pass APL.

pinkskates hot combs all the time...check her out.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not afraid
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm def. not afraid, b/c I'm lazy and like the quick route of getting straight hair sometimes, which is blow-drying (20mins) and flat-ironing (1hr) verses 3hrs of roller-setting (applying rollers, drying hair, blowing out roots, then saran wrapping) :ohwell:

I've been using a lot more heat for the past 2 months :look:
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I use heat on my hair once a week : I wash, blow dry with comb attatchment, press (I'm transitioning), and flat iron. My hair comes out beautiful and I have lots of hair growth and retainment. Ain't no shame in my game,lol. I use a lot of products specifically for heat protection. I use CHi shampoo and conditioner, before I blowdry I use FHI Hot sauce (this protects from heat and adds moisture to the hair while blowdrying), and before I flatiron I use CHI silk infusion which is also a heat protectant. I have a very tedious and detailed regimen, I don't believe heat is that bad, its just how you use it.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

not afraid... just:
  1. don't feel like it
  2. too lazy and i would prefer airdrying
  3. would entail in me having to put a comb through my hair ugh
  4. really really lazy
  5. i would only use heat if I was wearing my hair down and outside is too damn hot for that
  6. maybe if i was el i would be abusing the heat
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

i used to be addicted to my chi iron

in the beginning i was disappointed by the results of my roller sets but after a few tries i saw the amazing results i could get with a roller set. my hair felt better had amazing volume and that swang.

last time i flat ironed the entire legnth of my hair i really didnt like how dry my hair felt i was really nervous to touch it when i roller set i cant keep my hands out if it and im not worried about harming it.

but when i started my hair journey i definitely had some flat iron withdrawals.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

If my stylist does it, then I'm good.

Otherwise i dont do it.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not.After I got my regimen down for a healthy "press",I know I don't have to worry about damage anymore.
For the past few months I've been using heat 2-3/month,every month.I believe you can still get growth while using heat
if you know what your doing.Now if you would have asked me this one year ago the answer would have been yes because
I no idea how to to do a healthy press and I was jacking my hair up.I feel Vanesart on being addicted to the chi,
I love that thing :giggle:
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I AM afraid. Yall scared me out of direct heat. I havent touched a blow dryer since Dec. 2007 and can count how many times i've used a curling iron and flat iron since then.

I just use indirect heat to rollerset 2-3 times a week.

Yeah when i using those things pre-LHCF my hair still grew and looked aiight but just knowing its gonna look even better without direct heat has me more psyched not to use blowdryer, flat iron, curling iron so much.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm def not afraid of heat. I'm enjoying the simplicity of the wash and go every morning. Since I have natural hair the flatiron won't do anything for me in this heat. My straight hair would last about 5 minutes. I will be rollersetting more often in the fall.

Nobody should be scared of heat. Its all about using heat correctly and using the right products to protect your hair.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I am afraid... and I still use it. I try to roller-set most often but I still may flat iron the roots or straigten out the ends a little. To be quite honest though, it comes out better if I take the time after roller-setting to wrap my hair or put a scarf around by edges to make them lay down. It just takes longer and it seems easist to whip out the flat iron. Although flat ironing doesn't work well for me in the summer -- it's too hot and I get frizzy, dry feeling, dry looking hair.

Also, I have lost length from flat ironing too often even with heat protectants and being careful. If I use the flat iron regularly I need more frequent trims or I have breakage so getting length is slower.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I am not afraid of heat. Now, I do not flat-iron my hair but a couple times a year because I have now gotten it to hang down keeping it super-hydrated and with a combination of my aloe vera homemade moisture mist and my wonderful Surya leave-ins. Also, it takes an hour and I am just too lazy, but if I were not so lazy and did not work out daily, I would likely flat-iron once or twice a month now that my hair is healthy and longer. It is just not feasible to do so.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

Nope, I am not.

Once you understand something, how it works, why it works, how to use it properly....There is no need to fear it!
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not afraid at all; I use heat twice a month. Lately, I've just been blowdrying every two weeks, but normally during the cooler months, I blow dry, press and flat iron every two weeks. This has pretty much been my regimen for more than a decade.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I actually use heat often, my diffuser blow dryer everytime I wet my hair which averages 3 times a week more or less (unless I'm wearing my hair slicked back in a low puff). I'm not proud of it :( but I can't stand wet hair :perplexed.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

Not afraid of it. My hair is relaxed and I use a Pibbs weekly. I don't need a flat iron, blowdryer to have sleek, swangin' relaxed styles.Using that would be just unnecessary heat use. I like my boring hair life of healthy hair with no damage issues, and I'd like to keep it that way, so the path of least resistance is avoiding all of the unnecessary stuff. Now as a natural that is a different story and then I have no issues/problems from using it except reversion. I would never use a hot comb on relaxed hair, it goes against everything I have been taught.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm definitely not afraid of heat. You just need to know how to use it and when enough is enough. A great way to get a straight style for me is to wrap the hair wet, sit under the dryer (indirect heat) and to smooth only a few pieces with a flat iron on a lower setting when your done. This style has my hair swinging all week long without having to touch any more heat. Sometimes I can get away with wrapping and no direct heat at all for weeks on end and the wrap maintains the bend on the ends and the swing. The key also here is to not use products that weigh the hair down.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I like heat but my hair tends to linger around APL when I use it often. I also end up having to trim more often. Blowdrying on low seems not to bother my hair but constant flat ironing and blowdrying= less retention for me.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not afraid of heat...I just don't feel like I need it, and my hair is certainly healthier since I've stopped using it.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

Everything in Moderation!
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not scared!!
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

i am not afraid AT ALL. i am on a strict limited heat reggie until i reach my goal at which time, i will resume regular heat usage.

i LOVE my hair straight and swanging!
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I aint never scared.

I blowdry, get that hot comb on my edges then flatiron the rest.

Got that CHI Silk Infusion to protect me so I'm all good.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

i wasnt scared at first but this board has made me scared. on top of that i see how healthy my hair is without it. with that said...i love to wear my hair straight. it is apl and i love when it swangs so i wont stop using my FHI.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I love heat. My hair does, too. They key is not overdoing it and using heat protectants.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I ain't neva scared but since joining LHCF I limit my use of heat appliciances. ANDDDDDDDD I USE DAMN HEAT PROTECTANT, which is something I didn't use before. :grin:
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

Not afraid of heat. Just too lazy to use it.