Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat irons?

Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I ain't go lie. Folks had me shook on heat.

But I've hit a wall with my hair and I consulted with a stylist that didn't faint when she saw my natural hair unsheathed. So I'll be getting my hair flat ironed at least once a month going forward.

If wearing my hair straight more often helps combat my knotting issue then oh well to losing some of my curl pattern.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I aint never scared.

I blowdry, get that hot comb on my edges then flatiron the rest.

Got that CHI Silk Infusion to protect me so I'm all good.

:lachen: At your AVI. I got me some CHI silk a long time ago too and use that w/ my leave-in to do my rollersets w/ indirect heat.

And when i tried to flat iron last week to do a length check i made sure i found that bottle of CHI first or else flatironing wasn't happening.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

Not at all. Yesterday, I tried something different and let it air dry and braided it before bed. I am lazy when it comes to shampooing, so I may wash and CHI every two or three weeks if that. In the past, I have gone sometimes without shampooing between a relaxer. :blush: I'm trying to do better now since I have been working out and sweating in my hair a lot. Here is a pic of an airdry style.


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Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

BTW, if you use a heat protectant, you should be fine.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

i'm not afraid to use it, but i do know that i retain more and my hair does better the less i use of it.

i was getting to a point where i was pulling out that dang FHI like once a week. and that was after blowdrying....which for my hair is a :nono:

i'm trying to cut down to every other week. we shall see.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not afraid but heat dries my hair. I use indirect heat for my wash and sets and hot comb my roots around 10 wks post.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

Bumping for more responses
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

After my awesome experience with heat protectants in April, I'm no longer afraid of heat, although like Glam, I rarely use it.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

no I'm not afraid, not afraid or protein either. i think the two go hand in hand
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not afraid of anything but hair dressers hold scissors! LOL On the serious side, I refuse to be a prisoner to my hair.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I aint scured .....but that dont mean its good for me. I wish I could go without heat butttt..... that day aint here yet.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

no I'm not afraid, not afraid or protein either. i think the two go hand in hand

Ditto. Heat protectant and protein are my friends.
Being on LHCF had me scared for a while :lol:, but I got over it.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not afraid, I really don't know how to use heat. I've never used a flat iron, curling iron, hot comb and any other tool before I came here. I have used a blow dryer but not everytime I washed my hair.

I leave that to my stylist. Since I've been doing my hair on my own, I can achieve good results without heat, so I just don't use it often.

I'm sure once I learn how to properly flat iron, I may become addicted.:drunk:
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not deathly afraid. I just have to use it in moderation if I want to maintain the healthy of my hair.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I use my PIBBs every week if that counts. But for direct heat such as flat irons and blow drying, not really unless I go to my dominican hair salon and get the works (you know the blowdry AND the curling iron)

I use a curling iron about once a month for a different style and my flat iron for special occasions.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

BTW, if you use a heat protectant, you should be fine.

love the color and style in your signature :)

I reduced my heat usage when I fell in love with wng's. As my hair is progressing and the season becomes colder, I will likely use my heat a little more... But I am not scared of heat, at one point I was a quite frequent user (daily in some instances)... and without heat protectant :blush: no horror stories from it, but now that I know better... I use a protectant when I use heat.:yep:
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Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

My hair was dry and broke off with the use of heat. I'd consider heat if I can retain what I grew from bootcamp.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I blowdry and flatiron twice a week. Growing strong and not going to stop anytime soon.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

When I first joined, I was afraid, so I started rollersetting and then wrapping. Over time, I realized that the blow dryer does more damage to my hair than flat ironing. For the last 3 -4 months I have been rollersetting and follwing up with the flat iron. Love the results!

Hasn't hurt my hair at all.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I use to be, but not now. My stylist is so good....she knows what she is doing. I'm at the point where I don't want to do my own hair's just so much easier for her to do it.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not afraid of direct heat. I choose to not use it regularly b/c I retain more length by rollersetting. I save the blow dryer and flatiron for special occassions and rare lazy days.

I also now know how to appropriately use heat and avoid damaging my hair too much. heat protectant is your friend!
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I have spent 2 years being afraid of direct heat - and seeing pretty much no progress at all. I am kinda slow on the uptake, but I am thinking my hair does not like to be airdried.

With that being said, I have bought a temperature controlled, professional, 100% ceramic flat iron-and plan on airdrying and flat iron from now on. I will also be DC'ing with each and every wash and using my Aphogee 2 min regularly.

I have never been one to use heat on dirty hair. I have learned so much on this board, that I really feel like I can corporate heat into my regimen. I honestly feel like I have nothing to lose at this point
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I use to press my hair every other week and still do sometimes if I have the extra time....but latley I've been doing wash n go's because It's quicker and I like how my natural hair looks when it's out. I love heat on my natural hair:yep:
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I'm not afraid and my hair actually behaves, and looks much better with heat styles. I do try to stay away from heat though because I am too lazy to do all the extra stuff you need to do to keep the hair moisturized and retain the length.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I am not scared...just lazy. I am a SAHM with a 6 mo. old and and a 2 year old:) I have been known to blowdry and flat iron weekly. The only reason why my hair is not BSL is because I cut it off when I thought that I wanted to be natural (reading this danged board lol). My hair was and is healthy but I know some people just have problems when they use heat. It seems like I have more issues when I don't.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I am not afraid of the heat. I'm one of the persons that think you can do ANYTHING to your hair with proper care.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

I've been on a heat sabbatical (using it about once every two or three months) but with the weather getting colder, I'm going to have to move it up to twice a month. I just bought a 1875 watt blow dryer and I'm going to attempt my first blow out and ceramic flat iron next week. Wish me luck - this stuff is thick even with a texlax and I hope I can make it look good. If not, back to the bun.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

Im not scared just lazy too. Everyweek I say Im gonna flat iron my hair but braiding it up and letting it airdry is so much quicker.
Re: Is there ANY person on LHCF not afraid of heat, blowdrying, hot combs, & flat iro

nope not afraid