Still using heat


New Member
I know that everyone is all about using minimal heat on the hair and everything, but I have thick hair, the texture of Kelis'(the singer)hair. Right now I wear it natural, curly because it is summer and if I blowdry it, the humidity shrinks it right back, plus I like to give my hair a break in the summer and I love my curls. However, I also love wearing my hair straight. In cooler weather, I usually blowdry, then straighten with a large barrel curling iron. This is my once a week winter routine, and my hair gets very straight. I've tried setting it, but it takes FOREVER to dry sitting under the dryer, and I still end up using the curling iron to straighten it. I don't relax my hair, so I find that using heat is my only answer. I've read thread after thread of how straightness can be obtained without using much heat, but I've tried many of them in the past and the best result I've gotten is with my blowdry/curling iron routine, this dries my ends out though, but for the most part, my hair is pretty healthy, since I condition often, and thanks to everyone on here, I am now checking the labels on hair products and gradually moving toward using more natural products.I'm considering getting this new Anti-frizz Ionic Ceramic Straightening Iron by the brand Ion.
Ok, so after all of that, my question is, is there anyone out there still using heat with minimal hair damage?
this site!!!!
i don't think you have anything to worry about with your routine. you have to remember that your hair is natural and it has not been chemically processed (relaxer or color). so even if you use heat on a regular basis you should be ok. you also mentioned that you condition. so that's good. the ladies who relax have to be a little more careful (me included:), cause the relaxed hair is weaker from the process, so we try to minimize using heat. but even we use heat (every now and then). so like i said, don't worry, just keep conditioning:)
