Is there a such thing as NON-ABSORBENT HAIR?!


New Member
Silly question, but I need to ask.

My hair...with MOST (not all) hair products that I put on my hair, it doesn't absorb. For example, I tried to do what most ladies on here do and make an oil mixture in an applicator bottle and oil my hair and grease my scalp with that. But the oil just sits on my hair. You can see the little oil balls in the light on my dull hair. The oils I was using was MegaCare Vitamin E, Jojoba, Carrot Oil and a mix of the WGO. I also notice that with WGO alone, you can see the little oil balls on my hair like the next day. When I greased my scalp (which I don't do often) I noticed that the grease was still sitting on my roots the next day.

I notice this sounds weird but has anyone else experienced this as well? Is it because the oils are too light? I bought some Kemi Oyl (used to use this back in high school) and I noticed that a darker thicker oil absorbs in my hair. I think I'ma just stick with the Kemi Oyl.

Can someone tell me whats going on?
I am not sure about this Shellz. My hair likes oil, so it will soak it up. HOWEVER, the heavy the oil the longer it takes my scalp to "suck it in" Meaning, I can oil my scalp with castor oil and my scalp will still have it on there the next night. Maybe you should try jojoba oil for the scalp (not the megacare kind) as the pure form mimics the ones natural sebum. It may absorb better.

Also, wait until the late afternoon for a lot of responses as that's the time a lot of ladies are on
It probably means that your hair isn't that porous. For me my hair sucks up any oil. But I prefer heavy oils because my hair is a weird porosity, meaning that it sucks up almost all liquids but it will be dry a few hours later.
My hair seemed to be this way when I was relaxed, because my hair was dry and overprocessed everthing just seemed to sit on top of my hair.
Champagne_Wishes said:
It probably means that your hair isn't that porous. For me my hair sucks up any oil. But I prefer heavy oils because my hair is a weird porosity, meaning that it sucks up almost all liquids but it will be dry a few hours later.

ITA with your hair just not being porous, which is a good thing :)
My hair doesn't absorb oil as well either. My scalp does but not the hair. I found that light oils like coconut and jojoba are better on me than heavier ones like olive oil or castor. I'm gonna agree with Kaddy and tell you to try lighter oil like jojoba.
shellzfoshizzle said:
Silly question, but I need to ask.

My hair...with MOST (not all) hair products that I put on my hair, it doesn't absorb. For example, I tried to do what most ladies on here do and make an oil mixture in an applicator bottle and oil my hair and grease my scalp with that. But the oil just sits on my hair. You can see the little oil balls in the light on my dull hair. The oils I was using was MegaCare Vitamin E, Jojoba, Carrot Oil and a mix of the WGO. I also notice that with WGO alone, you can see the little oil balls on my hair like the next day. When I greased my scalp (which I don't do often) I noticed that the grease was still sitting on my roots the next day.

I notice this sounds weird but has anyone else experienced this as well? Is it because the oils are too light? I bought some Kemi Oyl (used to use this back in high school) and I noticed that a darker thicker oil absorbs in my hair. I think I'ma just stick with the Kemi Oyl.

Can someone tell me whats going on?
If you mean that your hair still manages to feel dry even with the oils on it, then this is exactly my situation. I just discovered S-Curl Afro Softener and I think it has soften the dryness. Afterwards, I put oil on my ends and I think it penetrates.