What's a good LIGHT-WEIGHT Hair-Oil

Has anyone tried Aphogee Essential Oils?

I've used Aphogee Essential Oils for years...does wonders for damage but its a heavy oil & has a weird cooking oil smell:perplexed. I'm using it now as part of my new hair growing regi to seal and its working really well...also gives a great shine, but I'm also washing and cowashing (and DCing of course!) 2x's a week so there's no build up.

Not to mention that huge bottle will last me forever!:lachen:
I am so surprised by everyone's Kemi Oyl response. I haven't used it in many, many years but I def don't remember it being light. I always thought it was thick. I may have 2 revisit it in the future.

Question for those of you that responded w/jojoba oil. Are you using it on all of ur hair or just certain areas i.e. scalp, ends, etc.?

When I was relaxed, I used Wanakee's oil. I thought it was pretty light. It may not have the best ingredients, though.
I used Kemi Oyl years ago & am not sure why I quit using it... I saw that I still had some under the bathroom sink the other day, not sure how long it's been there, but I used the last that was left of it & realized I love it all over again.

I used to think this was a somewhat heavy oil but now it seems to be quite 'Light' & just right for me.

This actually works better for my hair than the Moroccan Oil I raved over not too long ago...
I am so surprised by everyone's Kemi Oyl response. I haven't used it in many, many years but I def don't remember it being light. I always thought it was thick. I may have 2 revisit it in the future.

Question for those of you that responded w/jojoba oil. Are you using it on all of ur hair or just certain areas i.e. scalp, ends, etc.?

When I was relaxed, I used Wanakee's oil. I thought it was pretty light. It may not have the best ingredients, though.

I use it on my scalp for massaging, on my hair as a sealant and as a pre-poo:yep:. It works well every way I have tried it.
Where do you all purchase jojoba oil? Does anyone like Moroccan Oil or know where I can buy some? My new stylist used some on my hair yesterday and it came out lovely...
qhemet's oils. they come in a small 4oz though, but smell like lemon candy

the indian macassar is really really light.
the castor & moringa is thick like a serum, gives shine like one too. the site says moringa has cleansing properties too
Where do you all purchase jojoba oil? Does anyone like Moroccan Oil or know where I can buy some? My new stylist used some on my hair yesterday and it came out lovely...

My stylist used this on my hair a little while ago and the next day I was on the Internet looking for a place to buy it. I purchased a bottle and absolutely love it. It's a definite staple for me...my hair has a very nice shine and is extremely soft. You only need a little to see results so that although the bottle is expensive, I can see it lasting me at least a year.