Is There a Connection Between Hair Growth on the Head and on the Body?


New Member
Okay you guys, I know this might be a really odd question, but I really had to ask!!

I've mentioned this on other threads, but my hair has always been really, really short. I mean 2-5 inches at the most! Since going natural at the end of January, I attributed this to perms and or improper hair care. Today however, I had a really disturbing thought...

What if there's a connection between hair growth on the head, and hair growth on the body?

This would be disastrous for me and would wash my dreams of APL hair right down the drain! Why? Because I have no hair!!! :nono:

I don't know how well it shows on my pics and avatar, but my complexion is not very dark, and my legs are really light. In spite of this, I never have to shave my legs cause the hair on them is completely unnoticeable unless you look really close. Same thing with my arms and the rest of my body. I have short, thin lashes and brows, and even the hair under my arms is little more than extremely sparse peach fuzz! :blush:

On the other hand, the hair on my head, while being very short, is also very dense. It has strands that range from fairly thick to extremely fine, but most strands seem to be medium to slightly thin. :ohwell:

IDK. If anyone has any info, personal experience, previous threads, or any info at all on this subject, please let me know!

Again, I know this is a weird question but I just had to ask! :perplexed
My body hair is very light with the exception of my dark thick lashes and brows god knew what he was doing cause I hate shaving. My hair grows very thick and I get .5" a month no fail a little more if i use G.A.
Girl stop thinking about your hair or you will start to have crazy thoughts hence this one. LOL
I use to wonder why the texture if my pubic hair is different than my hair on head. I know TMI but those are the crazy hair thoughts i speak of....LOL
while it does seem that really hairy people also have thick hair on their heads, I have not observed this to be true AT ALL the other way around. Lots of people of all races with little body hair walking around with long growing hair . Don't stress, you are def on your way to APL. Your natural hair is very pretty. Hope this helps!
If the hair on my head grew like my eyebrows and eyelashes, you wouldn't be able to tell me nothing.:grin:
I was about to say the same thing...if my hair on my head grew as fast as my body hair...I will be waist length within a year

Although my leg hair is so fine you can't see it but I still shave
When I was pregnant, my hair grew like a weed - everywhere! I had hair on parts of my body that I didn't think grew hair. My hair on my head was the longest it's ever been.
I don't think there is a correlation b/w body hair and hair my head. Especially when I take vitamins. I'm a really hairy woman and if my hair grows the way my body grows then i'll be floor length by the end of next year. Luckily I waxed my sideburns before I took my avi pic cuz yall would have seen some grown a$$ men sideburns.:lachen:
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Luckily I waxed my sideburns before I took my avi pic cuz yall would have seen some grown a$$ men sideburns.:lachen:

Ms. Blue, I'm still at work and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make me laugh out loud talkin about grown a$$ men sideburns. When you laugh in an office by yourself, people tend to think you are crazy.:lachen:

I've been taking hair, skin, and nail vitamins. I have to constantly shave under my arms now more than ever. Now if my wanted hair caught up with the unwanted hair I would be the bizness.
I don't even have much body hair and I'm jealous of your complete absence of hair...must be nice! lol

Anywhoo to address your question I don't think you should be concerned about this whatsoever. Body hair has a MUCH shorter terminal length then hair on our scalps so you can't really compare the rate of growth, lack or growth or length of body hair to that of hair that comes from our scalps. Just stick to doing what your hair loves, religiously moisturize and protect those ends be solutions oriented and you'll reach all length and health goals you set for yourself:yep:
idk but i know my hair grows pretty fast and dense and unfortunately my body hair grows in even faster and just as dense....I honestly think I would rather have slower growing hair if it means less body hair......seriously I have to shave my legs twice a day
Lucky ladies with minimal-to-no body hair. How I wish...
But I'm just gonna echo the peeps above and agree that length wise, there's no connection between the two. Now when it comes to how fine or thick the strands are, I feel that there may be, but I could be completely wrong.
My body hair is very light with the exception of my dark thick lashes and brows god knew what he was doing cause I hate shaving. My hair grows very thick and I get .5" a month no fail a little more if i use G.A.
Girl stop thinking about your hair or you will start to have crazy thoughts hence this one. LOL
I use to wonder why the texture if my pubic hair is different than my hair on head. I know TMI but those are the crazy hair thoughts i speak of....LOL

This made me smile! I didn't know if I was being ridiculous or paranoid or what. I am just trying to accomplish something that, in the past has not been possible for me, and wanted to know if I was fighting a battle that was destined to end in failure. Thanks for the :slap: I needed it! :grin:

Luckily I waxed my sideburns before I took my avi pic cuz yall would have seen some grown a$$ men sideburns.:lachen:

This made me laugh too! I couldn't grow side burns if I tried! :spinning:

I don't even have much body hair and I'm jealous of your complete absence of hair...must be nice! lol

It is nice!! I go months, sometimes a year or more without shaving under my arms because unless you look REALLY close, it's not apparent that I even have hair under there!

As for the rest of your comment, it was very helpful and much appreciated! :yep:

idk but i know my hair grows pretty fast and dense and unfortunately my body hair grows in even faster and just as dense....I honestly think I would rather have slower growing hair if it means less body hair......seriously I have to shave my legs twice a day

Wow!! If my head hair grew that fast you wouldn't be able to tell me nuff'tin!! I'd be unstoppable!! :lachen::lachen:

Thank you ladies so much for responding to my ridiculous inquiry! I just really wanted to know because again, I have never had long hair and was worried that the lack of body hair was indicative of my head hair's ability to grow. :look:
My body hair is very very coarse and black. My head hair is medium coarse. If my hair was as strong as my body hair my hair would NEVER break. I wish.
there's no connection for me.. thank god... my body hair grows very, very slow... i only shave every few months and even then the hair is thin & wispy... the hair on my head is quite thick & grows pretty quick