I's Natural Now - Big Chop 07/13/2012


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm an "old head" so I don't start new threads; but I am excited about finally becoming natural and being a newbie all over again.

So a brief pictorial history:

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I started in January 2006 with a mess on my head; and with the help of so many amazing sista-friends at LHCF, I became a featured member in November 2008. I think I cried for a week.:lol:

I tried transitioning in 2009-2010, but I chickened out at 8.5 months post.:hammer: But I'm happy to say I finally successfully transitioned for 9 months, and I'm experiencing my natural hair for the first time. It's a struggle and thrilling at the same time. When I first decided to transition, you couldn't have paid me anything to convince me that I would have or wear a TWA. Nope......I was a diehard long-term transitioner. Short hair looks horrible on me, and will make me look so much older! NOT! :grin:

Big Chop 2.jpg
:love::love::love: I just fainted! All of that gorgeous gone! Wow! Seriously, you look really nice with your twa. They way your hair grows, it will down your back in not time. How long has it been since you have been natural?
:love::love::love: I just fainted! All of that gorgeous gone! Wow! Seriously, you look really nice with your twa. They way your hair grows, it will down your back in not time. How long has it been since you have been natural?

:lachen::lachen: Yeah, I couldn't transition with long hair, so I chopped to shoulder length a week after my last relaxer to seal the deal. I have been natural for a month. My one-month post pics were taken two days ago.
Hey Lavendar :wave: Congratulations on your BC! Your curly curls are beautiful and that skin of yours is so pretty, just flawless! :shocked:

I'm looking forward to watching your hair journey! :yep:

Congrats on your BC and you and your hair look beautiful! Okay now, I threw away all of the scissors in the house (except for kitchen shears and kid safety scissors for DD). Why are you posting your beautiful BC when I am determined not to cut one more strand?

I'm still hanging on as a long-term transitioner and life has me so busy I really can't think about my hair these days :spinning:
I was just looking at your old posts. Your hair is lovely. Beautiful natural hair and AMAZING skin. We need a reggie for that!