I's Natural Now - Big Chop 07/13/2012

I'm so late. Congrats on your BC and yes, I read the entire post and will be saving it for future reference.
Lavendar I remember you! I use to stalk your fotki when I first join, you and BabygurlNC were my hair idols. Can't believe everyone is natural now, it looks great, and please keep the board updated on your natural hair journey.

Okay girl! You just took me waaaaaay back!:lachen: I drooled over Babygurl's hair plenty of times myself; my hair just never could compare.:nono: That's a major compliment though, and I thank you kindly.

ETA: Sorry, I've been MIA sistas!!! I only had a 2-week summer break, and the Fall semester snuck up on me quickly. I am so encouraged by your support and so happy to see so many of my sistas from back in the day-day. :grin: My hair really is growing like a weed, and I just did my first self-trim.:yep:
Girrrrrrrrl I am months late on this! But I must agree with everyone.....it really looks good and it flattering on you. You are just beautiful!
I'm sure it has grown a bunch sinced you originally posted this.:yep:
