Big Chop now I'll let it grow long natural

wow, this is GAWJUS! You are beyond stunning. Congrats to you sweetie. Each year in January, for the past 3 years at least, I have shaved my head completely. Sweetie you look good....who knows I may be joining you in January :yep:.
Girl, you look GREAT!!!! I love love love your hair either way. Your texture reminds me of a friend of mine. Beautiful.
Tetbelle -you look great either way. I love the cut and that you do what you want regardless. It looks wonderful and i know u will have fun playing with the new tetxure. Do yo thang!
Girl, that cut looks really nice on you!

Almost makes me wanna bc again. (Although I'm not as confident and you and would probably hide it under wigs and stuff until it grew out some)LOL.

After cutting my hair in different styles and still not being satisfied I decided what I really wanted was to go natural again. I was afraid to chop it all off ... I tried to transition that didn't work. So I finally felt comfortable enough to just cut it all off soooo that's what I did. I feel really happy and liberated. I will enjoy this short length for a while.

Wow! You are so brave to cut off ALL of your hair! You look great! I can't wait to see your progress!
Congratulations on the courage to BC like that. I’m still a coward who is trying to hold on to every strand:lol: I know you feel a sense of relief, knowing the relaxer is gone! This style looks great on you.
Congratulations tetbelle! Your hair texture looks very nice! I can't wait to see your with longer natural hair. Enjoy! :)
I LOVE IT! You look great.

This is exactly what I did, I just chopped it off and actually wore it very short for a few years before I decided to grow my hair out.
Wow girl, you look amazing!!

IMO, a big chop is the way to go! I did it in high school and loved every stage of the growing out period. I think every woman should do it once in their lives. It can be invigorating and such a learning experience.

Glad the ol' courage came back. I'm so happy for you :yay:
I always thought you had fabulous hair! I really like your BC and that short cut looks great on you. I will be looking forward to your progress! :yep:
I LOVE IT! You look great

This is exactly what I did, I just chopped it off and actually wore it very short for a few years before I decided to grow my hair out.

I was just thinking how much I am enjoying it at this length and keeping it short for a while... I took a look at your beautiful!
:notworthy Girl, you are COURAGEOUS! But it looks great on you! Way to go! Here's to happy, healthy hair growing.