Big Chop now I'll let it grow long natural

Yeah:yep::yep::yep:this was a great move for you and your hair...I posted some pitcures to the gallery celebrating my big chop anniversary and my natural progress. You stay strong in your decision. Other people will try to convince you that you look better relaxed....they are afraid to take the step we took. You will not regret it:yep::yep::yep::yep:
I was just thinking how much I am enjoying it at this length and keeping it short for a while... I took a look at your beautiful!

Thank you. You are workin the cut Tetbelle, enjoy it.

Honestly, I really miss having my hair short, I used to jump in the shower in the AM and wash my hair right before work. I LOVED IT. I can no longer do
Tetbelle...OMG!!!!! I can't believe what I'm seeing :nono: It looks gorgeous and yes you are rockin' it, but Im just in shock.