Is my goal realistic?


New Member
Is this goal really realistic? I showed it to my mother and she just gave me that smile like "yea right!" but then was like might be able to do it. I thought I could reach my ultimate goal of mid-back length by December 07. What I would really like to do would be to grow it close to waist length and then cut off a good 5 inches or so to midback length so that the ends are nice, thick, and even. Because midback length is really my goal. Do you think I can do it by December 07? The first line shows where I want to be by December of this year (2006) and the second line shows where I want to be by December of next year (2007)


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I think your goal is very attainable. You are starting with healthy hair so that is a plus. Check with Sherrylove, I think her hair grew at about that rate so it is definitely possible in my opinion;)
I think it is a very agressive but definately achievable goal. How realistic it is for you depends on (1) how fast your hair grows and (2) how willing you are to consistently do the things that help your hair grow and also help you retain length.
Well around this time last year my hair was at the middle of my neck when straightened and now it's just below shoulder length. I've had trims/cuts in the past year as well so I'm not sure exactly how fast my hair grows. I take good care of it no breakage and its not dry. I just feel like it grows sooo slowww sometimes!
I think you can make it with little manipulation and a lot of Tender Love and Care :)

Oh.....patients, too!!! I think if you worry less about the length you're tryin to achieve and focus on keeping your hair healthy during the year, you'll be surprised at how much length you'll have at the end of this year.
I feel your goal is very realistic, especially with a good start and with all of the haircare knowledge you have.