The most important thing is that whatever you decide that it is not coming from an emotional moment of feeling 'maternal'.
Children are indeed a joy to have and to hold, but it is a serious commitment. They are not 'visiting', they are here for life.
Single Moms still have to account for taking time off work to attend to their child's needs which are many. Children's issues do not take care of themselves. As Moms we have to take off work for so many reasons to care for our precious ones. Children need so much and we can't change our minds when it becomes overwhelming which indeed it will.
There's a post that one of our members made in OT which is so wise.
caltron ( I hope she doesn't mind) shared this so well in her post about not building up becoming a parent just to give folks time to truly be thoughtful and wise regarding that decision. And she was speaking from a heart of love for children; nothing negative was in her post. She simply came from a heart of wisdom which make so much sense.
Children are so loveable that you cannot help but fall in love with them, but even as you mentioned not wanting to be 'bothered' with the Father and Marriage, parenthood has the very same elements that can cause that very same frustration.
Don't let them become a teenager. You'll need all the strength of Samson and the temperance of Job, just to get up in the morning to deal with a tween and teen.
All that love and cuteness goes out the window and you shut it tight so that it won't come back in.
God knows I love my babies (full grown) but the teen and tween years ... Only Jesus kept me and my babies alive. I truly applaude any parent who survives these years.
I'm not trying to discourage you. If this is truly what you are ready for, then by all means please adopt. I don't recommend artificial insemination as it still involves a man's DNA being placed inside of your body and one day you may wish to marry and you might have regrets for getting pregnant outside of him (your new husband).
To give life and joy to another child who has no one to love them is wonderful and should you do so, I wish you and this child all of the very best, indeed. Please don't be discouraged by what I've shared above, just be mindful and most of all, prayerful. This is about the lives of you and the life of the child, both who need stability.
Blessings to you...