Thank you for this...this is so powerful. A recent situation kinda has me feeling like i'm going backwards in my spirituality. I really needed this today.
This is so funny. The other night I was looking online for something similar. Lately, I've been thinking of my past recent sexual partner/kinda boyfriend a lot....alotalot, and he's been making appearances in my dreams.

It's not even all sexual thoughts, I've just been having a hard time completely releasing his essence from me.

It made me think of the Michelle hammond book I read where she mentioned soul ties, and it's crazy how a connection can be made through your Spirit (and crazy how frequent casual sex is nowadays, myself included in the past), and that you really have to pray to be released from such a connection.

I'm rambling, but thank you for posting/bumping this!
Hi ladies,

I have been lurking around here for a couple of years but did not join. I belong to several hair forums and I am a nurse and belong to some nursing forums too. I said to myself that you belong to way to many forums enough is enough. But I love the Christianity forum here and view it almost everyday. But when I saw this thread I decided to go ahead and join.

I was struggling with soul ties for a while. I would try to pray to break them but it seemed like I could never get the prayer to come out of my mouth. I have been through deliverance and finally most were broken but I messed up again and this last one I WAS struggling with. He had some items here and I finally mailed them off earlier today. I lurk on here just now and see this prayer. So I said this prayer and I can really feel things changing. I felt a great relief when I did this both mailing off his things and seeing the wonderful prayer. I feel like God is going to really start working in my life. He has already but I feel like my faith has been restored. Today has been a good day and I am glad I finally joined after lurking for 2 years. I love the Christian forum here because it is not like other "Christian" forums on other websites.
oooo thank you mitcy. this prayer is just right on time for me.

ot: it's so interesting to me that the name yah'shua is used in this prayer. at my church we use the hebrew names for almost everything (ex:yeshua instead of jesus) including the books of the bible. do you happen to remember where you found this prayer?
Thanks for this....if I knew then what I know NOW!!!! I cry just thinking about all the mistakes I have made before coming to the Lord.
This prayer always closes the door for me on unhealthy relationships. I'm glad it was here when I needed it.
Thank You for this thread. I have been actively prayed and breaking sexual soul ties from past relationships.

Mine was really bad, but i thank God for His faithfulness.
Soul Ties Prayer

There is a spiritual tie created by any act of sexual contact, whether willing or unwilling. The two become one flesh, whether inside or outside of marriage (Gen. 2:24, 1Cor. 6:15-17) The practical spiritual effect of this is that any spiritual bondage of the person with whom you have had sex seeps into you, and makes your spiritual walk much more difficult. This DOES NOT affect your salvation, but it can make living a life free of sin and full of victory in Jesus much more difficult. It also means that any demonic oppression any of your former sexual partners may suffer from can transfer to you. Additionally, condoms do not stop demons!
Thankfully, a simple prayer is all that it takes to cut those ties forever. If you are a Born Again, regenerated believer in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), YOU have the authority to do this simply by praying this prayer (or something similar) to Him and asking Him to deal with this:

"Abba Father, in Yah'shua's (Jesus') name, I humbly ask you to forgive me and cleanse me of the sin of fornication. I acknowledge it as sin and ask you to help me forsake in completely. I thank you for your forgiveness, in Yah'shua's name. Amen.

"Abba Father, I come before your throne of grace boldly, and covered in the shed blood of your Son. In Yah'shua's mighty name, I ask you to cut any and all ungodly soul ties between myself and anyone else [say NAME or NAMES if appropriate and remembered] created by sexual acts or any other relationship, known or unknown, remembered or forgotten. Please Abba Father, take the Sword of the Holy Spirit and separate my human spirit with the human spirits of anyone with whom I have ungodly sexual contact. In Yah'shua's name, I ask You to cleanse those ties by the blood of Yah'shua of any possible access through which Satan can trouble me or my family.

"By the authority of the name of the Lord Yah'shua the Messiah, I break the power of any and all covenants, contracts, dedications or commissions made over me [or my children, if any]. In the name of Yah'shua the Messian, my Master, I now command any and all demons which may have come into me by ungodly soul ties or any other sin to leave me at once, never to return. I bind you all together as one, and I weaken you with the Blood of Calvary. I command you to go where the Lord Yah'shua the Messiah tells you to go by the voice of His Holy Spirit.

"Abba Father, in Yah'shua's mighty name, I ask you to shut any doorways of demonic access opened into my life by ungodly soul ties or any other sort of sexual sin, and I ask you to seal those doorways forever with the Blood of the Lamb, shed on the cross of Calvary. I thank you for doing this, in Yah'shua's name, Amen.

I have a poem that I have written that was a song. This was an intense battle that I've had with a particular soul tie. It was messed up how it happened but here it is. This speaks to the danger of soul ties.

Why should I die
Bound to your soul tie
Bound to your soul lie
Bound to your soul death
I serve the Most High
I serve the Christ
I serve the light
I serve the Rock of Ages
I lived your life
I lived your pain
I lived your selfishness
So you could gain
The access to
Vein of my life
The pain of my
Past ties
You wanted me to be tied
You wanted me to die
So I couldn't live life
Now you're mad I'm free
Walking to be
Stronger than thee
Serving the Christ
Cause I
Can't be bound to your soul tie
Can't no longer die
Bound to your soul tie
Bound to your soul death

Copywright: C. Phillips
(No copying or distribution permitted without explicit permission)
Nice work on that poem luthiengirlie!

I saw this prayer for the first time yesterday and incorporated into my prayer session last night and really said every word with all my heart and I actually named my exes, even men I'd never been with but had an ungodly spiritual/emotional connection too.

Today one of them called me. I haven't talked to him in almost 3 years. We were on the phone for like 2 hours. I had heard that he changed. Was even going to church. I could tell by our conversation. But by the end of the convo I was recognizing the old person I knew. Bits and pieces are still there. He mentioned seeing me and I told him I'd have to get back with him about it. I don't think I'm going to, but I know I'll hear from him again.

I feel like this is suppose to be a test, the timing is really impeccable. Especially since even before I saw and said this prayer I've been recently thinking how much I'm preferring being single.
Nice work on that poem luthiengirlie!

I saw this prayer for the first time yesterday and incorporated into my prayer session last night and really said every word with all my heart and I actually named my exes, even men I'd never been with but had an ungodly spiritual/emotional connection too.

Today one of them called me. I haven't talked to him in almost 3 years. We were on the phone for like 2 hours. I had heard that he changed. Was even going to church. I could tell by our conversation. But by the end of the convo I was recognizing the old person I knew. Bits and pieces are still there. He mentioned seeing me and I told him I'd have to get back with him about it. I don't think I'm going to, but I know I'll hear from him again.

I feel like this is suppose to be a test, the timing is really impeccable. Especially since even before I saw and said this prayer I've been recently thinking how much I'm preferring being single.
I honestly admit I'm TIRED of being single. I want to date again. I want to feel like I am a woman. Not just a 23 year old college student/friend. :lachen: I wanna be someone's GIRLFRIEND. I want to be the person they can't wait to talk to or see!!!! But I don't wanna do things outside of His timing either. . Sighs. Such is life :sad: :look: :perplexed:
I honestly admit I'm TIRED of being single. I want to date again. I want to feel like I am a woman. Not just a 23 year old college student/friend. :lachen: I wanna be someone's GIRLFRIEND. I want to be the person they can't wait to talk to or see!!!! But I don't wanna do things outside of His timing either. . Sighs. Such is life :sad: :look: :perplexed:

I'm so conflicted. I had the best times with this guy. I loved the way he made me feel when I was with him and things were good. Now that he's seemed to have improved in alot of areas in his life that were seriously lacking and the cause for our break up, I have to admit that I am thinking "What if.." But I've also become accustomed to being single..From our conversation we seem to be on the same page about a lot but I don't see myself taking the chance again.

I am really happy he has God in his life and is improving his life but I'm just conflicted about even seeing him and spending time with him and allowing him back in my life like that.
I'm so conflicted. I had the best times with this guy. I loved the way he made me feel when I was with him and things were good. Now that he's seemed to have improved in alot of areas in his life that were seriously lacking and the cause for our break up, I have to admit that I am thinking "What if.." But I've also become accustomed to being single..From our conversation we seem to be on the same page about a lot but I don't see myself taking the chance again.

I am really happy he has God in his life and is improving his life but I'm just conflicted about even seeing him and spending time with him and allowing him back in my life like that.

if you feel CONFLICT about dude. Step back and search what YHWH has to say. He is not an God of confusion. I however wish I could figure where to get STARTED on dating again :nono: :perplexed:
if you feel CONFLICT about dude. Step back and search what YHWH has to say. He is not an God of confusion. I however wish I could figure where to get STARTED on dating again :nono: :perplexed:

I'm definately searching for the Holy Spirit's guidance on this but the thing is I'm not confused at all. I know exactly why I'm conflicted on whether or not I want to see him. It's based on our past (the person he was), what could possibly be (who he seems to be today) and where I am in my life right now (not wanting a relationship).

The conflict lies in me more than anything and it's something I know I'd probably be feeling with ANY man at this point. Although I do feel like I'm better off single...indefinately, a big apart of me still feels like I'm meant to have a partner in life. I don't want to make any more mistakes but I don't want to harden my heart too severely either, knowhatimsayin? We're very compatible. What if he's really allowed God to shape and mold him into the man he couldn't be for me before? What if we really could have something great? On the other hand, what if he hasn't really changed? Am I really willing to find out? Should I even try to find out?

I don't even know where to begin to help you out with your quest because mentally I'm not there, I know what I would do and where I would go when I was there and it's not something I could advise for you knowing I feel I've grown out of that stage. All I can say is to seek God first.
I am studying the power of prayer this weeks and I am sooo happy to see you state this. I needed to read that. I am praying for someone right now. Its difficult and I am conflicted a little because I worry my prayer may come from a heart of selfishness and not in pure love. Though I believe my intentions are pure, the human heart is depraved.

Needless to say, I prayed this prayer for myself and inserted all applicable names in the list. I will be doing the same for my special guy. Thank you for these prayers and this post Shimmie.

A man is 'drawn' to the woman who prays for him. It's a spiritual law being put into effect. You are reaping what you are sowing. As you sow the prayers and water them, God will give you the increase of your harvest...Your husband, set free.

This prayer is right on time - I have prayed for God to cut off my soul ties before, but I need it again. Especially now that marriage is on the horizon for me. I sent this prayer to my fiance as well, as we both have had premarital sex (but we are not having sex in our relationship - we continue to wait for each other and will wait until our wedding night).

Thank you for posting this!
Thank you for bumping this thread

My pastor talked to us about sexual soul ties. I felt like a fool because I didn't even know this existed. Makes sense though since God created us to be one flesh with our partner. Once I learned this last year the scales were removed from my eyes. I prayed this over myself and also my husband.