Thank you for this prayer. I was just talking about soul ties with my god daughter. I did forward the prayer to her.
It's so difficult to deal with my past at times but I thank God for His power to heal and restore when our hearts are truly repentent. Thank you for sharing this prayer!

You haven't seen your best days yet!!
Its interesting that someone bumped this. I said this prayer months ago when I first read it and recently an ex resurfaced and tried to come back into my life and now I know how powerful this prayer was. Before being reconciled back to God I always had a strange weakness for my exes and if they resurfaced I would always end up doing something I regretted. Well this time it was different. He addressed me by a name that would have flattered me in my sin but now as a daughter of God it disgusted me and I told him he better never address me that way again and blocked his number. A day later he inboxes me on Facebook and cursed me out in a way that I have never been cursed out before... And all I had the desire to do was pray, "Father forgive him. He knows not what he does." In the past I would have been broken into pieces by the things he said to me. This is a powerful prayer and when we allow God to rule on our lives we can experience true freedom from sexual strongholds.
Those that are believing God for a husband, I am with you and as @Shimmie said, you can pray for your mate in advance. God told me 4 years in advance I would be married and told me to prepare,as He prepared many women of the Bible before marriage. Not only did I become celibate but out of this celibacy and releasing my past partners that I fornicated with, I was able to know without a shadow of a doubt; who my REAL husband was because the Lord confirmed God's promise for my husband in my spirit. Nothing and no one could infiltrate that fortess. I surrendered to the Lord every area of my life concerning me being married:yep:. Had I not prayed and became celibate according to God's Word concerning my husband, I would probably still be in a rut and getting nowhere fast and lying to myself as a fornicating Christian(and I will not lie, if God got a hold of my hot behind; He can help ANYONE. I was borderline sex addicted many years ago)...God bless you all :)
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Its interesting that someone bumped this. I said this prayer months ago when I first read it and recently an ex resurfaced and tried to come back into my life and now I know how powerful this prayer was. Before being reconciled back to God I always had a strange weakness for my exes and if they resurfaced I would always end up doing something I regretted. Well this time it was different. He addressed me by a name that would have flattered me in my sin but now as a daughter of God it disgusted me and I told him he better never address me that way again and blocked his number. A day later he inboxes me on Facebook and cursed me out in a way that I have never been cursed out before... And all I had the desire to do was pray, "Father forgive him. He knows not what he does." In the past I would have been broken into pieces by the things he said to me. This is a powerful prayer and when we allow God to rule on our lives we can experience true freedom from sexual strongholds.

Those that are believing God for a husband, I am with you and as @Shimmie said, you can pray for your mate in advance. God told me 4 years in advance I would be married and told me to prepare,as He prepared many women of the Bible before marriage. Not only did I become celibate but out of this celibacy and releasing my past partners that I fornicated with, I was able to know without a shadow of a doubt; who my REAL husband was because the Lord confirmed God's promise for my husband in my spirit. Nothing and no one could infiltrate that fortess. I surrendered to the Lord every area of my life concerning me being married:yep:. Had I not prayed and became celibate according to God's Word concerning my husband, I would probably still be in a rut and getting nowhere fast and lying to myself as a fornicating Christian(and I will not lie, if God got a hold of my hot behind; He can help ANYONE. I was borderline sex addicted many years ago)...God bless you all :)

Amen to both. :amen:
This is a old thread but seen at a perfect time! Thanks.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Your post really resonated with me. I have been celibate for nine months and decided last week to be celibate until marriage instead of monogamy. I feel like by doing so it is bringing me closer to myself, god, my future husband, and my purpose. I can honestly feel it.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
@tinkat your so welcome! I am glad my decision on allowing the Lord to really take over my life in EVERY area. It made my life so much easier! Just to have His guidance is such a priviledge and honor!

Not trying to derail the thread but I just want you ladies to know YOU CAN BE VICTORIOUS OVER FORNICATION and bless yourself and others with living right. Fornication also goes with female on female also. So many people get so caught up on a "boo thang" they never take time to find out who they are and becoming a whole person before building a godly marriage because they are wrapped up in someone else and those soul ties:nono:. God bless you all!
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Thanks for bumping this.
I've been thanking God for my FH and praying for him daily for last few weeks. This thread is just confirmation that I'm on the right track. I'm going to start saying this prayer over the both of us from now on. Thanks again!
Is it normal for exes to pop back up? I've been praying for my FH & saying the soul ties prayer daily, now my ex is emailing me saying he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.
Is it normal for exes to pop back up? I've been praying for my FH & saying the soul ties prayer daily, now my ex is emailing me saying he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

AyannaDivine: Yes, it is normal and not always a good thing. A lot of times, exes are exes for a reason and their popping up is just a distraction.

I encourage you to pray to the Lord for wisdom and discernment concerning your ex. He will let you know whether to receive him back into your life as a FH or not. It may help to fast as well.

God Bless!
AyannaDivine: Yes, it is normal and not always a good thing. A lot of times, exes are exes for a reason and their popping up is just a distraction.

I encourage you to pray to the Lord for wisdom and discernment concerning your ex. He will let you know whether to receive him back into your life as a FH or not. It may help to fast as well.

God Bless!

Thank you. I'm starting a 21 day Daniel fast soon but may end up doing a few days of complete fasting for clarity on this issue. I don't think he's my FH but that soul tie is still strong.
Not trying to derail the thread but I just want you ladies to know YOU CAN BE VICTORIOUS OVER FORNICATION and bless yourself and others with living right. Fornication also goes with female on female also. So many people get so caught up on a "boo thang" they never take time to find out who they are and becoming a whole person before building a godly marriage because they are wrapped up in someone else and those soul ties:nono:. God bless you all!


What is a "boo thang?" Do you mean spending more time with friends than developing a stronger relationship with G-d?
Can you share any tips on how to prepare for marriage? I want to do the same thing and I ordered a bible study guide so that I can apply the bible in my daily life more. Any other tips?

Those that are believing God for a husband, I am with you and as @Shimmie said, you can pray for your mate in advance. God told me 4 years in advance I would be married and told me to prepare,as He prepared many women of the Bible before marriage. Not only did I become celibate but out of this celibacy and releasing my past partners that I fornicated with, I was able to know without a shadow of a doubt; who my REAL husband was because the Lord confirmed God's promise for my husband in my spirit. Nothing and no one could infiltrate that fortess. I surrendered to the Lord every area of my life concerning me being married:yep:. Had I not prayed and became celibate according to God's Word concerning my husband, I would probably still be in a rut and getting nowhere fast and lying to myself as a fornicating Christian(and I will not lie, if God got a hold of my hot behind; He can help ANYONE. I was borderline sex addicted many years ago)...God bless you all :)
Can you share any tips on how to prepare for marriage? I want to do the same thing and I ordered a bible study guide so that I can apply the bible in my daily life more. Any other tips?

God spent years preparing me for my husband. He led me to Christian books regarding marriage, submission, and how to pray as a wife and mother. I spent time in prayer and I had a few trusted female friends (2 married and 1 single) who prayed in agreement with me. I also sought the counsel of my pastor(s). I spent time searching the scriptures. I have always loved all things "domestic", but I also spent my time of waiting brushing up on these skills. God placed it on my heart to purchase kitchen appliances and even my wedding veil before I was even engaged.

Preparation gave me something positive to do while waiting and praying. It was my act of faith to show God that I believed He'd answer. And yes, there were times that the waiting was really hard. It was at those times that my prayer partners would stand in the gap for me. I have now been happily married for nine years.

My suggestion would be to pray and ask God how He wants you to prepare. He'll be faithful to show you.
God spent years preparing me for my husband. He led me to Christian books regarding marriage, submission, and how to pray as a wife and mother. I spent time in prayer and I had a few trusted female friends (2 married and 1 single) who prayed in agreement with me. I also sought the counsel of my pastor(s). I spent time searching the scriptures. I have always loved all things "domestic", but I also spent my time of waiting brushing up on these skills. God placed it on my heart to purchase kitchen appliances and even my wedding veil before I was even engaged.

Preparation gave me something positive to do while waiting and praying. It was my act of faith to show God that I believed He'd answer. And yes, there were times that the waiting was really hard. It was at those times that my prayer partners would stand in the gap for me. I have now been happily married for nine years.

My suggestion would be to pray and ask God how He wants you to prepare. He'll be faithful to show you.

Blackpearl1993- Thank you for your post...i've been reading more Christian books but I still need a Bible Study guide...and i've been having the urge to become more domestic but its been tough :blush: I've even prayed to God to show me classes I can take so please pray for me ladies I'm trying and even tho I dont look masculine I do carry that vibe with me
Blackpearl1993- Thank you for your post...i've been reading more Christian books but I still need a Bible Study guide...and i've been having the urge to become more domestic but its been tough :blush: I've even prayed to God to show me classes I can take so please pray for me ladies I'm trying and even tho I dont look masculine I do carry that vibe with me


Start inviting friends and family over for dinner, brunch, etc. It will give you the opportunity to practice your domestic skills with people you know and trust. There are so many good recipes online that you can sample all types of cuisine. The magazine Real Simple has all types of household tips, and it's fun to read. Try studying Proverbs 31. I have read it more times than I can count and I still learn something new every time.
Breaking sexual soul ties is something I briefly remember my church discussing several years ago. I stored it in the back of my mind and completely forgot about it. I was in an unhealthy relationship on and off from 2010 to 2012. Every time I would leave this guy somehow within a couple of weeks we were back together. I don't know what it was but by the time I turned 25 I realized that our relationship was based on sex. Even though it has been almost three years since we broke up he constantly tries to re enter my life. As a matter of fact he sent me a text after several months of leaving me alone the day that I discovered this thread. I have no desire to revisit this relationship. I know that he is not the one that God wants for me.