Is it true that in order to get a man I need to dumb down?

Be yourself and date someone who likes/loves you for who you are. Who would want to live the rest of their lives pretending to be something/someone they are not for the sake of maintaing a relationship.
Yeah, I felt that way for a minute, but then I realized it was cuz I was dating dumb dudes. After I stopped doing that my outlook changed.

So just don't date men who are dumb. :yep:
I don't think it is about dumbing down as much as it is about not talking over someone's head. I've met people, and I'm sure you have also, who "ride their education on their shoulders." They talk with all these big words and about all these big topics because they want you to see how educated they are. No one likes being talked down to. I went to law school, but my husband never went to college. He went into the Air Force after high school. Sometimes when we are talking, I'll use a "big" word and he'll laugh saying, "is that the big "a" word for today." Then he'll ask me what the word means and we go on from there.

As far as giving your real age, age is just a number. I didn't start dating my husband until I was 42 and we got married just before I turned 44. He always knew how old I was. You don't want a relationship with someone who can't accept who you are, education and age wise.
I don't think it is about dumbing down as much as it is about not talking over someone's head. I've met people, and I'm sure you have also, who "ride their education on their shoulders." They talk with all these big words and about all these big topics because they want you to see how educated they are. No one likes being talked down to. I went to law school, but my husband never went to college. He went into the Air Force after high school. Sometimes when we are talking, I'll use a "big" word and he'll laugh saying, "is that the big "a" word for today." Then he'll ask me what the word means and we go on from there.

As far as giving your real age, age is just a number. I didn't start dating my husband until I was 42 and we got married just before I turned 44. He always knew how old I was. You don't want a relationship with someone who can't accept who you are, education and age wise.

This gives me some hope that I still can meet someone and marry in my 40's. Im in my late thirties and no prospects :ohwell:

The times when I did feel I needed to dumb myself down were when I realized the guy I was dating was not all that intelligent anyway. So I just changed the type of men I was dating and have less problems from that stand point.
Girl, don't get discouraged. I was having a ball being single when I was in my thirties. Heck, I had a ball being single until I started dating my husband. Truth be told, there are some days that I wish I was still single.