Is it true that women look for attributes of their fathers in men?

Wow, very interesting thread!

My dad was not in my life at all. Maybe as a baby but honestly I don't know the backstory and never inquired. As far as i'm concerned he gave up on my and moved back to his home state.

SO is the opposit in that regard. When i tell him to hit the bricks he doesnt. Even when we are hitting a down note he sticks around and is there for me.
Uh yeah but that isn't a bad thing for everybody. My Dad had some damn good qualities. The good surely outweighed the bad.

If your guy doesn't meet your standards get out while you are ahead. The minute you realize what is real and true take matters into your own hands.
I tried to avoid my dad's type in my relationships but it seems as if I always get sucked back to his attributes. Reminds me of Jamie Foxx, "Fall For Your Type"
No. My father was paranoid, abusive and given to depression. I still loved him, because when he was happy, he was a good man. Unfortunately, those attributes led me to avoid any man that even remotely reminded me of him.
My FH and my father are complete opposites as far as personality goes. However, one thing that they do have in common that I really love about both of them is their fierce loyalty to family. My parents were together for 43 years(until his death) and he would have never left my mother for any reason.

FH is the same way. We just don't do divorce 'round these parts.
if you had a good relationship, then yes.

unfortunately, i look for the opposite personality of my father. very, very critical and distant. when i marry and have kids i'd like my daughters to want to marry a man like their father. i want my kids to have a very different experience than i did and i want them to see their father adore and cherish their mother :yep:
I went the opposite, tall, very slow to anger, very soft spoken and even tempered and affectionate.I love my dad, I just can't deal with him,