Is it just me...???


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or do you ladies also find that the men you meet show their asses way too soon. The men I've met lately were quick to show their worst sides before they even made an effort for my affection. Lately I've been trying dating online and I've met two men in the last 8 months who seemed, for the lack of a better word, crazy. For example, the most recent guy completely flipped on me and told me that I couldn't handle a man like him. Mind you, he lives in a different time zone and keeps telling me he has all these feelings for me and I told him basically actions speak louder than words and if you want this relationship to go somewhere then you would have to show your interest. He turned around and said that I can't handle a man lilke him and I'm very insecure. I am so confused because I don't remember being insecure and I don't remember a moment where I felt like he was too hot to handle or saying anything that implied that. I am so dumbfounded. I thought this guy would end up being someone special but the 180 degree turn just left me completely turned off. The guy before him snapped at me very suddenly and told me I asked him too many questions and to just stop and for the life of me I can't remember what the hell he was talking about...even in that moment. Is it me? Am I losing my mind? I don't get it...I'm a good catch, I have a good job, I have good goals and aspirations, I take care of my kid well, I don't have baby daddy drama, I am kind, and lady like but I tend to cause these angry outbursts in these men and I have no idea why. I am usually smiling or laughing at the times I am snapped at and the two men in question are both sagitarrius and they both made it a point to tell me they prefer light skinned women. Does this have something to do with it??? What do you ladies think? Is is just me???
better they show their @sses right away so you KIM as opposed to you catching feelings then the @ss comes out...
It may be just them but both of them complained about how you came across and somehow offended them. I cant tell from what you posted if it's you or not but it is something to consider.
What were you saying before they snapped? Many of the men who date online are lazy and lack what it takes to get and keep a woman off the net. I have found a lot of imaturity and inpatience. Furthermore, women are so accomodating and coddling to men these days, men neither feel like they should work or fight to keep a good woman. You really have to weed through the barrow of bad apples out there.
What were you saying before they snapped? Many of the men who date online are lazy and lack what it takes to get and keep a woman off the net. I have found a lot of imaturity and inpatience. Furthermore, women are so accomodating and coddling to men these days, men neither feel like they should work or fight to keep a good woman. You really have to weed through the barrow of bad apples out there.

Thank you because the way you describe online men describes these men very well. They both had a shrug about the shoulders attitude about everything and it was me speaking up about lack of this or that that caused one of them to snap at me. I'm not the kind of woman who just puts up with any old kind of thing and if that makes me doomed to be be it.
Is it just me or do you ladies also find that the men you meet show their asses way too soon. The men I've met lately were quick to show their worst sides before they even made an effort for my affection. Lately I've been trying dating online and I've met two men in the last 8 months who seemed, for the lack of a better word, crazy. For example, the most recent guy completely flipped on me and told me that I couldn't handle a man like him. Mind you, he lives in a different time zone and keeps telling me he has all these feelings for me and I told him basically actions speak louder than words and if you want this relationship to go somewhere then you would have to show your interest. He turned around and said that I can't handle a man lilke him and I'm very insecure. I am so confused because I don't remember being insecure and I don't remember a moment where I felt like he was too hot to handle or saying anything that implied that. I am so dumbfounded. I thought this guy would end up being someone special but the 180 degree turn just left me completely turned off. The guy before him snapped at me very suddenly and told me I asked him too many questions and to just stop and for the life of me I can't remember what the hell he was talking about...even in that moment. Is it me? Am I losing my mind? I don't get it...I'm a good catch, I have a good job, I have good goals and aspirations, I take care of my kid well, I don't have baby daddy drama, I am kind, and lady like but I tend to cause these angry outbursts in these men and I have no idea why. I am usually smiling or laughing at the times I am snapped at and the two men in question are both sagitarrius and they both made it a point to tell me they prefer light skinned women. Does this have something to do with it??? What do you ladies think? Is is just me???

Judging from your avatar, I could see that you are dark skin woman. I am dark myself. I am thinking that if these guys made it their point to tell you that they prefer light-skin women when you are not. They are trying to tell you that they made a exception/settlement for you and you should be honored/grateful that you even got their attention.They may feel that don't have to work/pretend as hard as would to get their preferred light-skin women, because in their twisted, little color-struck minds dark women are not as attractive/wanted and thus they don't have to try that hard to get one. In their minds, Dark skin women are the back-ups just in case those light-skin women don't work out.

How do I know? Well, I've encountered men who have made a point to tell me they don't usually talk to dark skin girls, but I was an exception and I should happy they talked to me since most men won't. Don't worry about these men, they are small-minded idiots. Be glad they showed their true colors from the get-go, so you can get them out of your life and clear the way for someone worthy of your time and affections. Too bad some poor light skin women are going to be bamboozled though, since those men will try their hardest to be fake and win them over before showing their asses.
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^^^ This might be part of it. Also I found internet dating like needle in a haystack. Lot's of bleh and with any luck the occassional gem.

But based on what you posted, it sounds like they felt you were judging them or trying to figure out if they were worth your time by asking lots of questions or putting them in a position to prove their worthiness.

Thank you because the way you describe online men describes these men very well. They both had a shrug about the shoulders attitude about everything and it was me speaking up about lack of this or that that caused one of them to snap at me. I'm not the kind of woman who just puts up with any old kind of thing and if that makes me doomed to be be it.

Perhaps you should shrug your shoulders too. There are so many options when it comes to dating that people are dismissive and blasé. I was accused of being blasé, but he was trying to rush me into emotions and actions on the first day. :nono: I thought he was cute, witty and talented. He had my attention, until he bumrushed me. Accussing me of playing games because I didn't want to go on cam or when I called him private. When I did call him with my number showing he left message after message after message. Then he would call and just hangup. :perplexed

Online dating is not working out for me. I'm trying, but I really want to meet a guy the old fashioned way, on the streets. But these men are so socially retarded it's tough striking up a good conversation that will lead to something tasteful. Anyway, off to check my flirts. :spinning:
Judging from your avatar, I could see that you are dark skin woman. I am dark myself. I am thinking that if these guys made it their point to tell you that they prefer light-skin women when you are not. They are trying to tell you that they made a exception/settlement for you and you should be honored/grateful that you even got their attention.They may feel that don't have to work/pretend as hard as would to get their preferred light-skin women, because in their twisted, little color-struck minds dark women are not as attractive/wanted and thus they don't have to try that hard to get one. In their minds, Dark skin women are the back-ups just in case those light-skin women don't work out.

How do I know? Well, I've encountered men who have made a point to tell me they don't usually talk to dark skin girls, but I was an exception and I should happy they talked to me since most men won't. Don't worry about these men, they are small-minded idiots. Be glad they showed their true colors from the get-go, so you can get them out of your life and clear the way for someone worthy of your time and affections. Too bad some poor light skin women are going to be bamboozled though, since those men will try their hardest to be fake and win them over before showing their asses.

I'm so glad you posted this because that's what it feels like. They always tell me...3 guys in a row now...that they prefer light skinned women and they always have this smug attitude as if I should take what I get and I'm completlely out of line if I speak up. I'm glad you pointed this out to me because I was feeling like my dark skin had something to do with it but I couldnt be sure.
Perhaps you should shrug your shoulders too. There are so many options when it comes to dating that people are dismissive and blasé. I was accused of being blasé, but he was trying to rush me into emotions and actions on the first day. :nono: I thought he was cute, witty and talented. He had my attention, until he bumrushed me. Accussing me of playing games because I didn't want to go on cam or when I called him private. When I did call him with my number showing he left message after message after message. Then he would call and just hangup. :perplexed

Online dating is not working out for me. I'm trying, but I really want to meet a guy the old fashioned way, on the streets. But these men are so socially retarded it's tough striking up a good conversation that will lead to something tasteful. Anyway, off to check my flirts. :spinning:

I am kinda with you on the online dating biz. I think I'm done because I have yet to find one man who made me happy I gave it a try.