Is it just me not believing she's all natural!


Active Member
Ok, I was on youtube interested in learning how to roller set with natural hair and I came across this video. She has a beautiful full head of hair but I just can't see her being all natural as stated. If you look at the ends opposed to her roots there is a significant difference. Maybe it's just me but it's hard to believe. I just want to see if any of my lhcf sisters could chime in and give yr opionion. Unless........she has some serious heat damage going on, like 5-6 inches on the ends going up. I hate to say it but it is either a severe case of heat damage or a chemical of some sort she is growing out.
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Hey, she did state she "went natural" in 2009, that could just mean she's still transitioning, or that could be heat damage or shw could have a wack texture...but there definitely is a difference IMHO.
I'd like to think she's telling the truth about her hair. But...*looks really hard to find some kind of all.* Maybe heat damage? *shrug*
Hey, she did state she "went natural" in 2009, that could just mean she's still transitioning, or that could be heat damage or shw could have a wack texture...but there definitely is a difference IMHO.
If I'm not mistaken she stated earlier that the only time she had a chemical in her hair was when she was six yr's old! And she don't look as if she is 8 or 9 in the video. OK, she says she's been straightening her hair all her life.
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did she say she was all natural?

i didnt watch the whole vid but it says she started going natural in oct 2009 and that vid was posted april 2010 so its not a stretch to say she is still transitioning in that video.

if she did say she was natural she just is one of those people who might think she is natural because she stopped getting a perm.:rolleyes:
she said she went natural in 09 but she had been straightening it ( i guess flat ironing) a lot. she didn't cut off her heat damaged hair which i think is why it looks like 2 different textures. i flat ironed my bangs a lot and they are completely straight while the rest is curly.
did she say she was all natural?

i didnt watch the whole vid but it says she started going natural in oct 2009 and that vid was posted april 2010 so its not a stretch to say she is still transitioning in that video.

if she did say she was natural she just is one of those people who might think she is natural because she stopped getting a perm.:rolleyes:
she states straightening, not relaxing! so I am perplexed
she is natural

had a relaxer once at 6

she has been straightening her hair most of her life

my conclusion is heat damage heat trained etc etc
i think its heat damaged...she said she used to straighten her hair all the time & then decided to "go natural", but then there's people who never had a relaxer (like CurlyNikki) or only had one as a kid, but never embraced their curls, so "going natural" for them is about wearing their natural texture/cutting back on using heat to straighten...however i dont think that's ole girl in the video's natural texture due to all the previous heat use...
she said she went natural in 09 but she had been straightening it ( i guess flat ironing) a lot. she didn't cut off her heat damaged hair which i think is why it looks like 2 different textures. i flat ironed my bangs a lot and they are completely straight while the rest is curly.
yeah, I see yr point but I thought when I bc'd a second time this past Oct that I had heat damage too bc the front of my hair has a very loose curl pattern to it so I cut it all off again to three inches to assure I got rid of all my texlax hair. But then after I did the bc I realized it's my natural hair and no heat damage bc I never used heat when I had the scurl (in the box). So I am assuming in her case from her title Natural hair that it has to be heat damage. She never mentioned anything about transitioning.
i think its heat damaged...she said she used to straighten her hair all the time & then decided to "go natural", but then there's people who never had a relaxer (like CurlyNikki) or only had one as a kid, but never embraced their curls, so "going natural" for them is about wearing their natural texture/cutting back on using heat to straighten...however i dont think that's ole girl in the video's natural texture due to all the previous heat use...
Hey girl, my sentiments exactly.
My first thought was that maybe she's transitioning. If not, I'd say her ends were suffering moderate heat damage. There's definitely a difference between the roots the ends.

Her silk wrap came out nice though. :)
Someone commented saying that she admits to having heat damage.

XxJulez18xX said:
your hair is beautiful!!! but as you said yourself....youre suffering from crazy heat damage! hopefully you'll get the courage to chop off those straggley ends soon! Loved the video :-)
If I'm not mistaken she stated earlier that the only time she had a chemical in her hair was when she was six yr's old! And she don't look as if she is 8 or 9 in the video. OK, she says she's been straightening her hair all her life.

LOL OP, I don't understand b/c if the only time she's been a relaxed head was when she was 6, then why did she "go natural" in 2009? Just a thought. I am going to conjoin with the masses and say lots of heat damage :look:
I think she's really pretty, but i've never seen heat damage so consistent throughout the entire head. It looks like she has a couple inches of new growth on bonelaxed hair.
LOL OP, I don't understand b/c if the only time she's been a relaxed head was when she was 6, then why did she "go natural" in 2009? Just a thought. I am going to conjoin with the masses and say lots of heat damage :look:

that's what im trying to figure out..
Her ends look relaxed to me. Just my opinion. Also, it's best to dampen/re-wet hair while rollersetting to get a smooth set. Her results weren't bad for a first try.
Heat damage. Some people do not believe that wearing their hair straight is equivalent to wearing their hair natural so maybe she holds this belief as well....
heat damage. my hair looked like that after the relaxer was totally gone but i was still using marcel irons to flat iron my hair.
ITA that it could be heat damage because mine was really bad, but it does look pretty consistently straight all throughout her head, which does seem a little odd. When I had bad heat damage, it definitely didn't have a consistent pattern.

OT but... Lol @ the person who commented that the language of the music wasn't appropriate for a young lady.
"F*" is "f*" regardless of whether or not you have a peen....
And I'm mad "young ladies" are restricted in the music to which they listen... lol.
Looks like type 4 hair that has been combed or brushed out. My hair type 4 hair can look relatively straight with just a comb and brush.